I have the possibilty of getting the use of a hull mould. It needs a bit of work to clean up the moulding surface as it has been sat in a garage for about 10 years.
It was by all reports a very fast hull in its day and was used to make Javelin speedboats (50mph with a 70hp

), over 70mph with a 115

). Apparently they were going to use the hull to make a RIB but never got around to it.
I was thinking about maybe having a go at moulding a hull and building a RIB from it (there is also the deck mould but I won't need that). The hull is about 5-5.5m, so would make a 6-6.5m LOA RIB.
Does anyone have any experience in moulding hulls? or have any comments on the pros and cons of moulding a hull myself and building up from there?