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Old 25 October 2008, 17:48   #21
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
I think if a boat can be altered easily it would make it a more attactive purchase for a second hand boat , since the new prospective owner could tweak the set up to his or her liking, and it would therefor sell very easily, so in theory its retained value would be high
Agreed provided the boat itself has the correct reputation. Hence why it might be better to build on someone else's brand. I guess the other issue is cost of reconfiguring... most 2nd hand boats can be reconfigured with a grinder, a tube of sikaflex and some self tappers... albeit with a bit of hard graft - the costly bit is the new console/jockeys etc - thats not going to get cheaper with this route (and potentially be locked into a relatively narrow range).
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Old 25 October 2008, 18:30   #22
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
most 2nd hand boats can be reconfigured with a grinder, a tube of sikaflex and some self tappers... albeit with a bit of hard graft - the costly bit is the new console/jockeys etc - thats not going to get cheaper with this route (and potentially be locked into a relatively narrow range).
But the consoles (for example) could be twice as expensive as an ordinary one (finished) and it would still make sense financially, since you wouldn't have the effort /cost of ripping an old one out, and having a new one fitted by a dealer if you wern't happy with it (excepting DIY modding here) if you see what I mean ,.. not to mention avoiding the hassle of it all

plus, your old one would have retained value to be sold to somone else

(as with everything) its going to come down to cost though, people wont buy the concept unless you can prove its viability, and the integrity of the components , which means there would be a sales job to do in convincing peeps that a jockey pod is twice the price because its removeable ! Doh .. I'm thinking aloud , and youve probably been down this road a few times malthouse
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Old 25 October 2008, 20:00   #23
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
But the consoles (for example) could be twice as expensive as an ordinary one (finished) and it would still make sense financially, since you wouldn't have the effort /cost of ripping an old one out, and having a new one fitted by a dealer if you wern't happy with it (excepting DIY modding here) if you see what I mean ,.. not to mention avoiding the hassle of it all
next time you want to change your console let me know - i'll bring happily change it for you if I get 100% markup for doing the removal / installation!
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Old 25 October 2008, 20:55   #24
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
next time you want to change your console let me know - i'll bring happily change it for you if I get 100% markup for doing the removal / installation!
Sounds like a plan I have a job in mind .. the chap that rigged the boat I currently have put the console offset and too far back, how good are you with restoring teak effect finishes? Hope your grp knowledge is at the cutting edge, as I wouldnt want to be left with a scabby looking deck, plus theres the screw holes to deal with , not to mention the wiring extenstions,..and tank replacement,.. of course you'll guarantee your work for three years, and while your at it, give me your home phone number so I can call you in the middle of the night incase something breaks
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Old 26 October 2008, 09:57   #25
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
(as with everything) its going to come down to cost though
If we are right it should be no more expensive than any other gear, the boat might be a tad more than some basic brands because there are a few corners that cant be cut.

Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
...a jockey pod is twice the price because its removeable!
Oooo, can we call it a Podular RIB?
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Old 26 October 2008, 10:13   #26
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
how good are you with restoring teak effect finishes?
now if you want poncy finishes on your rib you deserve to pay over the odds to get your console moved!
not to mention the wiring extenstions
and that was the point I was making earlier in the thread - the physical movement is only part of the problem - rewiring is potentially as big a job all over again.

If you can get those sort of garuntees from any boat builder / rigger you are doing pretty well - I could probably sort you out with the sort of after sales support we come to expect in the 21st century - a 50p per minute overseas call centre who have never seen the product you are talking about!
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Old 26 October 2008, 10:17   #27
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malthouse - as a very small stepping stone in the right direction - how about consoles which are prewired with bluesea (or similar) switches, master switch, batter(ies), and cabling in place ready to simply connect to the back of your chosen instruments. Given your other business interests they could even be supplied with your chosen instruments pre-fitted. All you would need to do is connect the engine loom, etc and screw and glue to the deck.
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Old 26 October 2008, 10:40   #28
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I would have thought this would be mainly of interest to commercial users. I can't think of many Leisure users that would want or need the capability to completely reconfigure their RIB beyond changing the bench seat for a jockey or something like that (which is easily done anyway)

The thing is most commercial users would also have the ability to make the necessary changes to their layout without needing a rib designed to be reconfigured.

I maybe short sighted but I can't really see the market for this?

There maybe a few diehard fiddlers on here that would love a RIB they could change however I cant see it appealing to the wider audience.
Chris Stevens

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Old 26 October 2008, 10:58   #29
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Anything is possible if you throw enough money at it and this is the crux of the problem.
To make units moveable involves a huge amount of custom work, from tanks to consoles to fixings and sealing. These all add to the costs of build making the product highly expensive in relation to other manufacturers.
I can see a market for something like this but very very limited, possibly the millionaires yacht tender market?
I honestly can't see the majority of leisure users paying the extra to have the ability to move things about, most folk would use the cash to buy a bigger hull if given the choice.
I also don't see many commercial users wanting it either, there are hardpoint systems already that can be used for addition/removal of seating etc and the labour costs of constantly moving things about for different days has to be considered. Most companies that did this a lot would have multiple rigged boats as it would work out cheaper in the long run.
I would be interested to see the concept you come up with but would have to say that unless you manage to make it extraordinarily user friendly and cheap I can see it being worthwhile commercially.
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Old 26 October 2008, 11:23   #30
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Originally Posted by BruceB View Post
I honestly can't see the majority of leisure users paying the extra to have the ability to move things about
If we are right it should be no more expensive than any other gear...

This is not intended to be a super yacht tender, it is a concept that would allow greater flexibility for RIB owners to add, remove or change the arrangement of their boat.

The basic boat would be as attractive as any other small production sea capable boat, no more expensive and no less elegant.
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Old 26 October 2008, 11:24   #31
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
how about consoles which are prewired, switches, master switch, batter(ies), and cabling in place ready to simply connect to the back of your chosen instruments.
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Old 26 October 2008, 11:36   #32
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Originally Posted by BruceB View Post
you manage to make it extraordinarily user friendly and cheap
This is the crux of what you need to happen, can't think of a way that both are possible but then again you may have some ground breaking idea.........
As far as prewired consoles are concerned this would be something that would put me off unless there is a good choice of spec and equipment and again this is likely to be more expensive as pre built units.
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Old 26 October 2008, 11:48   #33
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wiring solutions http://loom-tech.co.uk/index.html

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Old 27 October 2008, 11:42   #34
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
I think if a boat can be altered easily it would make it a more attactive purchase for a second hand boat , since the new prospective owner could tweak the set up to his or her liking, and it would therefor sell very easily, so in theory its retained value would be high
Someone mentioned the Ribeye rails ...
They are great for attaching new things in the boat without worrying about drilling something you shouldn't or trying to find access to get a nut to a bolt.
Do you guys take a cool box out?
What do you put it?
Is it secure?
Do you have to take it out of a locker when you want to have your picnic or does it act like a feature in the boat, till you get home and simply un attach it?
If you could extend the rail principle to be like a lego base plate that you could attach anything to, anywhere. Fantastic. As for steering and throttle - fly by wire is a reality. Use it.
There are also single cable approaches that can be used (like PC networks) so you don't even need a wiring loom for all the other bits (except coax)
- http://www.capi2.com/downLoads/nigelCalder.pdf
Good luck!
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Old 05 March 2009, 12:21   #35
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What ever happened to this idea Malthouse?
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Old 05 March 2009, 12:24   #36
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Originally Posted by JSP View Post
What ever happened to this idea Malthouse?
Good timing!

Just yesterday I sent the specs off to our colleagues here on the island - Mainbrayce as they too are looking into developing a RIB.
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Old 05 March 2009, 12:45   #37
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Sounds interesting. Keep us posted.
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Old 05 March 2009, 12:58   #38
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How multipurpose is the spec?
Will it have inboard engine mounting points built in?
Will the tubes be user removable as per halmatic pac n arc range?

I'd had similar why doesnt someone type notions around a standard deck matrix of holes/threaded inserts. It may need standard sized plates so a modularised access to voids can be achieved so say a modular fuel tank can be dropped in etc etc until land rover is complete (mine isnt much to mine and Doggypadlles frustration)

DP, I'm going for the 3" exhaust, can get a custom job in stainless locally for £250-300.
New boat is here, very happy!
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Old 05 March 2009, 13:23   #39
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it's been done, the big charter boat called loepard had a rib that bolted together, the hull was in 4 bits i think, about 6m long with slide on tubes, i've got the tubes in for repair so i know the boats still about
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Old 05 March 2009, 17:45   #40
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
malthouse - as a very small stepping stone in the right direction - how about consoles which are prewired with bluesea (or similar) switches, master switch, batter(ies), and cabling in place ready to simply connect to the back of your chosen instruments. Given your other business interests they could even be supplied with your chosen instruments pre-fitted. All you would need to do is connect the engine loom, etc and screw and glue to the deck.
Schmokin! Make sure that fuel and batteries have proper places with cradles for fixing. try not to put the gas and spark in the same compartment but you could build a grp tank into the bottom of a console of seat and partition it off (gastight of course) with a GRP shelf.

Have the console have modular fitting plates SO you have a 4 or 5 regular sized console plates that bolt flush into the console. On to these you can fit the VHF, GPS, FF,RADAR and switches engine guages. Few years down the line when bits get swapped out flog a new console panel

Make the console seats capable af taking a flare box or build a compartment that takes a schlermy? box

don't inset any track system into the deck it's going to invite mr osmosis for a ride and he's an awkward fkkr to have on a boat

bow and sternlockers for warps and stuff sessible place to stow an anchor
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