Did you read the posting guidelines:
We don’t really like people asking the same question over and over because they didn’t get the answer they wanted the first time.
The only person who thinks importing boats from China as a private individual is a great idea is Smallribber who has never done it, thinks £7k is not much money to risk, and got banned with a previous account for arguing for the sake of it. He’s a fairly unique character (if the persona he presents is even real). If you are looking for more people like him - you won’t find many here, despite the forum being quite a wide and eclectic mix of characters, wealthy and not so wealthy, wise and not so wise, light hearted and grumpy, newbie and salty sea dog, british and international.
Many years ago a group of our more contrary members decamped to Facebook - and set up a Ribs and Ribbing group there - as posts aren’t really archived there they must enjoy having the same conversation every week. Perhaps you could see if anyone there has had good experience with the company you are trying to find out about/promote?