14 August 2003, 17:14
Country: Sweden
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Boat name: Sea Dachshound
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Mark Carter talks "jet" & "Sea_Explore"
Dear Ribbers,
I have been lurking here for a while, excellent forum I must say...
People being helpful in the oldschool Internet sense as well as muy macho.;-)
Ah well, thought I'd post a straight question if anyone has a sec:
Does anyone know what this boat looks like:
I searched RYA and a couple of google stabs yielded nothing.
I am researching my first (cabin methinx) rib for sometime early 2005...
and the reasoning of this Mr. Carter is very much up my alley..anyone know if there are pics anywhere?
14 August 2003, 18:02
Country: Ireland
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About 6 weeks ago myself and Tim visited REDBAY BOATS in Cussendhell Northern Ireland.There sits a huge rib owned by Tom the owner of the firm called Corryveckan , named I presume after the gulf in the article you posted, They had in their yard an 8 or 9 m Black rib with a huge Jet drive on the back belonged to a customer in Skye Scotland I wonder if this is a similar or the same boat, it does approx 42 kts, Redbay build amazing cabin ribs 7.4, 6.5 8.4 and bigger, hard top and wraparound versions, cheers gavin
14 August 2003, 18:17
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Greetings to Rib Net
I also found that article and was interested in what it looked like and cost
Have fun
14 August 2003, 18:19
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
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Posts: 88
Hi Gavin,
Thanx for welcome,
Yes, Redbay is definitely on my list..
I am planning to attend the Dublin boatshow for that reason if it's still on Feb 2004.
Do you remember what the cabin rib looked like? Roughly...?
Caledonia or the wraparound console deal?
Have not seen or heard of a Redbay jet that does 42 knots..interesting...
14 August 2003, 19:23
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
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Posts: 835
There are two in our marina, I will get pics of them on Saturday, check here for a pic of an 8.4 wraparound, a green 7.4, a black 6.5 , all on the rib raid, and a huge blue cabin Redbay from Irish sea cruises http://rib.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2612
the two in Dun Laoghaire are wraparound and foreward solid cabin, the 7.4 wraparound, has deck space in front and behind the cabin, also the top of the cabin comes off for summer, it has a canvas rear cover to seal up the cabin,it is perspex all the way around the front ,with A frame made onto the cabin, there is a entry hatch in the front accessible from the foredeck and at the bow is anchor locker, available in Redbay with diesel or outboard.The jet drive rib was back in the factory as the customer wanted more speed out of the jet, this rib had no cabin , but had a real military look, http://www.redbayboats.com/ at the Rib Raid in Bangor, Redbays were by far the most common boat, both cabin and open ones, there are numerous ones for sale on the net
http://www.mourneboatsales.co.uk/boats.php?gid=5 for example,
14 August 2003, 19:37
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
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Posts: 835
cabin pics
6.5 cabin which circumnavigated Ireland
14 August 2003, 19:38
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
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Posts: 835
other version
this is the other type
This is a link to a new Cabin rib charter company, Redbays of course and this blue rib made the trip on the RIB RAID here is there link http://www.irishseacruises.com/
14 August 2003, 21:51
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
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Posts: 88
Yes, Redbays are nice...
Thanx so much for pics and input!
The Redbays indeed look like really nice boats. I have been reading about them for quite a while..but seen none in the flesh/GRP up here in the north..
I have to see the deck layout and cabin arrangement in the realworld to get a good idea of them though.
The season is even shorter and colder up here so I think my idea is probably an enclosed
cabin with heating...but ideally with a large roofhatch
rather...for those beautiful summer days.
About the guy who wants more speed from his jet...and going back to original question..and why that boat sounded interesting..
I wish you could get more speed from a jet at leg-ish hp levels...that's the only drawback with Jet really.
Like the dual diesel redbay airport rescue jetboat on their website that does 30 knots..
..ah well...
You can't have it all.... 
Yes, redbays are nice..
14 August 2003, 21:54
Country: UK - England
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Houser, Marks boat was a yellow rib based on a BWM 21 hull with a small cuddy up front rather than a cabin. Think the boat was built in 96 time. Behind the cuddy was a full width dash and GRP low windscreen. Next came two three man jockey seats and then the engine box. It was up for sale shortly after the article appeared in RI.
It ws built to transfer ppl to his sea school based on an island I think. Haven't heard anything of him for a while though.
14 August 2003, 22:15
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
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Posts: 88
A cuddy eh...
Ok, thanx that should probably stop me looking for pics for that particular boat...but I still liked his argument for jets..and that boat according to the author was good for 40+knots with a 300hp Yanmar diesel and a Castoldi jet.
If someone wanted to, they could probably design a boat around two compact diesels and dual jets to get a bit more speed..but perhaps you then end up building a larger boat for the weight/size/performance ratio to make sense as an offshore design.
That would be my "problem"...wanting both offshore handling, speed and shallow water movement.
The archipelago up here is full of fantastic little islands with rocky beaches to land on but you need patience, a good lookout and the right weather to land in many places. I like to do the ol' "trim the outboard up" so it barely whisks the water and sneak in where you really should have a cajac or something..
..and if the wind then turns you will have
a hard time getting back out...been there..
I wonder why the Redbay "only" did 31 knots with dual jets...
14 August 2003, 22:41
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Re: A cuddy eh...
Originally posted by houser
...that should probably stop me looking for pics for that particular boat....
How about this: http://www.parker.com.pl/minil1.html
Not a jet powered RIB, but a very similar hull to the BWM I believe.
15 August 2003, 09:23
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
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Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
thanx for pic
I have had a look at the Parker ribs too.
I have a pretty decent, and growing collection of cabinribs pics from my endless google searches on the subject.
The nicest looking boats that have the cabin layout and design I want tend to be about two meters longer than I want.
Cabin RIB design seems to s starts to click at about 9-10 m and I would love to keep it around 7-8m.
I guess I am looking for a boat that does not quite exist...yet..
15 August 2003, 17:37
Country: Ireland
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Boat name: wizzard
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Posts: 835
pic of 8.4 stern to bow
I forgot I had this pic, this is 8.4, It is diesel outdrive, soft top cabin Ie deteachable roof, a lot of rear deck space goes with the diesel model, to get to the front deck, you must walk on the sponsons, in front is deck space with anchor locker, 2 types of locker are available a small one and one which goes right up to the height of the nose, these Redbays are all custom built, triple D fendering, baskets for fenders ,4 or 6 pod seats
there is also a new version of the cabin available with a hard roof, lots of steel work for support.
15 August 2003, 17:39
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
pic of 8.4 stern to bow
I forgot I had this pic, this is 8.4, It is diesel outdrive, soft top cabin Ie deteachable roof, a lot of rear deck space goes with the diesel model, to get to the front deck, you must walk on the sponsons, in front is deck space with anchor locker, 2 types of locker are available a small one and one which goes right up to the height of the nose, these Redbays are all custom built, triple D fendering, baskets for fenders ,4 or 6 pod seats
there is also a new version of the cabin available with a hard roof, lots of steel work for support.The boat in the pic comes in 6.5 7.4 8.4 and bigger
15 August 2003, 17:44
Country: Ireland
Town: Dublin
Boat name: wizzard
Length: 7m +
Engine: 225 optimax
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 835
Hard top Cabin redbay
This is the new hard top
15 August 2003, 19:54
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
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Posts: 88
Free B?
Very, very interesting...have not seen these...
It looks a bit like the "Free B" RIB on the Redbay website? Correct?
But then again that had a small cabin in the bow area..
Not too keen on the canopy bits between
window and roof...but I am sure it wil make loads of sense on the better days.
Yes, very interesting indeed, thanx again for posting stuff..all the more reasons to make the Dublin boat show I guess..
15 August 2003, 20:51
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Re: Re: A cuddy eh...
Hi Richard . You must be doing ok in Polish otherwise you would have suggested to look at www.parkerribs.com The all English language site for Parker Ribs.
in the gallery checkout the Parker 800 Rapier range. The two cabin ribs with the end of the tubes black are Jet powered. Hamilton Jet powered linked to the new Mercruiser 4.2 L 300 diesel
15 August 2003, 21:45
Country: UK - England
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as you are from Sweden you may find this type of "cabin"
of interest. It has become quite a popular concept in Sweden for the guys to ferry the ladies from the islands to parties/dinners on the mainland . Stops the hair getting messy and keeps the dresses dry. No need for a dry suit.
It is also fitted with a removable T top roof system
checkout www.stockholmribcenter.com
15 August 2003, 22:25
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 90 4-stroke
MMSI: 265585460
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
Cabin RIB development...or it's poor cousin..;)
Maybe time to change the name of the thread and add it to that infamous Cabin RIB development.thread:
Anyway, here's the "FreeB" Redbay Rib I meant for convinience:
Sure looks similar to what Gavin posted..
I have never been able to figure out how the deck in the bow area is used in the design..
Is there a little berth under there?
Oh and as for that tent-like cabin for the ladies..not too sure..;-)
Actually probably best to leave that one alone.without comments..;-)
..and canopies don't go together too well with heaters anyway.
16 August 2003, 19:15
Country: Sweden
Town: Stockholm
Boat name: Sea Dachshound
Make: ..shopping for a RIB
Length: 5m +
Engine: Merc 90 4-stroke
MMSI: 265585460
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 88
RIB history
Speaking of cabin RIBS..or RIBS generally..
Why is it that many of the serious RIBs are of U.K. origin?
What's the history here?
Just curious about ribbing history and I am sure someone has pointers and
I am sure there is a webplace to study..?
Even the serious RIB builders up here still get the inflatable bits from the U.K.
BTW: The http://www.stockholmribcenter.com/
reference that Andre kindly submitted (had not heard of them) sell what looks like Parker Ribs under the name C-Rib.. and Cougar.
There is only a few serious local places up here...all with semi-military history if anyone gives a hoot:
and in Finland: http://www.boomeranger.fi/
Very large and very serious boats...
and there is obviously
but he does other things than RIbs to say the least... 
This one is in Swedish only unfortunately
but has some interesting plans for the future, albeit more yachting style:
Used to hold the worldspeed record for cat ribs a while ago I believe..
These are not really Ribs.. http://www.anytec.se/eng/arbetsbatar.shtm
Just adding another tidbit at the end..googled this by accident..if anyone thinx jumping the waves is not high enough
ah well ,over an out....must get a life..;-)
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