29 January 2012, 16:52
Country: Ireland
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Posts: 56
Originally Posted by Mollers
Can someone please have a serious word with this guy? 
Well as you seem to know,why dont you tell us all whats wrong with them save you banging your head off a wall all day
29 January 2012, 17:29
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by ronin
I can highly recommend Ribcraft ribs - used a 6.8 before getting my own 7.8 and the 6.8 was a cracking rib. They are extremly well built and very, very tough. People have criticised customer service at the factory but other than having to chase a few unanswered calls or emails the team have always been brilliant...
My experiance exactly
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
A Wise Man learns by other people's!
The Road to HELL ..is Paved with "Good inventions!"
29 January 2012, 17:54
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Can someone please have a serious word with this guy? 
Mollers, you are not suggesting that someone who hasn't even received delivery of his new rib, and who doesn't claim to have tried or past experience of other brands is in some way not the most impartial or highly qualified reviewer are you? Sounds about normal to me, and since Twim's not around Ribeye are needing a new "Brand Advocate"
29 January 2012, 18:28
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Posts: 14,935
Originally Posted by Polwart
and since Twim's not around Ribeye are needing a new "Brand Advocate" 
Twim is still around - almost a regular. I might take that new Ribeye guy under my wing, show him how it's done...(and annoy Mollers a bit more)
29 January 2012, 19:50
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
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Make: Osprey Vipermax
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Posts: 4,021
Come on Twim, show your face..
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
29 January 2012, 20:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Mayfair, London
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Posts: 691
Originally Posted by mattiasb
I've actually had one myself, wasn't too impressed with quality or I should say assembly. Also had a 225 Honda but she wobbled a bit so I put a 175 Suz on her instead, but I reckon the 225 was to short in the leg.
Yes indeed. Osprey's are fairly good Ribs, but quality is very much hit or miss.
The reason? So many are home finished; they are really the equivalent of a kit car. Some finished extremely well, some rather poor.
That's all very well if you find a good one, but the trouble is the resale value is relatively low say compared to a quality Rib with strict factory control and after sales service like Ribeye.
By all means pick-up a used Osprey at a bargain price and enjoy it, but be prepared for it not to be worth much when put back on the used market.
29 January 2012, 20:44
Country: UK - England
Town: Sussex
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Do you get RIB snobs in the same way you get raggie ones? I mean, when I bought a Bavaria many years ago I was laughed at by the Halberg Rassey, Maxi, Malo and so on crowd, and was constantly reminded how bad the Bavaria, Beneteau and Jeaneaus were and how they were not sea worthy and would let me down in big seas, I pointed out that all I, like the rest of them, didn't need a dirty great ocean going yacht with all the gadgets for a trip to the South Atlantic when all I was going to do was potter round the Solent.
Having said that the same cant really be said with RIBS, Bavarias and such like were half the price of the expensive boats, yet Ribeyes seem quite a lot more expensive than those made by the smaller builders but lack in quality like a mass production boat tend to.
29 January 2012, 21:00
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by timw
By all means pick-up a used Osprey at a bargain price and enjoy it, but be prepared for it not to be worth much when put back on the used market.
Timw, based on the prices Peter(B&O) posted on another thread recently I don't think Ribeye 2nd hand values are exactly staggering either. Certainly there is no evidence of a lack of demand for either Vipermax's or Ribeyes in the used market; although it seems all brands seem to have taken a hammering since the "credit crunch".
Originally Posted by thomas
Do you get RIB snobs in the same way you get raggie ones?
yes - although car brands are probably a better comparison.
Having said that the same cant really be said with RIBS, Bavarias and such like were half the price of the expensive boats, yet Ribeyes seem quite a lot more expensive than those made by the smaller builders but lack in quality like a mass production boat tend to.
If you search the forums you will find that a lot has been said about this. In essence Ribeyes are considered relatively expensive for what you get (although most owners seem very happy). However it is well trodden ground.
29 January 2012, 21:10
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 1,160
Originally Posted by Polwart
Timw, based on the prices Peter(B&O) posted on another thread recently I don't think Ribeye 2nd hand values are exactly staggering either. Certainly there is no evidence of a lack of demand for either Vipermax's or Ribeyes in the used market; although it seems all brands seem to have taken a hammering since the "credit crunch".
I was chatting to one of the guys in the marina office the other day and every man and his dog are down sizing from large marina berths to ribs on trailers so demand is high right now, so much so that they are planning to expand the trailer parking and looking at putting other ways of accommodating them.
29 January 2012, 21:21
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Chris
Come on Twim, show your face..
That was very impressive Chris. See if you can "Summon" Charles next, or Manos. I missed out on them, being such a newbie
BTW, Timw has a better profile view....
29 January 2012, 21:24
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
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Make: Osprey Vipermax
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Posts: 4,021
Originally Posted by timw
By all means pick-up a used Osprey at a bargain price and enjoy it, but be prepared for it not to be worth much when put back on the used market.
If you pick one up at a Bargain price you certainly will enjoy it. As for used prices I have owned and sold two and lost virtually nothing on each one. Not many boats you can say that about.
Let's face it Twim your just clueless as well all know...
It's worth remembering the sort of twaddle advice that has been offered in the past
Ahh Tim, you really are a card..
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
29 January 2012, 21:28
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
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Make: Osprey Vipermax
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Posts: 4,021
Originally Posted by willk
That was very impressive Chris. See if you can "Summon" Charles next, or Manos. I missed out on them, being such a newbie
BTW, Timw has a better profile view....
I notice he's wearing sunglasses to hide the wobbly eye.
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
29 January 2012, 22:37
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by willk
I might take that new Ribeye guy under my wing, show him how it's done...(and annoy Mollers a bit more) 
Crack on.
29 January 2012, 23:30
Country: UK - England
Town: Burntwood
Boat name: iRib
Make: Ribeye S650
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Posts: 91
Originally Posted by willk
I might take that new Ribeye guy under my wing, show him how it's done...(and annoy Mollers a bit more) 
Oooo is this me?
29 January 2012, 23:34
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by jas07
Oooo is this me? 
Yes, I'd stand my ground and resist his charms if I were you.....
30 January 2012, 07:19
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Originally Posted by Chris
That was a belting piece of advice he gave, shame he never capsized and took his own advice....
30 January 2012, 08:07
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Mollers, you are not suggesting that someone who hasn't even received delivery of his new rib, and who doesn't claim to have tried or past experience of other brands is in some way not the most impartial or highly qualified reviewer are you?
Yep, another one.
30 January 2012, 08:12
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Yep, another one. 
Eh? What? Speak up!
Impartially deaf
04 February 2012, 20:54
Country: Ireland
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 10
Hi Jas,
we are currently looking seriously at a Ribeye 6M, any insight you have would be greatly appreciated, are they suited to coastal waters ...... west cork in Ireland on the Atlantic?
Thanks, Paddy
04 February 2012, 20:58
Country: Ireland
Length: 6m +
Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 10
Hi Mollers,
I am currently looking at a Ribeye 6M, any insight you have would be greatly appreciated, would it be suitable for coastal waters in west cork, Ireland on the Atlantic?
Thanks, Paddy
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