I do a bit of spearfishing along that coastline. Really do not recommend leaving the boat unattended at sea unless somewhere there are other moorings etc. Especially places like Old Harry where spectators on the cliffs above are likely to report an unmanned craft to the coast guard. Secondly there is lots of boat traffic, especially jet skis and these new hover boards whizzing around at crazy speeds all over the place. Having someone in control of the boat as a lookout for your safety is important, a good helm will know when its necessary to position the boat to force other craft to give you some space. Also always fly a big A flag - proper blue and white one, as large as you can, who knows some people even know what it means. Finally think carefully when / where you swim. Some places are asking for an accident at busy times, whereas in the evenings or early mornings with less boat traffic can be a lot safer