22 September 2013, 23:25
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Originally Posted by miccheck1516
whats 'secrecy of correspondance?
Well, in your case, it means that I can't tell everyone on here what you do for a living
It won't prevent me saying that you of all people should know what it means. I appreciate that you work this VHF thing from a different angle, but you are on a tricky footing when you make very confident statements that don't stack up.
22 September 2013, 23:27
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Originally Posted by Poly
That's the one, which I think is a page of the form asking to be examined for an src / applying to Rya for the actual cert to be issued.
indeed - clipped from the application form...
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22 September 2013, 23:36
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Originally Posted by SPR
indeed - clipped from the application form...
Yes, the requirement is International - I signed one too for my Irish issued cert.
23 September 2013, 09:26
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If procedures are similar to when I worked in an Ops Room, all radio traffic is logged and recorded. A Mayday call would be put into a defined incident log, with all conversations typed in, as well as being recorded. If a major incident was recorded the tape (in those days) would be removed and stored in case it was needed in evidence.
It may be that if you have a professional interest in the proceedings of the incident, the CG station concerned may be able to provide a print out of the relevant incident log. No doubt you will get a bill for it. Might be worth popping in to the station and having a chat to the chaps there. If they're not too busy, I'm sure they will be very helpful.
23 September 2013, 18:54
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Originally Posted by Poly
Mick, sorry Src cert (typing on a phone) don't have it handy but I will find you a copy, but from a quick look s.48 of the wireless telegraphy act is relevant. I'm amazed that anyone has done a vhf operators course and not been aware of this requirement. I can't comment on whether the rule applies to MCGA or not. However in your position I would go and find the facts. I don't tthink there is any expectation you won't relay messages etc - but not report the contents to the press, the public, or on t'interweb.
Yeah thought it was the SRC you meant, Cheers SPR for posting that, I've never signed anything like it, but I guess that's because at work everybody working with information of any sort has to comply with the data protection act, plus it's probobly mentioned deep in the pages of the Civil Service Code.(infact i'd even suggest that the phrase 'secrecy of correspondance?' is proboly a bit 'old fashioned' for the civil service today  ) but yeah, as a communicator im doing it every day, not only on the radio but I guess it's just something that has become unconscious for me...
Will, I questioned the statement because it didn't sound quite right, just because im not familiar with the specific term 'secrecy of correspondance' (try googling it and you'll see it bears little relavance to Maritime matters generally) doesn't mean i don't understand the idea. As noted above, it's (the specific term) probobly not something id have come across because we work under the data protection act. Plus i've never done any RYA src course.
The statement was
'you sign promising never to repeat anything you overhear.'
I questioned that, and whaddyaknow? it actually says
'....that i will not IMPROPERLY divulge to any person the purport of and message which I may transmit or receive by means........'
Which kinda supports my theorey that 'promising never to repeat anything you hear' doesn't sound quite right.
What is it that doesn't stack up?
23 September 2013, 19:41
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Sadly it appears that "work" hasn't taught you what the Data Protection act is all about - all too common I'm afraid.
We can argue the toss about whether any reasonable person would expect "you sign promising never to repeat anything you overhear" was a direct quote from the legislation or form, and my intended meaning of "overhear" if you want.
Even if you don't know it, the Wireless Telegraphy Act (2006) applies to all your VHF comms. Section 48 is quite clear: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/36/section/48
The principle difference is The Data Protection Act only applies to Personally* Identifiable information. [e.g. It may be highly relevant to you that the legal definition only applies to living persons]. The WTA applies to all VHF (and many other) Comms - regardless of the personal nature of the message, or even a more generic one. Sadly the DPA, like HSE, is used as an excuse by too many organisations who can't be bothered to understand it properly.
23 September 2013, 20:04
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uhh, what?
Why do I need to know why I can't give out information?
Im not sure what your getting at, but if it's that im no good at my job because I don't fully understand the Data Protection Act, then fair enough....
We have people that we can call anytime of the day or night who get paid alot more than I do to sit and read through documents like you posted and understand what they mean so they can argue the toss with people who make things difficult for us.
Im not about to bother doing it on my night off...
Apologies to the OP for going somewhat off-topic.
23 September 2013, 20:16
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Originally Posted by miccheck1516
Will, I questioned the statement because it didn't sound quite right, just because im not familiar with the specific term 'secrecy of correspondance' (try googling it and you'll see it bears little relavance to Maritime matters generally) doesn't mean i don't understand the idea. As noted above, it's (the specific term) probobly not something id have come across because we work under the data protection act. Plus i've never done any RYA src course.
Dude, you're back-peddling faster than a circus clown
I'm fairly confident that you haven't a monkey's what you're talking about. I've considered the possible alternatives and they don't make pretty reading:
1. You're a bit dim (unlikely, considering they made you do aptitude tests)
2. You're pretending to be a bit dim
3. You're trolling the forum
Whichever, enjoy!
FYI, the SRC paperwork does not originate with the RYA and my name isn't Will.
23 September 2013, 20:36
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but why do i need to know any of it?
isn't knowing that i can't give out inf willy nilly quite enough? if im not sure I phone a dude who earns lots of money, I don't get paid to understand legislation or whatever it is.....
23 September 2013, 21:39
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It pains me to say it but Poly was not wrong in what he said. Because a Mayday message is not overheard. A Mayday message is a message to all vessels and so was directed to Poly even if you may think he overheard it. The law (if you bothered your r's to read it) refers to not being the intended recipient.
The OP could request the log under the FOI Act. It would be the responsibility of the CG to redact any personal information from the log.
So what qualification does a CG radio operator hold?
23 September 2013, 23:31
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All coastguard VHF and telephone comms are recorded, should they be required.
24 September 2013, 00:01
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Originally Posted by miccheck1516
Why do I need to know why I can't give out information?
well the problem is if you say I can't tell you that because of data protection - and there is no personal information in it then either (a) I think you are stupid (b) I think your boss(es) are stupid and you blindly do whatever they say (c) you, or your boss(es) are trying to hide something or (d) everyone is too lazy to understand the rules that govern their job.
Don't worry this problem is rife within all government departments and many businesses too.
your words not mine.
with people who make things difficult for us.
The public have a nasty habit of doing that don't they. I'm not expecting a Harvard Law Scholar to answer my VHF calls, but I would have thought he knew more about the rules surrounding marine VHF than the average punter on an SRC course.
Im not about to bother doing it on my night off...
Sorry I wrongly assumed you were interested, bothered or wanted to expand your knowledge. I'll know next time you post you are just testing the keyboard!
24 September 2013, 06:08
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I asked initially because I was interested. I wrongly assumed this was a suitable forum to ask that question.
I cant be bothered responding to the rest of your off topic, antagonistic BS.
24 September 2013, 06:44
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