hi all
I have a ribcraft which i thought had a faulty plastimo 105 compass but after fitting a new one found the siting of the compass the problem or more to the point the equipment around it.
The console is a large chart table one with the usual stainless grab bars,garmin plotter vhf and dials which as far as i can work out do nothing to the compass.
However fitted to the console is a stereo system (minus the front unit of the stereo

) with four speakers ,two on the back edge of the console and one either side These are not wired up at present but after moving the compass around the speakers i'm 90% sure its these causing a huge magnetic field.
I reckon if i could tip the boat in iron filings she'd look like a hedgehog..!!
So is there anything i can shield the compass with?
The nearest speaker is about 50-60cm below it but i wonder whether by sheer fluke they're aranged in such a way to cause a magnetic field.
The compass points west ("go west young man" ) all the time.
I've tried the compensators in the compass and they are not enough.
I have a bracket now so will try mounting it up a bit but it seems odd that the compass is fine until i place it within the confines of the console.
The only other thing i thought it may be is the compass is quite close to the hydraulic steering helm and next to that is the ignition key and kill cord switch.
Also the compass is right next to the filler/breather on the side . ie the filler goes through the console just under the compass.
Is there anything i can shield the compass in?
do plastimo do a binnacle for the 105?
If i wire up the speakers will this loose some magnetism?
Things i'm going to try is:
: to take out a speaker at a time and see what happens?
:Put the compass on the bracket (but i'll have to fill the hole it was in)
Anyone got any thoughts and had experience of stereo speakers and compasses?
Worst case for me is having to fill four 8" holes in the side of the console
Or paying for a professional compass adjuster to come over and fix it.
help any advice welcome
I've got a mini c compass as well and this does the same thing.