So how's the post Thursday world going to affect Ribbbers in England (at least)?
For me it's meant getting back from a weekend on Dartmouth last night- getting the trailer pulled out - (lightingboard fine
), one wheel to unstick and a 3.30 start this morning
for a near 300 mile round trip to Brixham to pull the boat out (on the most inconvenient tides) before Thursday. didn't want to risk lockdown being extended and her being left on the dock until after Christmas.
Pelted down with rain all the way there and whilst getting boat recovered & strapped down just for good measure!
I wasn't the only one with that plan today. Torbay Council were quick - the had a chap there collecting slip fees at 0830 - probably not a normal Tuesday job in November
At least she's nowsecure on the drive safe from any winter storms. Maybe some winter days on the Solent will beckon from early Dec