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Old 17 May 2013, 18:19   #1
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Lymington Slipway

Report in a local broadsheet,
"Repair work is set to start on a section of slipway in Lymington following a £44,000 payout from the Ministry of Defence for damage caused by a Royal Marines landing craft.
The accident, which happened in November last year, caused substantial damage to a lower section of the Bath Road slipway.
Lymington Harbour Commissioners requested a quote from Land and Water - the company that installed the original concrete block matting on the slipway.
Speaking at the latest commissioners meeting, harbour master Ryan Willegers told members the MoD had pledged to meet the full cost of repair and professional fees, which totalled £44,100.
However, members heard that a major part of the cost was associated with mobilising the plant machinery required for the repairs.
"Given that the remaining two-thirds of the blockwork is already 15 years old and is likely to require replacement within the next five years, it makes sense to replace the non-damaged sections at the same time," said Mr Willegers, continuing, "To this end I have been in negotiations on a revised quotation with Land and Water."
The meeting heard the cost of replacing the upper two sections of matting was an additional £3,800 which could be met by the harbour commissioners' normal maintenance budget.
"It is proposed to place an order for the work to be undertaken in September when there are suitable spring tides outside the peak season," said Mr Willegers."

That is all, no mention of closures or restricted access.

Dust creation specialist
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