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Old 25 April 2022, 12:26   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: bournemouth
Boat name: n/a
Make: Highfield
Length: 4m +
Engine: outboard petrol 40hp
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 5
Looking for spearfishing buddies in Christchurch

Hi guys.

I am now the proud owner of a 4.6m highfield rib and already had more fun on it then I did on my sib from last year. I am looking to get into spearfishing ( I have the gear ) and have had a few test dives and loved it.

My boat is based in Christchurch and looking to spearfish anywhere along the coast from old harry's rock to the isle of wight. I am definitely interested to do this with others and thought I would at least try to see if anyone else fancies joining me.

I would be really grateful if anyone could share some knowledge on where to go in certain weather conditions. I am still new to the sheltered spots good for spearfishing and any tips would be gratefully received.

I am also interested what the preferred method is for a pair of spearos. Do you keep one person in the boat and the other in the water to allow for picking them up etc or do you anchor up and have both in the water? I am worried the anchor might break or come lose though but I suppose 2 anchors would suffice.

Again any tips would be very welcome.
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Old 25 April 2022, 19:41   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset
Boat name: Seabadger 2
Make: Delta / Ribcraft 6.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Various
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 743
I do a bit of spearfishing along that coastline. Really do not recommend leaving the boat unattended at sea unless somewhere there are other moorings etc. Especially places like Old Harry where spectators on the cliffs above are likely to report an unmanned craft to the coast guard. Secondly there is lots of boat traffic, especially jet skis and these new hover boards whizzing around at crazy speeds all over the place. Having someone in control of the boat as a lookout for your safety is important, a good helm will know when its necessary to position the boat to force other craft to give you some space. Also always fly a big A flag - proper blue and white one, as large as you can, who knows some people even know what it means. Finally think carefully when / where you swim. Some places are asking for an accident at busy times, whereas in the evenings or early mornings with less boat traffic can be a lot safer
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Old 26 April 2022, 12:21   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: bournemouth
Boat name: n/a
Make: Highfield
Length: 4m +
Engine: outboard petrol 40hp
Join Date: Apr 2022
Posts: 5
Many thanks for your reply there is some great information there. I have purchased a dive flag for the boat and a floating dive flag for the water. Can you recommend any sheltered spots to start spearfishing from? Old harry's look good on paper but I know it can get very busy over there. Is there anything on the west/ south coast of of the isle of wight? If you ever fancy joining me you are more then welcome.
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Old 26 April 2022, 19:33   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Lizard
Join Date: Nov 2021
Posts: 43
Hey Pezza. Im new to spearfishing also but more towards the Lizard side of the world. If you are ever in the area, get in touch!
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Old 26 April 2022, 21:33   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset
Boat name: Seabadger 2
Make: Delta / Ribcraft 6.8
Length: 7m +
Engine: Various
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 743
There is a good Dorset Spearfishing group on Facebook you could join, also a formal club British Spearfishing Association which offers cheap membership with benefits like insurance and regular events, often in Dorset. With regard to specific spots I'd not want to publicise these openly. Good luck!
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