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Old 16 June 2011, 22:51   #21
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Perhaps the Old Harry 'hustler' .. is mates with the Lulworth cove 'cowboy'
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Old 16 June 2011, 23:33   #22
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Originally Posted by timw View Post
Nothing wrong at all...a bit of fun beating up the coast. No harm to anyone.

Why is it that this nanny state is overun by those health and safety merchants so typified by certain Ribnet wardens? Fun? Oh no, not without a safety assesment first and if spotted a thoroughly outraged post will appear on Ribnet with muttered threats of reports to the CAA. Anyone get the registration? Lucky for the pilot he was too far away otherwise the authorities would be inundated by emails from certain jobsworths on here.

Is it the case that the manservants in Terry-Thomas's time are now the inflatable boat owners of today looking to get their own back on their former masters?

I see a grudging resentment by many on here of the "devil may care" attidude so typified by the ruling class that once made this country great...
Sorry the video didn't do it justice, if you had been there you would have seen what the issue was. People including kids on the cliff, people in canoes beneath him, one mistake and he would have been killed plus others.
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Old 17 June 2011, 08:57   #23
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
Old Harry 'hustler' .. and his mate the Lulworth cove 'cowboy'
So you're still drinking with them at the Blue Oyster Bar then !
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Old 17 June 2011, 09:49   #24
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Originally Posted by boristhebold View Post
Sorry the video didn't do it justice, if you had been there you would have seen what the issue was. People including kids on the cliff, people in canoes beneath him, one mistake and he would have been killed plus others.
How was he a danger to those above on the cliff?

I can't see any canoes - maybe he didn't either (not saying that is right though).

How do you know he would be dead? More so how do you know he would have killed others?

What sort of mistake where you thinking? Pretty much straight and level flight - one of the first things taught to student pilots. How do you know he isn't a x-000's hours commercial pilot who safely takes you and your family on holiday abroad every year?

Were you sensible in steering what looks like a converging course towards him?

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Old 17 June 2011, 11:28   #25
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What sort of mistake where you thinking? Pretty much straight and level flight - one of the first things taught to student pilots. How do you know he isn't a x-000's hours commercial pilot who safely takes you and your family on holiday abroad every year?
Because they wouldn't be stupid enough to risk their livelihood by getting involved in a stunt which if brought to the CAA's attention could have got them in a great deal of trouble. Professional pilots who display their skills in flying displays are in my experience fastidious about complying with the rules. They understand that their and others lives depend upon it. The accident records contain many instances of private pilots who have been killed while showing off - low fly pasts of their passengers' homes are particularly foolhardy and dangerous!
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Old 17 June 2011, 11:59   #26
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I bet he wasn't operating a video camera at the same time as flying his plane though. That would be dangerous.......
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Old 17 June 2011, 12:07   #27
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Quote TWIM "I see a grudging resentment by many on here of the "devil may care" attidude so typified by the ruling class that once made this country great... "

Ooooh errrrrr! I feel a land of 'ope 'n Glory " moment coming on !

Touches cap & nods deferently.........Thanks for bothering to come on here TWIM and put all us peasants straight !

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Old 17 June 2011, 12:23   #28
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I'd like to be a fly on the wall when that bunch decide to drill a hole in a console!

I shouldn't get overly stressed about the Hand's lordly ramblings - it's probably over on some "wealth" related forum ("Bankers" Anonymous? ) pitching itself as one of the downtrodden masses. Anything for a rise

I can relate to that...
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Old 17 June 2011, 20:15   #29
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Originally Posted by SDGANDER View Post
How was he a danger to those above on the cliff?

I can't see any canoes - maybe he didn't either (not saying that is right though).

How do you know he would be dead? More so how do you know he would have killed others?

What sort of mistake where you thinking? Pretty much straight and level flight - one of the first things taught to student pilots. How do you know he isn't a x-000's hours commercial pilot who safely takes you and your family on holiday abroad every year?

Were you sensible in steering what looks like a converging course towards him?

I'm an x-000's hours commercial pilot who may well have taken you and your families on holiday. I have steered a safe course away from this thread up until now as I once played a very similar game back in my PPL days. I had left the Fleet Air Arm with (at that time) a flying display authorisation but all the common sense in my world didn't stop me doing a similar thing that day. "Straight and level" - yes the simplest of manouevres, "000's of hours" - very useful but seagulls and gremlins in engines are no respector of such things.

I subsequently realised mine was a foolhardy act that indeed could have endangered life!
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Old 17 June 2011, 20:20   #30
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Originally Posted by Gotchidad

Because they wouldn't be stupid enough to risk their livelihood by getting involved in a stunt which if brought to the CAA's attention could have got them in a great deal of trouble. Professional pilots who display their skills in flying displays are in my experience fastidious about complying with the rules. They understand that their and others lives depend upon it. The accident records contain many instances of private pilots who have been killed while showing off - low fly pasts of their passengers' homes are particularly foolhardy and dangerous!
But if he hasn't broken any rules and given that we don't know how close he was or wasn't to the canoes etc. (Distance and altitude are very difficult to estimate) even the good old Campaign Against Aviation aren't going to be interested.

And who knows he may even have applied for and hold a rule 5 exemption for filming or something...

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Old 17 June 2011, 20:20   #31
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Meanwhile a few clicks up the coast, we have been told to be on the look out for light aircraft doing this sort of stuff as they drop bails of drugs/weapons etc in from France! Perhaps it is at least good the OP is at least being vigilant?
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Old 17 June 2011, 22:40   #32
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Ruling classes

Originally Posted by timw View Post
Nothing wrong at all...a bit of fun beating up the coast. No harm to anyone.

Why is it that this nanny state is overun by those health and safety merchants so typified by certain Ribnet wardens? Fun? Oh no, not without a safety assesment first and if spotted a thoroughly outraged post will appear on Ribnet with muttered threats of reports to the CAA. Anyone get the registration? Lucky for the pilot he was too far away otherwise the authorities would be inundated by emails from certain jobsworths on here.

Is it the case that the manservants in Terry-Thomas's time are now the inflatable boat owners of today looking to get their own back on their former masters?

I see a grudging resentment by many on here of the "devil may care" attidude so typified by the ruling class that once made this country great...
Tugging my forelock and begging your pardon Sire,

Would you be meaning by "ruling classes" the likes of Lord Cardigan who presided over the debacle that was the charge of the Light Brigade, or Lord Lucan who failed to charge at all.
Or did you also have in mind the thousands of ordinary lads who went over the top at the Somme; the naval victories of the lowly parson's son and indeed, the poor bastards that rode through the valley of death?
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