What a load of bo***cks!
Just stick a new name on it!
I have sailed on dozens of ships that have been renamed, and no such ceremony was carried out.
We once had a ship called Condolezza Rice, (after the US politician in Bush's cabinet) and we were told we would be changing it. Now given it was a 900 foot long tanker there was an awful lot of the name, Bow, Stern bridge, and every lifebouy and lifejacket, as well as 101 other places.
We were asked for some suggestions on a new name and a lot of different names were put forward from the office and ship, but as I was going to be the one in charge of changing the name I wanted it to be simple, so I suggested the name "A" cos then the next one could be called "B" and so on, would have been nice and easy, so you know what? we were told to change it to Altair Voyager, which is just one letter less than the original

That was a pain in the arse.
Anyway since then the ship has sailed round more or less trouble free for the last 12 years.
The bad luck thing has nothing to do with changing the name, however there are some vessels which are blessed with very bad luck (or bad crews!) I know of at least one that never changed the name and had every possible problem, short of a fatality or sinking happen to her!
So choose your name and be happy knowing you will have many years of enjoyment !