03 September 2016, 19:30
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Med RIB recommendations?
Could anybody recommend a rib about 6.5mtr which will be suitable for the south of France not all year round just extended holidays
03 September 2016, 19:35
Join Date: Jun 2010
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A budget would help buddy.
03 September 2016, 19:39
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
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Originally Posted by spavin
Could anybody recommend a rib about 6.5mtr which will be suitable for the south of France not all year round just extended holidays
You'll need to be more specific if you want a sensible answer. E.g. Number of persons/seats, intended use(cruising, fishing, lounging in a marina) budget, will you be using it in the UK (seeing as you're in sunny Scunny, you might be tempted to go out in the North Sea once you get "the bug", Whitby ain't St Tropez!). What will you be towing it with? Chances are, you might want a Bimini top to keep the sun off. This is just for starters.
Lions led by donkeys
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Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
03 September 2016, 19:55
Country: UK - England
Town: scunthorpe
Boat name: valliant
Make: valliant
Length: 4m +
Engine: outboard
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 12
Ok I am looking for a suitable rib about 6.5mtr to take on holiday to the south of France for about a month it will be used for water sports and general bombing about around santropez with 2 or sometimes 4 persons onboard and the rest of the season I will probably dry stack it on the south coast as Whitby and cleethorpes doesn't appeal to me not that there is anything wrong with Whitby and cleethorpes I will be towing it to France behind my motorholme which has a tag axle so should be ok weight wise
I am looking to spend about 20k Inc trailer
Any advice please
03 September 2016, 20:00
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12,205
Originally Posted by spavin
A bout 20k including trailer
In which case you're looking at second hand, which means you're restricted to what's available, rather than your ideal spec. You need to start trawling the ads & websites to see what's out there. Make a short list & pass it to the collective for comment.
Lions led by donkeys
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
03 September 2016, 20:09
Country: UK - Scotland
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Given where you are going and making assumptions on use something like this
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I was born not knowing and have had only a little time to change that here and there.
03 September 2016, 20:10
Country: UK - England
Town: scunthorpe
Boat name: valliant
Make: valliant
Length: 4m +
Engine: outboard
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 12
Thank for that it's a bit of a mine field out there I have been told that hull shape is important for the med a deep v is a good choice then others say it's not that important some say brig is a good boat but I have not a good review on this site about brig not sure where to start
03 September 2016, 20:38
Country: UK - England
Town: Wakefield
Boat name: Bouncer
Make: Redbay Stormforce
Length: 6m +
Engine: 2x Honda 100 Hp
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You pays your money and take your chance we can only tell you what we've seen over the years and Ribs like Brig & Ribeye don't seem to hold out like a well built British Rib
I've a 6.5 m Redbay with twin 90 Hp built in 1999 and it's still solid I've retubed it to smarten it up but I would go anywhere in it
I've done the Med ! Lake Garda ! Irish Sea and Scotland out to St Kilda 😁 with confidence.
My lad works down in the med and reckons so called cheap ribs are hanging in bits in a couple of years
03 September 2016, 21:41
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
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Brig 645 eagle
Originally Posted by mick
You pays your money and take your chance we can only tell you what we've seen over the years and Ribs like Brig & Ribeye don't seem to hold out like a well built British Rib
Have you looked at any recent Ribeyes? They got off to a rocky start in the early days, but that was getting on for 20 years ago and their new boats are in a completely different league.
The Ribeyes I've seen in the last few years have been pretty impressive, with good attention to detail and a seating layout that works well. I'd definitely consider one for the OP's application.
They're not cheap though. Reassuringly expensive would be more like it.
03 September 2016, 22:31
Country: UK - England
Town: Wakefield
Boat name: Bouncer
Make: Redbay Stormforce
Length: 6m +
Engine: 2x Honda 100 Hp
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Posts: 4,177
Originally Posted by John Kennett
Have you looked at any recent Ribeyes? They got off to a rocky start in the early days, but that was getting on for 20 years ago and their new boats are in a completely different league.
The Ribeyes I've seen in the last few years have been pretty impressive, with good attention to detail and a seating layout that works well. I'd definitely consider one for the OP's application.
They're not cheap though. Reassuringly expensive would be more like it.
Aye a little birdy told me they have some uk guys trying to sort them out
04 September 2016, 08:17
Country: UK - England
Town: South Yorks
Boat name: Black Pig
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 5m +
Engine: DF140a
MMSI: 235111389
Join Date: Feb 2008
Posts: 12,205
Originally Posted by John Kennett
Have you looked at any recent Ribeyes? They got off to a rocky start in the early days, but that was getting on for 20 years ago and their new boats are in a completely different league.
I think some idiot mentioned Ribeyes in post 5 ages ago
Lions led by donkeys
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
04 September 2016, 08:48
Country: UK - England
Town: Brighton
Length: 3m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 7,110
Indeed he did, although you'd be hard pressed to find any blue piping these days.
My post was for Mick really, not the OP
04 September 2016, 09:02
Country: UK - England
Town: Wakefield
Boat name: Bouncer
Make: Redbay Stormforce
Length: 6m +
Engine: 2x Honda 100 Hp
MMSI: 235025718
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 4,177
Originally Posted by John Kennett
Have you looked at any recent Ribeyes? They got off to a rocky start in the early days, but that was getting on for 20 years ago and their new boats are in a completely different league.
The Ribeyes I've seen in the last few years have been pretty impressive, with good attention to detail and a seating layout that works well. I'd definitely consider one for the OP's application.
They're not cheap though. Reassuringly expensive would be more like it.
They might be in a different league but it sure ain't premiership 😂 the build quality just isn't good enough
04 September 2016, 09:47
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Originally Posted by mick
They might be in a different league but it sure ain't premiership 😂 the build quality just isn't good enough
I'm not convinced they are worse than some British made boats. they seem to still be in reasonable shape 5-10 yrs later. Whilst they are made overseas the company is based here and has an extensive and well established (so knowledgeable?) dealer network. I also understood the finishing work (the detail you don't like I assume?) is done in England, just the bare hulls made in SA? I also believe they do quite a good job at looking after their customers and getting repeat business. I've never owned and am very unlikely to own a ribeye but they get a hard time here for supplying exactly what the main bit of the leisure market wants - a reasonably attractive and capable boat with a reliable engine, and requiring minimum thought on layouts etc.
ribeyes don't look out of place in the south of France, whereas some of our more industrial boats will look like the harbour master* - what matters most is that the hull can handle the med chop and a ribeye will be fine with it.
* that may not be a bad thing, I was once flagged down by a wafi tying up to a visitor mooring waving notes at me - apparently a functional rather than beautiful boat and a flotation suit gives the appearance of authority! could be a nice little earner if I had been quicker thinking!
04 September 2016, 10:08
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whereas some of our more industrial boats will look like the harbour master* - what matters most is that the hull can handle the med chop and a ribeye will be fine with it.
* that may not be a bad thing, I was once flagged down by a wafi tying up to a visitor mooring waving notes at me - apparently a functional rather than beautiful boat and a flotation suit gives the appearance of authority! could be a nice little earner if I had been quicker thinking![/QUOTE]
Personally I believe good Function and Good looks are not mutually exclusive.
Infact like Stalin once said about overwhelming superior numbers in Battle ..."They have a quality all of thier own!" 
...and I've been impressed with some of the Ribeye Ribs I've seen at Sea ...like the idea of cashing in though! 
With 20k to spend the OP has a healthy Budget which should give him options...and the advice should (as always be) look hard and long and try as many Hulls and configerations as you can...whilst deciding what YOU want from YOUR RIB
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
A Wise Man learns by other people's!
The Road to HELL ..is Paved with "Good inventions!"
04 September 2016, 10:11
Country: UK - England
Town: Telford
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Posts: 91
Ribeye Prime series hulls have been manufactured at Dartmouth since 2014.
The ribeye knocking on here reminds me of my wife's attitude to Skoda, Things have moved on!
04 September 2016, 10:38
Country: UK - England
Town: Wakefield
Boat name: Bouncer
Make: Redbay Stormforce
Length: 6m +
Engine: 2x Honda 100 Hp
MMSI: 235025718
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 4,177
Originally Posted by Maximus
whereas some of our more industrial boats will look like the harbour master* - what matters most is that the hull can handle the med chop and a ribeye will be fine with it.
* that may not be a bad thing, I was once flagged down by a wafi tying up to a visitor mooring waving notes at me - apparently a functional rather than beautiful boat and a flotation suit gives the appearance of authority! could be a nice little earner if I had been quicker thinking!
Personally I believe good Function and Good looks are not mutually exclusive.
Infact like Stalin once said about overwhelming superior numbers in Battle ..."They have a quality all of thier own!" 
...and I've been impressed with some of the Ribeye Ribs I've seen at Sea ...like the idea of cashing in though! 
With 20k to spend the OP has a healthy Budget which should give him options...and the advice should (as always be) look hard and long and try as many Hulls and configerations as you can...whilst deciding what YOU want from YOUR RIB  [/QUOTE]
I going off what the lads in the Med have told me from using them and the ribeye was only 12 month old and was full of gel cracks etc bit like Sunseeker look good but when it comes to it there not up to much 😉
04 September 2016, 14:38
Country: Poland
Boat name: T1
Length: 5m +
Engine: EVINRUDE 115 HO
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Posts: 612
I have seen a lot of Zar61 in Croatia.
What about used Zodiac PRO Open 650 ?
If it is for French why not to buy French boat ...
04 September 2016, 19:01
Country: USA
Town: global
Boat name: VSR
Length: 5m +
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Posts: 116
Having spent a lot time in rib in the med. and other temperate locations for work and for leisure. In the UK, you will not see a more utilitarian type boat than in any other region for a reason and a majority are that way. As ribs in the Uk are excellent boats and very sea worthy, they are not necessarily the best boat in the med for family and leisure. Not saying you couldn't do it.
Based on my experience I highly recommend looking for a rib that will allow you quality time and comfort while at anchor and at speed. Having a foredeck that will allow you to lay down or give you the ability to sit down comfortably with a friend or friends for a lunch. Also, a place for a ice box to keep drinks & food cool is important in the med.
Having jockey seats are pure joy for your back while at sea, I love them for that while working but fairly sure you won't always need them for everybody in the med for leisure use in good weather. You say two people mostly and maybe four occasionally. I would think having two jockey seats at the console and a bench seat in the back for the occasional passenger and storage. It's easy to remove jockeys and put in a rear bench seat/locker if you like. You can alway go back to more jockey's like the rib in the pic.
Having said that, you also need to be careful of the type of weekend excursion med ribs with all the bells and whistles with fancy lines, they are not known for the best quality, reliability or sea worthiness. I say to try to find something in-between.
I like the layout of this rib in the pic (Ballistic 650), it has the ability to convert the bow into a big sun bed or four people or more people sitting comfortably during a sunset cocktail.
There's nothing better than speeding off to a remote quiet cove, setting a anchor for a nice lunch, take a nap or read a book or all of above. Your wife, girlfriend or mistress will appreciate that.
I'm not sure about the quality of Ballistic ribs or this one in particular, others on the forum will be better for that. It's for sale on rib.net ( 2007 Ballistic 650 - 175hp £18,000). I think this could suit you well and appears to have a fairly good v hull and bow looks like it's high enough for sea worthiness in the UK.
Fancy med boats will not do in the UK so I recommend finding something (if possible in budget) that can suit both regions. I think this type of rib layout can offer you that.
04 September 2016, 22:12
Country: UK - England
Town: Bucks
Boat name: Blue & Ding Dong
Make: Ribeye,SR4 & Bombard
Length: 6m +
Engine: 115,50 & 15Hp Yams
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Posts: 3,252
I would have a look at stingher and predictor ribs too, I do like my ribeye witch surprisingly has not fallen apart in 10 years  but I think you can get a better layout for what you want! All the brigs I see these days look well put together.
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