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Old 25 October 2008, 08:27   #1
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Modular concept RIB, first thoughts...

A colleague and I are probing the idea of putting together what might be described as an "open source" RIB. Anyone that has modified an old style Landrover will appreciate the modular nature of them, not to mention that there are many accessories produced by many different people. We would like to see something similar in the RIB market.

Our idea is to have a single mid sized hull, with good rough water characteristics. The build will be fairly lightweight but very strong, but above all it will have a detailed set of specs for anyone that wants to build their own modifications to suit a particular role as well as having built in modification options and fixing points.

We think we have found a manufacturing technique that will allow this and now seems to be a good time to pick up moulds/designs for hulls that will be up to the job.

What do you think?
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Old 25 October 2008, 08:36   #2
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I'm not sure what you mean as I can't really see anything more modular than say, buying a bare hull and fitting it out with the many consoles/seats available a la Osprey or an old Searider.

Can you explain more?
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Old 25 October 2008, 08:44   #3
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
Can you explain more?
I can try.

The idea is not just about one shot flexibility, it is about being able to change and update/upgrade many times. So you can configure it for one season as a "pickup" type boat - with a double console and loads of open deck space, next season you might move the console and add a second fuel tank and add jockeys. Just as an example.

The hull would be designed and built in such a way as to allow such changes without altering the integrity of the core boat.
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Old 25 October 2008, 08:54   #4
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I quite like that idea-it'd be the ideal 1st time rib too-a lot of people seem to buy new then realise they would like to do something differently. Not sure how it'd work in practice with people walking on mounting points and so on though but that's your job doing R&D .
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Old 25 October 2008, 09:01   #5
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
I quite like that idea-it'd be the ideal 1st time rib too-a lot of people seem to buy new then realise they would like to do something differently. Not sure how it'd work in practice with people walking on mounting points and so on though but that's your job doing R&D .
didnt rib eye use a track mounting system that meant seating anc consoles could be re configured?? From all accounts things wernt moved once settled and the tracks were ugly......... Would need to be discrete and tasteful if your market was aiming at leisure!
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Old 25 October 2008, 09:04   #6
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Originally Posted by gtflash View Post
Would need to be discrete and tasteful if your market was aiming at leisure!
Quite right, we can do discrete and tasteful

The idea would be that at any time the boat can revert to a totally flat and level deck, even with fixtures in place there would be no rails or raised fittings.
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Old 25 October 2008, 09:05   #7
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Originally Posted by malthouse View Post
Quite right, we can do discrete and tasteful

The idea would be that at any time the boat can revert to a totally flat and level deck, even with fixtures in place there would be no rails or raised fittings.
Can you describe how you'd do it without revealing secrets?
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Old 25 October 2008, 09:12   #8
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
Can you describe how you'd do it without revealing secrets?
If we knew exactly how we would do it then sure, but it is still very early days. If there is a market for it (or rather will there be a market for it once the economy bounces back) then we will build it.

We have some pretty good ideas on how it might work, based on our time modifying other people's designs.
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Old 25 October 2008, 09:49   #9
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Originally Posted by malthouse View Post
If we knew exactly how we would do it then sure, but it is still very early days. If there is a market for it (or rather will there be a market for it once the economy bounces back) then we will build it.

We have some pretty good ideas on how it might work, based on our time modifying other people's designs.
Worth some market research.

I do get the feeling though that however good the idea is (and it's a fantastic idea), in practice it'll be a bit of a non starter.
I can see a lot of advantages to it-but also a lot of pitfalls.
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Old 25 October 2008, 10:17   #10
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
I do get the feeling though that however good the idea is (and it's a fantastic idea), in practice it'll be a bit of a non starter.
I can see a lot of advantages to it-but also a lot of pitfalls.
Like everything in boat design there will be a compromise, but the aim is to have a basic shell of a RIB that can take a wide range of engines, tanks, seats, storage, etc etc without being set for life in that set up. IF we are right and it can be made to work then it should be an interesting project.

None of my RIBs (in fact any kind of boats) have ever been just right, but my Landrover is finally perfect. Time for a bit of cross fertilisation I think!
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Old 25 October 2008, 10:45   #11
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some thoughts...
  1. open source is possibly not the right word. the idea is presumably that you would own the rights to the hull design - otherwise the idea takes off and everyone uses your drawings to bang out copies. I think what you are actually descrining is an "open standard", that would allow me to make a completely different hull, but still fit within 'your' standard for tubes, consoles etc... i am not sure a single (especially new) builder could produce a standard.
  2. i think there is some sort of market for a 'Flexible boat' (probably the wrong word for a rib!) where you can easily fit and remove jockey seats, consoles, bottle racks, storage for camping gear or get to a clear open deck quickly. but its probably not the mainstream leisure market, and so whilst quality and finishing detail would be important - prettiness, per se, is not.
  3. you probably want below deck configurations to be flexible too - e.g. fuel tanks, storage boxes etc.
  4. moving a console isn't exactly straight forward - cables etc need changed/rerouted.
  5. With a truely modular design who's responsible for getting the boat RCD certified (how can the builder certify a boat which isn't built). A diy build is exempt - but can't be sold for 5 years.
  6. there may be a reason no one else has done this so far - either demand is not high enough OR the builder makes money from the customisation (or saves money by not being too flexible) - if so how are you going to make money.
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Old 25 October 2008, 10:58   #12
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Originally Posted by malthouse View Post
Like everything in boat design there will be a compromise,
None of my RIBs (in fact any kind of boats) have ever been just right, but my Landrover is finally perfect. Time for a bit of cross fertilisation I think!
do you really think you can get "just right" if it is a compromise?

the aim is to have a basic shell of a RIB that can take a wide range of engines, tanks, seats, storage, etc etc without being set for life in that set up.
but changing those things is not cheap - thats why people sell/trade up. You are removing the hassle/fear of getting out the angle grinder - but not the fact you spent money on the wrong thing in the first place.
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Old 25 October 2008, 11:35   #13
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Seems a pretty good idea to me. A modular Rib. Rigged for diving one weekend (Console right up front, bottle rack, loads of deck space). Next weekend want to go out for a run with some friends, remove bottle rack, fit additional seating you have a cruising RIB. Only issue, as has been mentioned, would be steering etc if you wanted to resite the console. Perhaps some kind of segmented modular steering? Countersunk rails or countersunk anchor points wouldn't be unsightly. Anything that doesn't involve a permanent fixing to the hull (bonding or drilling) is a cracking idea.
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Old 25 October 2008, 12:44   #14
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Sounds like a good idea ,.. but a design nightmare, what with the pounding some of these hulls get. Also presumably it would mean you would be restricted in the 'articles' you could use, as they too, would have to be designed to anchor effectively to the hull, in various configurations, and would require to be specific for that hull design, so what if a buyer didnt like your console for example .. he'd be snookered because nothing else would fit ? conjecture on my part ofcourse
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Old 25 October 2008, 12:53   #15
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
...what if a buyer didnt like your console for example .. he'd be snookered because nothing else would fit ?
We think there will be total flexibility for the owner - anything that fixes to a floor can be fitted. Of course only the fixtures made to the (open) specs will be easily interchangeable.

As for the RCD point above, our intention would be to have a range of stock boats certified and then it is up to the owner to make finer modifications. To continue the Series Landrover example: you do not need a new MOT just because you change from a soft top to a pickup.

Engine and steering controls might also be doable, not sure that a person would want to reconfigure very frequently though. We have more in mind that an owner(s) would tweak the set up to suit changing tastes or uses rather than having a "Transformer", that need would be best suited by having rails or countersunk mounting points.
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Old 25 October 2008, 15:13   #16
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Perfectly do-able ……..first 4 - 5m fixed …then 1metre sections flanged and internal bolts (like the old braithwaite water tanks)…..with a tongue and groove on each face for perfect alignment and sealing….not too dis similar to shipbuilding, fuselage building…They would need to be consecutively numbered sections and tapered the bigger the boat. You would also need different sized transoms and a final section to take you from internal to external for bolting ….also for single/twin and inboard
I would run two grooves for T section almost full length for seat/console/bottle racks …….get proper wiring/engine control looms made and have them on a covered surface duct with a cable chain and proper plugs , with terminations done correctly…

…..tubes would be a pain to extend if it was done after initial build ……pros and cons for and against but do-able none the less..

Probably completely on the wrong track to your thinking though

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Old 25 October 2008, 16:13   #17
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our intention would be to have a range of stock boats certified and then it is up to the owner to make finer modifications.
OK assuming that IanDL's interpretation is wrong and you weren't planning to have a post manufacture extendable hull (which sounds interesting but probably not ecconomical). Then it seems all that you are bringing "new" to the offering is some form of ultraflexible deck design which enable you to swap components around. If I was embarking on such a venture, especially in the current climate, I would be looking to partner with one (or all) of the current rib builders to integrate my "modular deck" into their designs.

Of all the things that affect boat buying decisions I would think that the ability to modifiy a deck layout one or two years later is probably low down the list - compared to hull design, price, style, reputation, resale value, confidence that the builder won't go bust in the middle of the build, are all things were by producing your own boats you are either unknown or at least fixed to one segment of the market.
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Old 25 October 2008, 16:57   #18
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I have used Bigheads located into the floor which allowed seat pods to be repositioned or removed.

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Old 25 October 2008, 17:22   #19
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post

Of all the things that affect boat buying decisions I would think that the ability to modifiy a deck layout one or two years later is probably low down the list - compared to hull design, price, style, reputation, resale value, confidence that the builder won't go bust in the middle of the build,
I think if a boat can be altered easily it would make it a more attactive purchase for a second hand boat , since the new prospective owner could tweak the set up to his or her liking, and it would therefor sell very easily, so in theory its retained value would be high
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Old 25 October 2008, 17:38   #20
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
... it seems all that you are bringing "new" to the offering is some form of ultraflexible deck design which enable you to swap components around. If I was embarking on such a venture, especially in the current climate.
The deck is the key, certainly, but it is about having a flexible whole boat (as mentioned this not a good phrase but you know what I mean). The hull is a given, the tubes come in three flavours and the engine range is great - after that there is no limit to the variations of seating, storage, tanks etc etc.

Sticking to the Landrover comparison: This is not like having a people carrier where you can move seats about and make more boot space, this a base vehicle that can be rigged any way you like it.

This is the very very start of the process, so I would really really hope that the economic climate is bit better by the time it reached the market.
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