A pretty good day out all in all. just back home now and we got thunder and lightnng now!!
S sorry i could not spend more time with you.Love the Protector.. loooks really nice. never seen one close up but what a craft!!!. anyway today really was a shake down blast as needed a few adjustments here and there but now running superbly!put on 47 miles and 35 litres of fuel so happy with that and 33 knots flat out at the mo, so a good engine/hull mix..
Weather was pretty good for most of the day and mostly flat calm.. looked rough over the shingles/hurst tho and of course had to check them out

then onwards to the needles and round the corner a bit.Big swells and prob gusting 50/60 ish poss. some great waves breaking across them, bit too wet too get my non waterproof camera out!