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Old 06 April 2003, 17:16   #1
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Mr. Techno 40

Right, now that that is out of the way, I feel sure that a large number of people on this forum are as green-eyed as I am over your boat.
Could you PLEASE tell us something about it.
Is it dificult to drive?
How fast can it go and what is a typical cruising speed?
How much fuel does it use?
Does it have a cabin inside and if so what is it like?
Is the cost-of-ownership high?
Does it need any special maintenance?
and........anything else about this beautiful boat you can share with us.
Trust me, we are REALLY interested.
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Old 07 April 2003, 12:57   #2
Country: UK - England
Town: London
Make: FB Design
Length: 40
Engine: Twin Seatek 750hp
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 27
Well it goes without say that this is one incredible machine. It is very rugged and very well built. We have only been out in it 3 times but have been suitably impressed with its capabilities.

This rib can handle a force 5 like most boats are in a force 2. On the subject of driveability it is not as manouverable as a smaller rib but much more stable and great in the air. We have had 94 mph from it so far and it cruises comfortably at 70 on calm water. It goes 60 through force 5 no problem. When pushing on it can consume up to 400 litres per hour and on this subject of fuel if anyone has any tips on where to get the cheapest red diesel we would love to hear, we did hear talk of 18p a litre but have not been able to get better than 24p of late.

I would not say it is any more expensive to maintain than any other rib of this size, and it comes into its own when you want to do large distances in a day. We took a very gentle run to Alderney and got there in 1 hour 45 mins running at about 55mph.

It does have a cabin and it was two berth, but this has been modified somewhat and now holds a second flexible fuel tank to satisfy the thirst of this beast! You could still sleep in there is you had to but its not a proper cabin now, more like a big storage area.

If there are any ribsters out there with reasonably fast machines we would love to meet up for some comparisons and light testing!

Thanks to everyone who supported our corrected version of the previous thread, I am sure Paul is glad of your support.

Techno Crew
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Old 07 April 2003, 13:42   #3
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Country: UK - Isle of Man
Town: Peel, IOM
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Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2,511
Thank you for your reply and sharing that info with us.
Is there any chance of some more photos for the gallery section of ribnet? Especially if you have any taken by another boat of you, when you are "motoring".
The cheapest place I have found red diesel is Scrabster at 11.5p per litre. Long way to go though for a top-up!
Are there any other FB boats that you know of in British waters?
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Old 07 April 2003, 14:04   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: London
Make: FB Design
Length: 40
Engine: Twin Seatek 750hp
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 27
We saw another Techno, it was a 42, moored at Saxon Wharf yesterday, looked very nice. Apart from that the only other boat we know of was a Techno 36 or 38 I am not sure running a single Seatek that belonged to some rich american guy that was sold recently, we dont know who bought it.

We are working on getting some photos on the move, apart from that we have nothing interesting to show, the best one are the ones posted up by Charles which were actually taken when we were on route to Alderney.
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Old 08 April 2003, 06:03   #5
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 888
We are out every other day at the moment and are based at Saxon Wharf, and would be happy to help you with your photos. We can also offer you a 50 foot high deep water camera platform just off North ride. Our little Scorpion is quite nippy so you are welcome to use that as a camera platform also. PM me for more details.

Diesel, The way to get 18p a litre diesel is by getting it through someone who Bunkers. (Tugboat driver or someone like that) and is prepared to pass the quantity discount on to you. PM me aa I may be able to put you in touch with someone who can help

The other Techno has got a big 1600hp Cummins inside and is a tender to a yacht......... some yacht! I think she is called Renegade. We were talking to them yesterday and they were saying she only does 75knots. what a pity

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