Originally Posted by iandl
Talking of getting the wind direction right reminded me of a coxn’s tempsc course I did where one of the other coxn’s had drank too much Guinness the night before ….he needed to puke and shite at the same time so he filled a bucket half full and duly sorted himself at the front of the boat …all the other crew moved to the back of the boat and let him get on with it….once he had finished he threw the contents overboard at the bow and the wind caught it and sprayed everyone with its contents ….fortunately I was cox and was shielded by the windscreen …….but I did take a smack in the face off the steering wheel from laughing so hard
Went on a school trip to the isle of man when I was about 13, first time we'd all been on a ferry and we were giving it large
My best mate Derry wasn't feeling good so we went to have a look outside. I remember we where stood up as near to the bow of the ferry as they would let you when derry suddenly needed to ground his breakfast. Rushed to the side, and did an exorcist performance. I mean it was like a bloody hose pipe. Wind grabbed hold of most of it and sent it travelling horizontally down the side of the ship. A young couple having a romantic time leaning took the full impact of it, so much so the poor girl had to spit allot out.
We were 13, Derry was still violently ill but we still managed to roll around on the floor killing ourselves laughing