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Old 08 April 2013, 08:57   #1
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Mudeford and christchurch

Hi Guys,

Was looking going into mudeford on Saturday for a little mooch around but by the looks of the charts and depth soundings there didn't seem to be a lot of water even in the the buoyed channel!

Having new read the almanac it's still not very clear about entering! It does say it can be tricky Is there a channel deep enough for the average rib at low water neaps?

In the almanac it talks of the sand bar shifting but to stay between the phm and shm even when we tried we very quickly more shallow than we were comfortable with!

Any of you guys familiar with mudeford?

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Old 08 April 2013, 09:07   #2
Country: UK - England
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Yep - not been out this year yet - but plan to on Saturday (after I have looked at the tides) .

It is case of ignore tables, almanacs and charts..... just stick between the bouys, take it slow with the engine trimmed up and watch the sounder like a hawk.

A foot of water under the prop and I feel happy ! I don't even try 2 hours either side of low water.

If your going to launch at Christchurch on sat for sure let me know & if its OK weather I'll bring the rib down ( was planning to anyway) .

Low water neaps you 'might' get away with it might not .

Locals accept you are going to ding the prop about once a year ( it can get expensive with SS props) . Once inside its all sand/ mud , but the channel up to the harbour entrance is stony

Once in the harbour - stay inside the channel - venture out only at high water and with the engine trimmed up.

Having said all that it sounds evil - but I love it and once youv'e done it a few times its a nice place to go

JUst checked tides - reckon you'd be OK from about 7.30am to 3.45pm this coming Sat 13th
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Old 08 April 2013, 20:24   #3
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I'm moored up the river in Christchurch. All as Peter says. Mudeford is great - lack of places to go along side further up the river, but if you ring the Captains Club hotel and book lunch I think they might let you tie up there. It's a great spot and good food/drink. Easy place to sit out 4 hours if you planned a visit right.
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Old 08 April 2013, 20:29   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Dorset & Hants
Boat name: Streaker/Orange
Make: Avon/Ribcraft
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Originally Posted by Aries View Post
I'm moored up the river in Christchurch.
Exactly where I used to be ;-)....

Captains club is a great place to pull up to....great tea and scones of an afternoon...
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Old 08 April 2013, 20:36   #5
Country: UK - England
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What Pete said! Before our large commercial RIB, we launched our 5.7m RIB from the slip by the Captains Club. It is a very relaxing place to spend time and you must adopt that attitude whilst in transit up and down the river.
Keep speed low and engine trimmed up. Whilst the river is mainly silt/mud, there can be hard spots that can ding the prop.
The stretch past the Quay at the entrance is very deep with a strong rip running through, once past the concrete quay at either end the depth quickly reduces. From my last vist (by car) the fishermans marks were still in place and the summer channel marks not yet in place, but this may have now changed.
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