[QUOTE=RIVA] in 2003 there were 130,000 ribs + 2.5 m made in europe
I understand that this refers to Ibs, RIBs and RHIBs. From that the individual country production may be lost in the translation eg. should a 2.5 m IB tender be accounted for. If so then every GRP punt produced in the UK should also come into UK vsl stats that will include the big ships ?!
Also, it may or may not include what I call SRHIBS ... Suedo RHIBS... vessels that are, in practical terms, a displacement or semidisplacement vessel but, by design, have a collar of some description. I have seen quite a few of these SHRIBS and whilst having some form of functionality are offensive to the attributes of a true RHIB.
Thus the figure, as with all from our dearest Gov depts, must be treated with great care.