I have a flatacraft force 4 GT which I'm in the process of rebuilding. Some of the gab handles are worn/missing and was wondering if anyone could help. These are of the canvas tape type. Looking to purchase or make or similar item. Cheers Taxibill
I remember the type of handles you are talking of being fitted to the whole Flatacraft range from quite early on in production.
I also remember making some replacements with my father when some of them on our Force 4 got beyond repair.
We cut some circles of Hypalon with slots in the middle and had some short lengths of webbing sewed back to back with about an inch and a half at either end left loose.
The webbing was pushed through the slot then opened up and glued back to the hypalon circles. Bit like a split pin or old fashioned paper fastener.
With one of these on each end it was then just a case of gluing them to the tubes.