17 August 2003, 19:03
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
Pics of cabin ribs
Floor area from rear of cabin to transom 7.4 Redbay wraparound
17 August 2003, 19:04
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
7.4 wraparound head on
17 August 2003, 19:05
Country: UK - England
Town: West Sussex
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Posts: 3,872
Re: RIB history
Originally posted by houser
Speaking of cabin RIBS..or RIBS generally..
Why is it that many of the serious RIBs are of U.K. origin?
Ever heard of Tony Lee-Elliot. The RIB was born in the UK
17 August 2003, 19:06
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
From last jocky seat to stern
17 August 2003, 19:08
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
With the top off the cabin this is the view from above
17 August 2003, 19:09
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
hard cabin 7.4
head on Cabin ends at bow
17 August 2003, 19:11
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
Side on
17 August 2003, 19:12
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
Looking back at the cabin doors
17 August 2003, 19:14
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
Area just in front of engine bay doubles as seat( this rib is actually for sale) approx 65000 euro
17 August 2003, 20:30
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 90 4-stroke
MMSI: 265585460
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
I owe you a bunch of rounds...if you make it to Stockholm..
Very detailed, very interesting...
Thanx ever so much!!
Need any pics from Stockholm..mail me anytime... ;-)
17 August 2003, 20:34
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 90 4-stroke
MMSI: 265585460
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
Tony Lee-Elliot
I knew he was one of the pioneers, yes..
But surely there is more to it?
I have understood bits of the Rib history from friends who have been at this for a while..
I myself was quite recently bitten by the RIB bug partly thru a friends 7.4 Boomeranger Diesel jet..and have been looking for info on my own path to RIBdom ever since..It was such a door opener to small offshore seaworthy boat philosophy..I just could not believe I had missed out on it..
I have been boating 20 years but Ribs where a silly yachtingtender gimmicky thingamajig to me until I saw the light..
Ah well, just curious..and respectfully reading up on some history..
17 August 2003, 21:24
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 90 4-stroke
MMSI: 265585460
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
Speaking of outboards and redundancy..;-)
18 August 2003, 10:07
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 90 4-stroke
MMSI: 265585460
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
Re: hard cabin 7.4
Originally posted by gavin
head on Cabin ends at bow
Gavin, if you have one last sec...
One final question about the 7.4 Redbay.
What is under the bow?
A large locker or tiny berth for cats and hamsters?
If you go up to the 8.4 is there a berth option?
There seems to be a small berth on the 7.4 (see attached pic.) but I can't really tell...
and then it's a completely different cabin..
I would like for it to sleep 2 or keep the kids safely in view in there at times...
I would regardless rate that my number one on my RIBlist at present...if it had an alluminium hull it would be pretty much it.....and do you know if they are coming to Southampton? They are not listed AFAIK.
18 August 2003, 21:26
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
At the bow section to the front is basically a stowage locker, ideally used for the anchor chain and warps,as all Redbays ordered from the factory are pretty much custom built you can have the option of a neat low down locker, or a high one which neets the top of the nose, almost all people generally stick in a rubber mat and it becomes a good place for the anchor, accessed tro a spin off hatch cover.The door that is shown on the black 7.4 is purley for access to the batteries and all of the wiring, hoses etc which arrive at the consul, tool storage and small items etc,to be honest the wraparound is not the boat for sleeping aboard, however the foreward cabin rigid type that is featured on Wicklow Wave I suppose with a bit of effort could be made to sleep in, its a bigger cabin and more or less runs from the entry door up to the bow.There is supprisingly good storage behind this little door on the 7.4 I have seen batteries and tool boxes neatly fitted in here, The 8.4 wraparound again is not suited to sleeping, you can fit more jockey seating in its Cabin ,its basically a stretched 7.4, I havnt seen the cabin with foreward door like the one in your picture, it was possibly in their yard when I was there last month , I cant remember though.I notice they fit consul mounted Plastimeo storage hatches which unfortunally fail at the plastic insert on the lock mechanism,we have them on our jocky seats and the black rib has one and all have cracked from opening and closing hatches.I dont know if they are going to Southampton for sure, it might be worth emailing them as I would like to see them there as I hope to get there cheers gavin
18 August 2003, 22:46
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 90 4-stroke
MMSI: 265585460
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
Cabins and anchors..
The "Wicklow Wave" boat is certainly the one I would love to feel out at some point..
It seems to have possibilities for pretty much all my uses and ideas...and a big enough cabin...the kids tend to start reading Donald Duck in the back of the cabin if the ride allows it..or on the bigger boats in nicer weather in the bow berths..
But Redbays are never alluminium right?
BTW..pardon a Eurotrash spin on this ;-)
Why the preference for anchorlocker in bow? Because there is nowhere else, or anchoring is typically done from the bow for fishing over there? Ah well, just curious as ever...
19 August 2003, 17:21
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
Our S. African Hysucat also has bow anchor locker, you cant foul the props so easy I suppose, and Redbays are all grp no aluminium as of yet anyway cheers gavin
19 August 2003, 19:16
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 90 4-stroke
MMSI: 265585460
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
Re: hysucat
Originally posted by gavin
Our S. African Hysucat also has bow anchor locker, you cant foul the props so easy I suppose, and Redbays are all grp no aluminium as of yet anyway cheers gavin
I guess it depends on where in the world your vessel is used..and before someone else points it out as lack of knowledge of things seamanshiply ...I guess there is also the obvious possibility of more easily deploying an anchor from the bow to ride out a storm...keeping it close I guess...
just saw the sinking of the Stirling Castle on the sandbanks outside of Ramsgate as a reminder..Discovery is amazing at times...
ah well...not much to do with Ribbing and wavejumping to say the least..;-)
30 August 2003, 13:08
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
Tim tells me that Redbay are indeed coming to the Southampton boat show and that they are brining Aurora with them good news I hope cheers gavin
30 August 2003, 16:33
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 90 4-stroke
MMSI: 265585460
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
Re: Southampton
Originally posted by gavin
Tim tells me that Redbay are indeed coming to the Southampton boat show and that they are brining Aurora with them good news I hope cheers gavin
That does it...I am booking my ticket..,-9
Thanx and regards
02 September 2003, 17:46
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 90 4-stroke
MMSI: 265585460
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
Speaking of jets
Going back to the original question of jetribs..
Anyone heard anything good about these units for a 8-10m rib:
as compared to these:
and these:
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