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Old 16 April 2003, 21:40   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 54
Meeting point in solent for Ribs!

News Flash!! Big BUZZ for Powerboat /Rib Enthusiasts

Gill from Drivers Wharf Dry Berthing Marina, Southampton has kindly agreed to start a Powerboat/Rib Club at Drivers Wharf. We will affiliate it to the RYA and be known as the 'Driver's Powerboat Club'. It will be for all types of powerboating - leisure or racing.
This will give people a base in the Solent to meet and go boating, also test their raceboats. Anyone who joins (at a nominal fee) will be given a membership card that will enable him or her to discounts in various marine businesses. The Club's aim is to be a focal point for boaters in general. Not a commercial business.

Can anyone help? We're trying to get a Clubhouse with decking area and bar-b-que (as we all like to party and talk boats! He he!!) If anyone knows of a port-a-cabin going cheap or wish to donate please contact me, we don't mind in what condition! I really want this to work, maybe next year we could take it a stage further and host a basic race and more Poker Runs!

To launch the Driver's Powerboat Club and the Marina there will be a Powerboat Weekend on 19th and 20th July at Drivers Wharf. A small boat show on the Saturday which will include leisure and racing boats, water displays by raceboats, a big party on the Saturday night for all members of the new club and a excellent Poker Run on the Sunday!!! This will be for all the family and an excellent event put it in your diaries now!!! The aim at Driver's Wharf is to become a community for boating!

Are any of you just about to start a small business in the Southampton area and want to find premises etc. please email me, I might be able to help!

Remember everyone can join the Driver's Powerboat Club - even if you don't have a boat!!!

Let's get this sport boogying babes!!!
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Old 16 April 2003, 22:35   #2
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Fi, I think you should talk with Stuart (Wavehumper) rather quickly he might be able to help you if he ever gets back tonight with his latest aquisition.

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Old 17 April 2003, 00:34   #3
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Good Idea

When you get the club up and running you are welcome to borrow my Barbecue and small pa system for your Party. They are at our unit in Saxon Wharf so you wont have far to take them. The Barbie is a monster.

I take it that you are loking for a Portacabin to put on Drivers wharf . I think the club is a really good idea so if you haven't got any thing sorted by the opening weekend you are welcome to use our portacabin at Saxon

Portacabins. A guy called Jan Eggleston runs a small tugging and dredging company called BP Norse marine I think he might know of one that is going spare. He is next to us at Saxon Wharf I'll ask when I see him next but he keeps tidal hours so it might take a while

Their is a firm sellings cabins in the docks Gate 10 just on the corner preceeding Parcel Force. Also Phil space is located on the road to Drivers wharf (Bitterne Road west?) just past the BP garage. Both those firms may well have some tired or damaged units

Decking, you can get decking timbers from a shop called INXS in high street West end at very reasonable prices about 40 % cheaper than B & Q. If you need anything from a builders merchant the I can usually get about 20 - 30 % discount from Travis Perkins in Belevedere Road cos I look like a builder.

I can give you a bit of time to help with the Carpentry and Wiring but it seems to be rarer to find nowadays so it's limited.

I am sure Johnny Bouys had a ccouple of the promotional units from the Camel trophy. They were mobile walk in jobs with awnings and stuff, quite big so if he hasn't shifted them he might be up for a deal

Hope that helps
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Old 17 April 2003, 01:24   #4
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Sounds great where do we sign.....
Tried to get a group of Ribsters together last year and was heckled at by the big groups such as BIBOA!!!
So sounds great!!
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Old 17 April 2003, 16:07   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
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Not trying to compete with BIBOA and I'm sure as The secretary's boat is kept there he would rather have chit chats in a nice club house rather than the small tea room at present!he he! I work in unison with BIBOA and ORDA etc and would not want to cause problems with them. We are not looking to organise events other than from Driver's Wharf! We want fun not politics - I have enough of that with racing!!

Thanks Wavehumper can you email me directly with your details so I can have a chat - I think there are other things that might be of interest to you.

Anyone interested in signing up and want details my add: fiona@pascoe69.fsnet.co.uk
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