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Old 08 August 2006, 19:15   #1
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Lymington River Gets Blue Flashing Light Fever

Just a quick note to all Lymington visitors. The normally fairly relaxed haven of Lymington has got itself a new Harbour Master following Alan Costner's retirement (sorely missed already mate) and the aforementioned official has now got himself a RIB with a MK IX B.F.L. which was very active providing a Cowes-like display in the River during the post Fireworks period last Friday.

Speeders in the River is what he's after, and not forgetting that the 6 knots limit starts at Jack-in-the-Basket (nearly in Yarmouth) and I understand that he has also got a new broom and is using it robustly.

Don't forget to salute him properly in the manner that his exalted position deserves, and for goodness sake don't speed. (Make sure you look carefully behind the moored yachts in the River and you might find him lurking there) Also, don't try explaining that a displacement RIB at six knots will damage the mudflats 10 times quicker than a planing one at 16. The speed limit is there to stop the erosion of the precious mudflats and it's damned well going to get enforced so there! He has heard this argument many times before and he's not at all impressed with it. We are talking fines & costs potentially in £000's which ain't funny.

Happy Ribbing...
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Old 08 August 2006, 20:04   #2
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This is a subject that interests me and know very little about.I totaly agree with keeping within the speed limits that are there for a reason but fail to understand or know how they are enforced with what seems little proof or substancial evidence unlike a road speeding affence.Can anyone help with this
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Old 08 August 2006, 20:29   #3
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Keel haul the blighter and cool him down a bit

Thankfully the harbour master here doesn't have a boat or a speed gun. Where I launch from, there are a number of yachts moored so I always slow down to 6-7kt but watching the effect of the wake it does look very much like displacement speeds bounce things around much more than a planing wake which is just froth. I've been tempted to belt through them at 25kt and see what happens but I haven't tried it yet....
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Old 08 August 2006, 21:10   #4
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When going past pontoon moorings I slow down to 5kts because at that speed as our RIB produces half the wash that it does at 6kts. I try to pass rowers who are going the opposite direction at 4kts as we produce almost zero wash at that speed.
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Old 08 August 2006, 21:23   #5
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Agreed Hard, near me there is a no planing zone rather than a speed limit again to protect the local flora and fauna, which means I have to crawl along creating a far bigger wake than necessary, but the dirty great dive and fishing charter boat that moors up there can go flat out creating a wake you could surf on , makes no sense to me
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Old 08 August 2006, 22:06   #6
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Speed limits aren't just in place because of Mudflats and wildlife, it's there to stop idiots from causing too much damage to themselfs and innocent others.

I think that 10 knotts is a better speed providing you're curtious with your wake.

Cowes Harbour Master caught me making too bigga wake, blue flashing lights and lots of shouting......I was looking for this guy to appear on the pontoons by the chain ferry. When he did appear this guy indicated where he wanted me to dock and as I rounded the pontoon I was met head on by this "S£^$ty" Harbour Master once again, comming off his mooring. I stuck her into reverse and outboard stalled . I leant down to switch Ignition back on and key had fallen out ....By the time I'd pulled the key up and inserted it into the Ignition and started the outboard, I looked up just as Kohaku bounced off the side of the Harbour Masters Launch (very gently) . I just remember this guy nodding his head side to side and tutting.

Ha the good old days .

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Old 08 August 2006, 22:53   #7
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I agree with hightower. There are sufficient unskilled boaters out there to make speed limits a neccesity.

Talking about the good old days. We were invited out for the day on a 65foot Swan Ketch to go out and meet the QE2 on her return from the Falklands. After a great day sailing with a crew of 12 that had just completed the Whitbread, 3 weeks previous in the same boat. ( "Zargo" S. African entry) my good friend Dave the skipper took us back up the Hamble to Moodys under just a spinnaker. The H. master was having a hissy fit running up and down in his rubber ducky. At that time there was no rule against it although I would not reccomend anyone trying it. Dave dropped that 65 footer into it's berth at Moodys and never used the engine once. Was I impressed!!!!!
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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Old 08 August 2006, 23:15   #8
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I believe a lot of other (Non RIB users) are jealous. I once had a Yacht skipper in cowes dancing up and down on his 30 foot plus yacht as my searider passed at the correct speed. He was waving his arms all over the place doing a dambusters impression. What an idiot. I just laughed at him.
I can't believe the number of yacht owners I see taking humbrage at me in my little searider. As I said earlier its just jealousy.
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Old 08 August 2006, 23:49   #9
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Maybe you are missing the point here. You may be at the correct speed, but if someone is producing a wake that inconviences others then that is dis-courtious and poor seamanship There is plenty of room for all providing people use common sense. For example: if the skipper you refered to was under sail in light winds your wake could have spilled his sails thus loosing him way and steerage. I do not think anyone would be jealous of your boat.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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Old 08 August 2006, 23:51   #10
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Originally Posted by Limey Linda
I do not think anyone would be jealous of your boat.
You can't say that, you haven't seen it. For your information Zerstorer is one of the best 4m seariders I've ever seen - very well specced, fitted out nicely and with great attention to detail, and well looked after. I'm jealous of his boat.
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Old 09 August 2006, 00:13   #11
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There is definitely a great deal of snobbery amongst the Yachties. Many of them hate powerboats with no justification at all. In our local marina I have found the most approachable down to Earth people to be the one's with the most expensive powerboats - often a £million plus. The one's who look down their noses are the people with the 30 - 40' gin palaces and nearly all the Yacthies.
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Old 09 August 2006, 00:29   #12
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Originally Posted by Jimbo
You can't say that, you haven't seen it. For your information Zerstorer is one of the best 4m seariders I've ever seen - very well specced, fitted out nicely and with great attention to detail, and well looked after. I'm jealous of his boat.
Sooooooo what is your point? Please comment on the substance of my post?
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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Old 09 August 2006, 01:32   #13
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Originally Posted by codprawn
There is definitely a great deal of snobbery amongst the Yachties. Many of them hate powerboats with no justification at all. In our local marina I have found the most approachable down to Earth people to be the one's with the most expensive powerboats - often a £million plus. The one's who look down their noses are the people with the 30 - 40' gin palaces and nearly all the Yacthies.
I think there is even an element of that here.... in fact I have very little time for visiting yachties as the majority of them seem to be scrounging gits who expect to be given everything for nothing just because they grace your humble island with their presence. Best one yet was about a year ago, bloke turned up at work looking for spare parts for something or other, "need the parts now and will probably be back in about six weeks so will pay for them then". The answer involved the words "on" and "bike" I think.... or was it "off" and another word beginning with F

But as you say I have no idea why really - not sure if it is an "eurgh you fossil fuel burning oiks are destroying the environment" thing or a "eurgh you lot are noisy and smelly thing" or what the whole thing is a bit like ramblers vs. 4x4 owners in fact... conflicting uses of the same bit of real estate when in actual fact there is no need for conflict at all.

Some yachties are fine and perfectly nice people - but there does seem to be a well above average proportion of irritating ones

Personally I find travelling at 4 knots rather dull and I have too many other hobbies to fill my weekend with to spend it stooging around like a nautical tortoise

I guess in some ways the dislike is a bit like (environ)mentalists/politicians/Red Ken/this weeks loony fringe who hate 4x4s with no justification at all and quote outrageously inaccurate tosh and gross generalisations about how much road they use up and how much fuel they use without actually checking the facts, or quoting one or two unrepresentative examples (like a supercharged V8 RR sport when most 4x4s are turbodiesel). We don't have many of their sort here either
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Old 09 August 2006, 04:08   #14
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Originally Posted by Limey Linda
Sooooooo what is your point? Please comment on the substance of my post?
I actually think I MIGHT agree with LL here-the reason the yachtie wouldn't be jealous of Biggles's boat is because he's a yachtie and wouldn't be impressed if it was gold plated and driven by Freddie Mercury while singing Bohemian Rhapsody and backed by Jimi Hendrix and Janis Joplin.
Pretty much all they care about is the amount of wash you're leaving-and at 10 knots we leave quite a wash. unless you're in a restricted space and going too fast for safety which is really the way it should be.

Most yachties I've met would prefer us to be planing and leaving less wake as long as it's safe to do so.
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Old 09 August 2006, 08:45   #15
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Originally Posted by Limey Linda
Sooooooo what is your point? Please comment on the substance of my post?
I'm sitting on the fence regarding the rest of your post. From my position as a yachtie and a powerboater, I'm still clarifying things in my own mind.

However, you said you didn't think anyone would be jealous of Biggles Searider. I said that I was jealous. I'm not as on the ball as I should be late at night, so I thought i'd take your post one point at a time
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Old 09 August 2006, 12:07   #16
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Is everyone black or white on this?

I love ribbing, kayaking, sailing, snorkelling, bodyboarding.
I go off roading, green laning, hill walking and trail riding (cycling).
I cycle in London but I'm also a pedestrian, driver, public transport user.

A little empathy goes a long way, what goes around comes around etc.
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Old 09 August 2006, 15:07   #17
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Originally Posted by BogMonster

Personally I find travelling at 4 knots rather dull and I have too many other hobbies to fill my weekend with to spend it stooging around like a nautical tortoise
Stephen. For me this is the quote of the year.
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Old 09 August 2006, 15:12   #18
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Originally Posted by Limey Linda

I do not think anyone would be jealous of your boat.
I was being a little sarcastic !

But they are probably jealous of the freedom a RIB gives you to zoom about and enjoy yourself without needing a 4 man crew to tie up on a pontoon when you've finished for the day.
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Old 09 August 2006, 15:19   #19
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Originally Posted by Mouldy
Is everyone black or white on this?

I love ribbing, kayaking, sailing, snorkelling, bodyboarding.
I go off roading, green laning, hill walking and trail riding (cycling).
I cycle in London but I'm also a pedestrian, driver, public transport user.

A little empathy goes a long way, what goes around comes around etc.
I'm with you on this.

A bit of consideration and tolerance makes life easier for everyone. It's just common sense.

I don't particularly enjoy sailing, but I doing mind pootling along in a displacement boat. On the other hand, going slowly in a fast boat is never very satisfying, especially when you know you could be on the plane and not causing any harm or inconvenience.

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Old 09 August 2006, 17:27   #20
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Common sense

Good post by both Mouldy and JK. Just as an example of consideration; If you see a older person crossing the street really, really slowly and taking up some of your precious time. Should you blow your car horn?????. Sometimes folks in both sail and power boats have problems due to inexperienced crew and/or owners or technical problems. Helping them out is the way to go. I have been boating for 40 years and I guarantee that I have made more screw up's than successes. Just my humble opinion. And by the way: if anyone want's to buy me a pint for every hour I have spent pottering down the Hamble, from Burseldon @ 3 knots to Soton. Water. Please make sure you have 1000 pounds available.
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