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Old 11 May 2015, 07:37   #21
boristhebold's Avatar
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The boat they intend to use was at the Poole Boat show at the weekend. I must admit who ever is going to try this has some large (round things), it just looked completely inadequet for the challange. I wish them well and fingers crossed for a completely falt sea all the way round.
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Old 11 May 2015, 09:21   #22
The Gurnard's Avatar
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Originally Posted by boristhebold View Post
it just looked completely inadequet for the challange..
When you have a very deep passion and belief in yourself that you can do something.. anything is possible. Some men even went to the moon.

I would think that going round the UK in a small RIB is a walk in the park compared to what Freya Hoffmeister accomplished in no more than ... a small kayak.. It wasn’t easy for her and she overcame some life threatening difficulties.. quite a few times. For those that have never heard of her..she paddled 24000 miles in her circumnavigation of South America ...solo and unsupported.

She was not a beginner though.. as she had already experience of going round Iceland, Australia and New Zealand. She posted her adventure on line in real time.. and it was enthralling to follow. ..I thought it was over for her when she was in the Cape Horn area ..but she didn’t give up..she got herself together again and continued her amazing journey

Freya Hoffmeister: Welcome

Yup there are some folk that have large round things Boris.. and Freya has more than most ..just in different places than you or I.

Because our orbs are small .. doesn’t mean others cant do things we cant imagine doing.. we all have a different tolerance to discomforts and hardships that we are willing to endure or make sacrifices for.

Good luck with your adventure don’t necessary need a big boat to “Think Bigger” as some people like Freya proves. Keep within your own comfort zone..not ours..and you can succeed.
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