I have a leak at the top corner of the Name plate Add On (hard rubber add on) located at the bow of the boat.
What is the easiest way to stop the leak? Or the best way? If I have to remove this rubber plate how do I get it off without tearing the Hypalon? Please explain the procedure as I am lost with this one but have done repairs before. Maybe I need to take it to a professional?
Boat is 1986 so not too young. Boat is 3 plus meters long with 4 tube chambers this is the front left tube chamber. Name plate is about 6 inches by 3 inches. Strange place to leak but must be from getting in and out of the boat as that is the typical place to board from the dock. I also have tube protectors on the tubes so it is not from wear just pressure of stepping there (I guess). Being that it is a hard rubber maybe it wore in the corner but not real noticeable. I don't believe that the leak is under the add on but maybe only at the corner but I am not positive. I thought about a little 5200 there but not sure if that is the best idea or would stop the problem.