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Old 30 May 2014, 06:59   #101
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Originally Posted by Gilles View Post
coool, hope to see you on water, we ll do a night stop a gillingham and start from to London in the morning. do you know at what time they re leaving ?
You should be able to find what you need here: Venture Cup website

No updates for a worryingly long time though!
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 30 May 2014, 07:38   #102
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St Katherines is tidal so there will be a window in the morning to get out - not sure what time that is on the 7th though
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Old 30 May 2014, 12:09   #103
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Originally Posted by Cookee View Post
You should be able to find what you need here: Venture Cup website

No updates for a worryingly long time though!
do you think that there s still somthing in the scope on this website ...well i will see and if not we ll visit london by the river and i won t be sad seeing +10m ribs cruising at 60 kts ....comparing to my 6.3m
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Old 30 May 2014, 14:47   #104
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Following the recent decision by the RYA regarding the Venture Cup race to Monte-Carlo, the organisers have been working with the Belgian National Authority, the UIM Pleasure & Navigation Commission, and the UIM in an attempt to source an alternate way of running the Venture Cup this June.
For UIM approval we needed to find a specific element within existing UIM rules which could be voted on, and this was found under Rule 307 of the Pleasure & Navigation section of the UIM. An ‘Advance Notice’ was then created and submitted to the UIM Pleasure & Navigation Commission for their approval, and the vote was passed to support the event.

The only remaining item then was for the UIM Executive Committee to vote on the matter of the application timing. Under normal circumstances a request must be submitted some time before the time-window we were operating in, so a derogation was required.

We have just learned that the UIM Executive Committee have voted not to allow the derogation.

We are therefore left with no option but to cancel the Venture Cup at this time. as it has always been our intention to run the event under the governance of the international powerboat authority.

We would like to apologise to all those affected by this decision. We understand that several of the teams are planning their own private run to Monaco during the same dates, and we wish them the very best of luck. We are more than happy to support them in way we can, and would ask that others do the same.

We'll share updates from the teams on this journey as we receive them.
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Old 31 May 2014, 07:21   #105
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Pissup and brewery is bouncing around in a large cavern on my shoulders
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Old 31 May 2014, 08:42   #106
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You have a certain way of putting things that I find quite amusing
There is a place on this planet for all of Gods creatures.........right next to my tatties and gravy.
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Old 31 May 2014, 09:17   #107
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No mankini then.....

Sent from my iPad using RIB Net
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Old 31 May 2014, 10:22   #108
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but can we have at least the mankini...coz now this is the point ! i will change the topic's name !
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Old 31 May 2014, 12:05   #109
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This has become the largest joke in sporting history. Inexperienced organisers dealing with self appointed, self regulating bodies who equally have no experience while taking money off well intended competitors who want to expand their boating lives. This event could have happened if any of them knew what they were doing!!!! I fought the RYA and UIM for 3 years on the rules and we came to a mutual understanding and commitment. The Venture Cup assumed they knew better. Alan P
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Old 31 May 2014, 12:20   #110
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so hows your attempt going ,i havent heard anything for a while
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Old 31 May 2014, 13:52   #111
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Originally Posted by Carl View Post
so hows your attempt going ,i havent heard anything for a while
After 10 months work the China deal collapsed which was a bit of a shitter but within a week someone else knocked on the door. We are now really close to having all the money to finish the job. Maybe next week for announcement.
A German team has just put in an entry as well so we now have three global entry's along with a provisional team from Russia and Oman.
Onwards and upwards Alan P
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Old 31 May 2014, 15:03   #112
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Originally Posted by Alan Priddy View Post
This has become the largest joke in sporting history. Inexperienced organisers dealing with self appointed, self regulating bodies who equally have no experience while taking money off well intended competitors who want to expand their boating lives. This event could have happened if any of them knew what they were doing!!!! I fought the RYA and UIM for 3 years on the rules and we came to a mutual understanding and commitment. The Venture Cup assumed they knew better. Alan P
Good post

I can't understand how they run these races as a business take money of people and then walk away.

Still it's only happened 4 times.
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Old 31 May 2014, 15:45   #113
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Originally Posted by Hunton69 View Post
Good post

I can't understand how they run these races as a business take money of people and then walk away.

Still it's only happened 4 times.
Even for you Barry that's just about the most stupid, obtuse and crass remark you have ever made and you have made quite a few, usually under the influence!! Actually you are quite right, you DON'T understand and just take cheap pot shots. You have become just another keyboard warrior.
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Old 31 May 2014, 16:07   #114
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Originally Posted by Mike Lloyd View Post
Even for you Barry that's just about the most stupid, obtuse and crass remark you have ever made and you have made quite a few, usually under the influence!! Actually you are quite right, you DON'T understand and just take cheap pot shots. You have become just another keyboard warrior.
It may be a good idea to now draw a line under this sorry saga. It has to accepted that everything we do costs money and that potential adventurers need to create a "sinking" fund to start planning. In defence of Mike I am sure that he did his best to make the the first event happen and it is easy to get drawn in with the hype experienced at various meetings. Mike choose the right thing by walking away. The problems arose by the following organisers Who didn't have a clue assuming quite wrongly they knew better than anyone else.
I am sure that there will be a lot of bad blood for many years to come on this massive cock up but at the end of the day no one died and only lost money.
If it helps I will throw a party at my expense for everyone that has wasted money or time to get together , kiss and make up. Life is much to short.

As you may be aware I have been working on a project for the best part of five years and during this time I have been called all sorts of names , fighting and winning my case with the RYA and UIM while being pissed about by potential sponsors who turned out to be wasters. At no time have I given up and although it seems I have been quite and the project failed it hasn't with us being so close to making the final announcement. Our entire project has been based on a sound business plan No bullshit with a proven return on any investment. We must be doing something right as we have just received notification that a team from Germany want to race against us and America. We plan the first voyage next year against the USA and the Germans want us to do it all over again the following year.
What I am saying is that there is a requirement for extreme offshore events. They just have to be organised properly. Alan P
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Old 31 May 2014, 17:05   #115
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Originally Posted by Hunton69 View Post
Good post

I can't understand how they run these races as a business take money of people and then walk away.

Still it's only happened 4 times.
It is contentious and provocative but factual, no-one can dispute the fact that RB12 and two Monte Carlo races have now failed with competitors losing money regardless of where the money ended up - that's a whole different issue!

I'm sure the blame/buck will be passed backwards and forwards between the RYA, the competitors (yes they have been blamed in the past) and the organisers for some time to come but the fact remains that there needs to be some fundemental changes before anyone thinks about a race longer than the CTC ever again.
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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Old 31 May 2014, 20:12   #116
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Originally Posted by Mike Lloyd View Post
Even for you Barry that's just about the most stupid, obtuse and crass remark you have ever made and you have made quite a few, usually under the influence!! Actually you are quite right, you DON'T understand and just take cheap pot shots. You have become just another keyboard warrior.
What part of that post is stupid. I take it then that people didn't loose any money.

So you knew how hard it was to put this event on and how much it would cost and when you threw the towel in due to lack of finance you then told the new team that you wanted paying for your time. Why would you do that?

Why don't you publish the accounts regarding the money that you were given and how you spent it?
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Old 01 June 2014, 09:30   #117
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Originally Posted by Hunton69 View Post
What part of that post is stupid. I take it then that people didn't loose any money.

So you knew how hard it was to put this event on and how much it would cost and when you threw the towel in due to lack of finance you then told the new team that you wanted paying for your time. Why would you do that?

Why don't you publish the accounts regarding the money that you were given and how you spent it?

Yes they did and so did I and in both cases it wasn't small cheese. But then we all knew what was on the line - It was their choice, I used the same formula as in RB08, the £1,000 was non-refundable and it was up to the racers whether they wanted to go down that route or not. We didn't force them! In fact you opted to do that in RB08 so why the winge?

I wanted paying for my time because I am an OAP with - now - limited funds. When did you last work for nothing?

No problem: check out Companies House MPA Powerboat Events Ltd, it's all there for anyone to see. You see that's what the law says, if you are a Limited company you have to produce accounts that have been properly audited, or don't you do that!!! Oh, and again, it wasn't only the lack of finance, it was also the lack of entries which caused RB11, RB12 and CMC to collapse. It's pretty obvious to all now that there are just a handfull of racers - certainly no more - who want to or even can afford to take part in such races so basically that's it for those events.

Any more Bile Barry, bring it on? We have already been all over this like a rash on Boatmad but never mind.
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Old 01 June 2014, 09:56   #118
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Originally Posted by Mike Lloyd View Post
check out Companies House MPA Powerboat Events Ltd, it's all there for anyone to see.
Actually Mike, Co. Ho. don't seem to have any record of a company by that name? Audited accounts also only NEED to be posted for companies with quite large turnovers - although the directors could obviously choose to get even a small company audited to assist with transparency.
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Old 01 June 2014, 10:25   #119
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Originally Posted by Poly View Post
Actually Mike, Co. Ho. don't seem to have any record of a company by that name? Audited accounts also only NEED to be posted for companies with quite large turnovers - although the directors could obviously choose to get even a small company audited to assist with transparency.
Which we did. I resigned as a Director of MPA Powerboat Events Ltd on the 19th December 2012 and the other Directors carried on who eventually became the Venture Cup team. They had all the accounts because I know that Alan Goodwin collected them from our accountants here in Midhurst. Perhaps the Venture Cup team can clarify the accounts! I know that Simon Wood-Power had our accounts "Forensically Audited" by their current accountants. Will do some digging of my own!
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Old 01 June 2014, 12:05   #120
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I'm glad all of this is well outside of any budget I have, but it does make interesting reading, although some of the comments do make me wince!

I have to agree with Alan Priddy's comment about no one having died as a result of this. I, along with at least on other on RIBnet, was involved with organising an off road event for a number of years, that ended with a lot of I'll feeling a few years back and it's taken a long time for people to start talking again, which has been a great loss for all involved, take Alan's offer and have a get together, shake hands over the mistakes, and move on, life's too short
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