15 September 2004, 12:44
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Need for more than a mobile
15 September 2004, 12:53
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I'd also want an EPIRB. We only ever go a Max of 10nm offshore but have 2 VHF's, EPIRB & flares. Also carry a mobile however no good @ 10nm
They were Lucky Lucky people.
15 September 2004, 12:55
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Goes to prove that all of those people who rely on mobile phones to call for help may get caught out one day. It is good practice to keep a handheld VHF in your grab bag (this will contain everything you will need incase you have to abandon ship) Make sure it is fully charged though. It is also no point having a VHF if you dont know how to use so do a course on it.
Having flares on board particulary rocket flares would also of been a help, again keep these in the grab bag.
15 September 2004, 16:36
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Remember though mobile phone coverage may sometimes actually be better than vhf and they are both basically only line of sight - range is pretty limited without a mast to hold the aerial up!!!
15 September 2004, 16:53
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Originally Posted by codprawn
...mobile phone coverage may sometimes actually be better than vhf ...
Not offshore though! Mobile signal doesn't propogate very far even with clear airspace... those little bars diminish very rapidly as you leave land behind. Also, a mobile call can't be relayed which could be a big advantage.
15 September 2004, 17:54
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Remember though mobile phone coverage may sometimes actually be better than vhf and they are both basically only line of sight - range is pretty limited without a mast to hold the aerial up!!!
Sorry to disagree with you but cant understand the logic. How can VHF be less effective than mobile phone. No one can hear you accept the person on the other end with a mobile. You can make a MAy Day call on VHF and shipping within the area will hear you and respond if you cant reach the coastguard.. Plus mobile phones and salt water do not mix.
15 September 2004, 18:07
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Sorry to disagree Cod but really Confused now
Mobile phone = Low power <2W, High hundreds of Mhz (900) thefore short range. Marine VHF Higher power >2W and Low hundreds of Mhz (145).
Mobile one to one comms, VHF everyone on frequency and in range can hear.
All IMVHO of course.
Edit changed the <> see next reply
15 September 2004, 18:15
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Originally Posted by ashbypower
Mobile phone = Low power >2W, High hundreds of Mhz (900) thefore short range. Marine VHF Higher power <2W and Low hundreds of Mhz (145).
Mobile one to one comms, VHF everyone on frequency and in range can hear.
Brian, I know what you're saying, but you've got the > and < the wrong way round....
I think you mean: Mobile phone = Low power < 2W and Marine VHF Higher power > 2W
15 September 2004, 18:26
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Thanks Richard DoH!! Have a point
15 September 2004, 18:52
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Remember though mobile phone coverage may sometimes actually be better than vhf and they are both basically only line of sight - range is pretty limited without a mast to hold the aerial up!!!
i have to agree with everone else Cod rib to rib roughly 5 miles range rib to shore roughly 10 miles vhf everyone is in on the mayday and coastguard can do a rdf signal to locate you ,if you are unsure of your position, mobile phone as the others have said the signal is lost out at sea and no one else is listening.
regards Tim
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
15 September 2004, 19:12
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Doesn't the article say they tried calling on VHF?
Skipper David Faulkner issued a "pan pan" warning - one down from a mayday call on the vessel's VHF radio, but the MCA said the signal was not picked up.
Maybe it wasn't a good one?
15 September 2004, 19:15
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Yes, but only from the boat, it appears that no handheld was carried in the liferaft or even EPIRB or flares  .
15 September 2004, 19:42
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I did NOT say to rely on a mobile phone! Obviously a lot depends on area!
Power of the signal is obviously much greater on VHF but power is NOT the limiting factor - the line of sight rule makes far more of a difference unless you are talking of odd conditions.
Obviously being able to relay is vital but there are bound to be some conditions where nobody is responding on vhf and yet a mobile could work.
Given the choice between VHF and mobile phone I would carry vhf but as everyone also has a mobile phone surely it wouldn't hurt as a last resort!
And to throw one other argument into the discussion there is a type of mobile that will outperform VHF - satellite ones like Iridium or similar!
15 September 2004, 20:51
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by codprawn
the line of sight rule makes far more of a difference unless you are talking of odd conditions.
Not true, dear chap. I've had line of sight to the mobile mast on Alderney, but no signal beyond four miles out. With a VHF, we once listened to a conversation between MikeC and Andre, who were off the south side of the IOW near St Catherines Point, whilst we were on ther Lymington River. I suspect that the cloud cover assisted with that one - hardly an "odd condition" in the UK
Obviously being able to relay is vital but there are bound to be some conditions where nobody is responding on vhf and yet a mobile could work.
Yes, agreed!
Given the choice between VHF and mobile phone I would carry vhf but as everyone also has a mobile phone surely it wouldn't hurt as a last resort!
Yes, definitely worth it - I always charge mine up before a RIB cruise.
And to throw one other argument into the discussion there is a type of mobile that will outperform VHF - satellite ones like Iridium or similar!
OK then - what's the best deal for purchase and subscription?
15 September 2004, 20:54
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Originally Posted by Richard B
OK then - what's the best deal for purchase and subscription?
15 September 2004, 20:58
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EPIRB, there satellite tracked, Give position as well BONUS.
a EPIRB Saved Tony Bulmoore (Spelling?) a couple of years back.
15 September 2004, 21:37
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Originally Posted by Richard B
OK then - what's the best deal for purchase and subscription?
They're not cheap, but possibly less than you might think. I saw a company selling them as Southampton today (can't remember which one though) so you might be able to get a deal.
They do provide genuine world wide coverage from a handset about the size of a fairly old mobile phone -- not a brick though. Alan P has used them extensively over the last couple of years and they have proved to be lifesavers on at least a couple of occasions!
15 September 2004, 21:42
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Ta John - I think I recall seeing them on either the Cactus or the MES stand, but didn't look at the £££'s as we're still contemplating bringing ourselves into the 21st century with a DSC VHF!
15 September 2004, 22:23
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Never mind the VHF, who ever made that liferaft deserves a pint or two
considering the weather in the last week.
16 September 2004, 01:38
Country: UK - Wales
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£500 for a satphone and calls not as bad as I first thought - would have to have a proper need for one though - an epirb would be a better bet!
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