Originally Posted by Noddy
I dont know the ins and outs of this but it seems to be the same old story.
Like popping out for a paper and not bothering to wear a seat belt. 99% of the time you get away with it but then a culmination of co-incidences end in tragedy. My heart goes out to the family of those involved but at the end of the day if you take a chance no matter how small, it can be fatal
Very true but all our lives we take chances - usually we get away with them.
To live our lives without taking any chances is not living - you would be so paranoid you would probably die from stress or a heart attack instead!!!
For example how many people actually check their tyres every day? Not only pressures but also inside and outside edges for cuts or nails etc??? Almost nobody!!! And yet those bits of rubber are all that is between you and life and death!!!