03 January 2008, 07:55
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Lower Thames Speed Limit now 12knts
Was alerted by a mate who had seen a news article stating that a 12 knt speed limit has now been introduced effectively from the barrier to Wandsworth.
Spoke to the PLA who confirmed.
Thames River Trips less fun from now.
03 January 2008, 08:05
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Tower to the barrier is certainly going to be tedious. I wonder if the PLA will grant any waivers?
03 January 2008, 09:27
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Presumably prompted by Jeremy Clarkson thrashing past the houses of parliament at 45 knots with a big grin on his face........
.....a loophole like that was bound to be closed sooner or later.
I remember when I worked in oil being ferried from Waterloo to Docklands in Texaco's company hovercraft at 30 knots...that was quite a laugh.
03 January 2008, 09:44
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Another victory for the funsucker. Why not just ban all outboards over 10hp and be done with it.
03 January 2008, 10:38
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when did this come in to force?? as we were out on the lower Thames on new years day, and there are no signs about speed limits until you get to wandsworth bridge, and the police boats didn't tell us to slow down. All the other commercial operators where still going about their trips and were going over 12 knots.
Had a look on the PLA website as well, and there is nothing publicised on there either. I cant believe that they have not advertised it and just brought it in to force!!!
When did you speak to the PLA rads????
RYA Powerboat Instructor, RYA PWC Instructor, RYA Dinghy Instructor
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03 January 2008, 10:57
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About 09.00 today.
Got the impression it was a bit new to them too.
03 January 2008, 11:17
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a news article here:-
It reads to me like amybe it is a guideline only, because the article suggests the old limit was 24 knots, but there used to be no limit below Wandsworth bridge, and I was not stopped for doing 40knots on the few occasions I have had the pleasure to cruise down the Thames
03 January 2008, 13:44
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We were doing a good 40 knots past the houses of Parliament the other day and as laser said the police didn't batt an eyelid.
03 January 2008, 14:29
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emailed the PLA and got this prompt reply
Thank you for your recent query regarding a new speed limit on the tidal Thames.
I can confirm that recent media reports relate to a temporary requirement for certain high-speed passenger vessels to adhere to a 12 knot speed limit in central London.
In the wider context, the PLA has, with the active involvement of vessel operators, recently undertaken a comprehensive formal risk assessment to identify what additional risk control measures we need to consider to ensure that the risks to public safety and general navigation posed by the operation of increasing numbers of high-speed vessels in central London are managed to 'as low as reasonably practicable'.
One such identified risk control measure is the implementation of a mandatory speed limit in central London.
As such, the PLA is currently drafting revisions to its Byelaws, which include such a mandatory speed limit.
In line with long established procedures, the PLA will be consulting widely among the port and River community on its draft Byelaw proposals. We hope to start the informal consultation process in the next month or so.
Details of the consultation and our proposals will be published on the PLA website in due course.
Julian Parkes
Harbour Master (Safety Management System)
Port of London Authority
Tel: 01474 562266
03 January 2008, 15:33
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OK, that sounds a bit more reasonable. We need to make sure that we respond when this goes out to consultation . . .
03 January 2008, 15:40
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I can confirm that recent media reports relate to a temporary requirement for certain high-speed passenger vessels to adhere to a 12 knot speed limit in central London.
So by the time they've finished the consultation, the commuter traffic on the river will be dead. More people back on the tube and roads.
And how many accidents on the river have been caused by speed? Probably same as the roads...bugger all.
We're back to the "Speed kills" idiocy again. Sheer genius, PLA.
03 January 2008, 15:58
Country: UK - England
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at least it is only passenger vessels at the moment, so welcome news to some extent (why do the press mis-report it???) and they do not say what the limit will be for pleasure craft if they bring in the new byelaws, it could be something more reasonable than 12 knots. I prefer no limit at all, but if you ahev to have a limit, make it sensible, 12 knots will not allow most pleasure boats to even stay on the plane.
03 January 2008, 16:26
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GRRR SEETH FUME!!! When will this bloody government leave anything alone??? What about the people operating the Quinquari RIBs as a viable business on the Thames? It actually attracts tourists to London. A RIB at 12 kts isn't exactly the most esciting way to see London is it???
Sorry if I am being political JK but politics does seem to have an impact on our lives from time to time................
03 January 2008, 16:35
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And I wonder what the wake will be like from a large planing craft forced to travel at 12kts...................
03 January 2008, 16:36
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Further message from PLA
We would normally advise the River community of changes to our regulations by Notices to Mariners and via the website.
Unfortunately, I cannot say with any certainty when the revised byelaws will be confirmed by the Secretary of State, but it is likely to be the autumn at least.
03 January 2008, 20:13
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Originally Posted by codprawn
GRRR SEETH FUME!!! When will this bloody government leave anything alone???
Which government? the PLA (and the majority of its board) are not elected and not funded by either local or national government.
03 January 2008, 20:33
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by Polwart
Which government? the PLA (and the majority of its board) are not elected and not funded by either local or national government.
It is the Government who have created this whole ethos of meddling and interfering that is know as the "Nanny State"!!!
Also when the LAW is passed you will find it's the government who are responsible.........
04 January 2008, 08:37
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This was covered on the local Thames news last night lots of unhappy people on the river bus who have had there travel time doubled but i missed the whole report.
Remember It is only possible to live happy-ever-after on a day-to-day basis
04 January 2008, 11:18
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Terribly News
Yes terrible news -
we have done a Thames/london run for the past 3 years. It is one of the very best trips to do.
The important thing that JK Noted is that there is a consultation. If John can coordinate at imput from RibNet. I will speak to BIBOA the Rib Club and see if they are prepared to get involved and also add their weight to this.
04 January 2008, 11:32
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Originally Posted by Neal
This was covered on the local Thames news last night lots of unhappy people on the river bus who have had there travel time doubled but i missed the whole report.
On this page: http://www.bbc.co.uk/london/tv/telev...es/index.shtml
On the same page... apparently I now live in Barnét..
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