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Old 16 February 2007, 20:44   #1
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micro dots or similar

does anyone have experienceof aquiring and fitting items like microdots or data tags, I don't seem to be able to find either!

any pointers or feedback appreciated.
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Old 16 February 2007, 20:50   #2
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Yep, did my boat a few months back.

Try or search for alphadot or datatag on Ebay.

The dots are really easy-it's like a clear lacquer in a small nail varnish type bottle. Just clean/degrease where you want them and paint them on. Don't forget to make a plan of your boat/engine and mark where you've put them.
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Old 16 February 2007, 23:16   #3
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How do the data dots work? Is it some kind of RFID tag or is some unique chemical contained within? ... just curious!

Thanks in advance

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Old 16 February 2007, 23:34   #4
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It's just a tiny little dot with a personalised number on it. That number is registered to you.

Datatag is probably better but I got hold of the alphadots for £1.99 as the lacquer was apparently out of date.
They worked fine though and no probs registering them.
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Old 16 February 2007, 23:41   #5
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Personally I can't see the point of dotting a boat.
What you need to do is make sure it can't be nicked whilst on dry land by fitting loads of wheel clamps and things and if your using it just keep an eye on it when its stuck in a harbour. Hopefully the Harbour Master at the port your visiting is going to keep some sort of an eye on it. I am going to be using a steering lock this year to fend off the stealing varmints.
I think a bit of crim dam is the thing we need to worry about. Knife in the tubes springs to mind. I don't think we can do anything about that.
My nightmare scenario is having a good day out with RIBNET members and coming back to no trailer. Expensive and very inconvenient. Therefore I'm sad enough to put a wheel clamp on each wheel when I leave the boat and car and lock the trailer to the car. I also put a clamp on the steering wheel of the car.

This hasn't stopped a shackle being stolen from my trailer in the past. But that was Langstone 2 years ago.
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Old 17 February 2007, 19:38   #6
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The point of dotting or tagging the boat is to make it known that the boat is identified. You need big stickers about to let them know that the boat and motor are tagged. It makes the boat virtually worthless to the professional thief, as it will forever be identifiable as stolen property. Therefor it's not worth the hassle to them, they'll move on to an easier target.

They are worthless for the casual joyrider or vandal, who will just steal it and dump it, or slash your tubes.
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Old 17 February 2007, 20:54   #7
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I used to doubt the wisdom of these as half the official bodies are overstretched. I saw a rib at Dover last year and they were all over iit with readers.
I feel its worth it simply cos (a) its another deterrent
(b)its inexpensive
(c) the theiving barstewards don't know how they wortk either!!!!

will go and get them.

New boats here nW looks V good cant wait.
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Old 17 February 2007, 21:44   #8
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Take a look at this thread for some suggestions on where to tag your boat-might be something there you've not thought of.
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Old 17 February 2007, 22:11   #9
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I'm looking for these too!

Does anyone know a reputable online supplier of Datatags? The alphadot web site is useless, it doesn't tell you where you can get them and Datatag isn't much better although it lists suppliers name and address but no web links, not even a phone number!

Google throws up a few motorcycle based shops but obviously they don't do the Datatag marine kits....

I'm surprised they are so difficult to find for us internet shoppers. I suppose this means I will have to reach out and pick up the phone...
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Old 17 February 2007, 23:36   #10
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That'd do you-tag for trailer, hull and engine along with a load of microdot markers. Cheap as chips. It doesn't matter what you put it on-ignore that it says it's for a scooter. They use the same tags and so on in all the kits. You might have to find some way of getting the tags to stay in though-not quite sure whats in the scooter kit.

My boat is alpha-dotted with a kit for a caravan
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Old 18 February 2007, 19:36   #11
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where to tag/dot.

I think that I'm going to dot it and go for, under the cowl,on the prop,on the console, all the lecs,on the aux x 2,in the seats, etc then the trailer.

Do you think I've missed anything?

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Old 18 February 2007, 21:23   #12
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Originally Posted by mike View Post
Do you think I've missed anything?


Shouldn't really tell people where you're going to do it...

The alphadots go a LONG way. My boat/engine/trailer has about 40 points with them on. I've got a plan I drew of the boat with the locations marked.

After I did them I stuck some thinners in the bottle and shook it out all over the floor so there's going to be a lot of them in the grip surface too...

Be aware that Datatag transponders will be the best method-they can be detected without the stickers saying they are there.
Once microdot stickers are gone then they are unlikely to be able to detect its identity unless examining it hard looking for microdots-whereas a datatag scanner will pick up whether or not it's marked just by waving it around in the right places.
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Old 18 February 2007, 23:55   #13
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its both then!

I have looked at the cost and shes going to be covered with micros and have data tags aboard.
Doh "not a good idea" you are right but hey there are going to be thousands on the boat if they steal it it will take weeks to find them all .!!
Decided to do both now as that'll increase chances of success.
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