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Old 19 March 2013, 15:36   #1
Country: Ireland
Town: Castlebar
Boat name: Clewless
Make: Valiant DR 490
Length: 4m +
Engine: 60 hp ETEC
MMSI: Awaitng one
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 1,339
Modifing my Valiant DR 490

I have been rebuilding my rib since before the Christmas. So far the following works have taken place
1) The anchor locker has been split in two so there is a dry locker to hold various items and a new top opening hatch to allow for the anchor rope to be put in from the top instead of through the side as was originally designed (the original was a bad design for an anchor locker).
2) I have removed the original double jockey console (as it was much too low) that came with the boat and started to modify it until I saw a nice console with Iain Sharlott of powerboat sales ( a good one I would say)
3) I have installed a single jockey seat which is higher. This was glassed into place as I reduced the height of the console thus removed the external flange which was attached to the unit which I purchased from Iain Sharlott by 70mm. (the seat has a total height of about 630-650mm above the deck to top of cushion)
4) I moved the jockey console forward by about 500mm to improve balance
5) Installed a built in tank with external breather volume of 52 litres. Largest size thank without getting a bespoke one made.
6) Over the weekend I got most of the engine wiring loom and steering bits and pieces back together in the right places. ( I was sweating a bit about that )
7) I am intending to install a removal single jockey unit behind the jockey console and a removal bench seat at some stage. When I am happy with the work I will post some photos.
I never thought it would be so much work though.
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Old 22 March 2013, 02:04   #2
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somehow what we imagine as just a few hours, always turns into days when it comes to repairing stuff! hope your taking some pics as you go...!
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