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Old 26 August 2009, 15:25   #1
Country: UK - England
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Lymington Rib Race

Hi all, the BIBOA Lymington Challenge Race on Sat 19th September is looking good, lots of 'family friendly' RIBS entered plus the usual race machines. Here is the link to the Race Instructions and programme, the start should be at 14.30 just by Lymington Bank, out to Bridge, to North Head and Pennington, 4 times!

Come along and join us for a good day out.


Julian Lyas
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Old 01 September 2009, 17:21   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
Boat name: Farfetched
Make: Solent
Length: 6m +
Engine: Merc. 150 Outboard
MMSI: Lucederterv...?
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 50
Hi Julian,
Few questions, we're still humming and hawing a bit...
Helmets and Race vests... do you know anyone who has spares of either for 2 guys, as having an open 6.5 we never race and wear inflatible 150n's not race vests...

Also is the start done by class or is it a general start, cos it just sounds like a recipe for disaster with novices (like ourselves) doing their first race...

Also is there a rule about taking a longer but maybe smoother course in slower or more favourable tidal streams or more sheltered waters to reach the mark quicker?

Last one, the start, is it on the LTSC start boat thats just outside the river or the racing platform?

Oh and the last last one... the launching inspection etc... we're up the road at Haven Quay, do we motor down and moor up somewhere for it, if so where?

Josh Pullman (Farfetched)
Ribomaniatic is offline   Reply With Quote
Old 01 September 2009, 21:33   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
Boat name: Relentless
Make: Ring 21
Length: 7m +
Engine: 200 hp Merc
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Originally Posted by Ribomaniatic View Post
Hi Julian,
Few questions, we're still humming and hawing a bit...
Helmets and Race vests... do you know anyone who has spares of either for 2 guys, as having an open 6.5 we never race and wear inflatible 150n's not race vests...

Also is the start done by class or is it a general start, cos it just sounds like a recipe for disaster with novices (like ourselves) doing their first race...

Also is there a rule about taking a longer but maybe smoother course in slower or more favourable tidal streams or more sheltered waters to reach the mark quicker?

Last one, the start, is it on the LTSC start boat thats just outside the river or the racing platform?

Oh and the last last one... the launching inspection etc... we're up the road at Haven Quay, do we motor down and moor up somewhere for it, if so where?

Josh Pullman (Farfetched)
Hey Josh.
If you check out the BIBOA website there is a 17 page guide which will answer most of those questions.... if you struggle to find it let me know and I have a few copies down at the harbour office. It also shows you course layout and start / muster area. Hope this helps. Anything else give me a shout.

Thrill Seeking? -
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