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Old 28 September 2010, 11:23   #1
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Mobi washer review

Just thought I`d share with people how pleased I was with buying a Mobi portable washer a week ago.
I keep my boat on a trailer in a friends farm yard, unfortunately the nearest tap is 80m away from the boat. I`d been using a 5l pump spray bottle which was ok for occasions when I couldn`t get near a hose but its not got any power!
I did a bit of online research including the Ebay and the manuf. website:
Eventually found that a local cycle shop had one in stock and could almost match the cheapest internet price of £129.00.
I chose the V17 (17litre) model, it has an onboard rechargeable battery and can also be powered from the cigar lighter socket of your car dashboard. It has a 3m washer hose with an adjustable gun which you can vary from jet to wide spray. I found it was sufficient to wash-down the tubes & interior of my Pacific 22, then another re-fill did the underside and leg. It`s not a "pressure washer" although it does deliver a good strong jet.
The water canister "bayonets" off the base which houses the pump/motor so you don`t have to carry the whole unit if you have to go far to the tap.
My only moan is the poorly designed/moulded flap which retains the 12v plug and cable for the cigar lighter supply, it`s weak and doesn`t retain the coiled cable and plug very well.
I know I could have spent less on multiple hose lengths and connectors but this is the kind of toy that you`ll find excuses just to use it!
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Old 28 September 2010, 11:43   #2
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Agree with your comments I obtained one via e bay and use it to wash of RIBs when no hoses available and can be used on water side as battery operated. Great as a wash down but not that high powered so only good for wash off IMO.
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