I Launch and recover mostly on my own whilst the wife sits having a coffee, or had decided it was too cold or too rough to come out.
Things are very different if you launching straight into the sea or do you have a sheltered slipway in a harbour etc.
I launch into a harbour so its relatively easy as its nice and calm and have places to more up when parking the car and trailer up. I do launch / recover very occassionaly straight into the sea if i'm going out a low tide, but should the wind be up it makes it a little more interesting.
Make sure you have everything ready and in the boat. I have rollers on the trailer so i simply reverse the trailer down, gather up a length of rope attached to the boat (not wrapped around hand) and release the back up chain, then release the winch brake. The boat simply rolls striaght off the trailer without issue, leaving me hanging onto the rope, enough to pull it round and tie it up. On returning i slip the winch on and simply start winding.
This thread may also be of use for when a friend got a larger rib and struggled.