Had a top evening!
The food was great except for poor Nasher's whose turkey did not appear!(Nauti probably eating someone else's dinner again!!!

Lovely to see everyone & thanks to The Churchillian management & staff for looking after us so well.
Nasher may yet publish details of his awards! And there should be some photos at some stage.
Great to meet new peeps Natalie, Mike CC, Heidi, Adda and the regular gang too. Lynn & Sean (rag & stickers) were new also.
Pete 7 had the cheek to talk about his new hardbote!!!

But he'll let us all use the toilet if we're stuck
Tim M despite the presence of the lovely Ju managed a few bevvies by the cut of him at the end of the night! Portsmouth Car Valeting Services were on emergency standby however!
Bit tired this morning

who's bloomin idea was it to go boating?

Kathleen & Paul