18 June 2003, 21:43
Country: UK - England
Town: blackpool
Boat name: supersonic BXT6
Make: Jaba
Length: 3
Engine: outboard unleaded
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 6
need valuation on dingy???????????
My mate and i were doing a bit of fishing today and seen something bobing up and down between the rocks, turned out to be an out board motor attached to a dingy!. well i went in up to my waist with the waves crashing about me. piss wet. my mate and i eventually pulled it out. deflated it and stuck it in the back of the car. woo hoo
engine works like a dream. anyway i phoned the coast guard to say that the boat had been found (had to be safe didnt like the possibility of stealing some dead guys boat). they let me keep it here at my place untill someone claims it.
here comes the tricky part.......
if someone claims it back they have to 'by law' pay me 20% of the total cost of it as a reward.
Need a valuation:
8 ft dingy with soft bottom (quality made)
and a Manher out board engine
I know i sound greedy but this boat took two hours to pull out and i got very wet.
Any ideas on a price would be great because i dont have a clue.
18 June 2003, 23:33
Country: Ireland
Town: Ireland
Boat name: Ally Cat
Make: Several
Length: 6m +
Engine: Several
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 333
You got wet and are looking for 20% !
There are quite a few people on this list who regularly risk their lives to save people in boats and ask for nothing in return.
Think about it !!!
18 June 2003, 23:37
Country: UK - England
Town: blackpool
Boat name: supersonic BXT6
Make: Jaba
Length: 3
Engine: outboard unleaded
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 6
Originally posted by Powerboat
You got wet and are looking for 20% !
There are quite a few people on this list who regularly risk their lives to save people in boats and ask for nothing in return.
Think about it !!!
very well observed but..... these people chose to do that job and get payed for it. i on the other hand do not......... i think you need to read again what i posted again.
18 June 2003, 23:40
Country: UK - England
Town: blackpool
Boat name: supersonic BXT6
Make: Jaba
Length: 3
Engine: outboard unleaded
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 6
is there anyone who can read???
These people above are not reading what i wrote or cant.....
18 June 2003, 23:41
Country: UK - England
Town: London + Brighton
Boat name: TIPS
Make: Avon Adventure *FOR SALE*
Length: 5.6m
Engine: 115 Yamaha 4-Stroke
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Posts: 50
Re: need valuation on dingy???????????
Originally posted by fealar
and a Manher out board engine
what the hell is a Manher ? you sure its not a Mariner ?
18 June 2003, 23:48
Country: Ireland
Town: Ireland
Boat name: Ally Cat
Make: Several
Length: 6m +
Engine: Several
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 333
The RNLI do not get paid nor do any of the local rescue units that we train with.........
A gentleman would try to find the owner and would be happy to have done someone a favour.
I rest my case.
19 June 2003, 00:15
Country: Ireland
Town: Ireland
Boat name: Ally Cat
Make: Several
Length: 6m +
Engine: Several
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 333
And while I am at it ; seeing that you are suggesting that I am unable to read....
I presume that by
"dingy" - you mean dinghy
"ores" - you mean oars
"mahner" - you mean Mariner
"I know i sound Greedy" - that you sound greedy
"i dont have a clue" - that you haven't a clue
You said it ... Not me !
He that would profit make from others misfortunes.........etc.
19 June 2003, 00:39
Country: UK - England
Town: blackpool
Boat name: supersonic BXT6
Make: Jaba
Length: 3
Engine: outboard unleaded
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 6
is there anyone who can read???
These people above are not reading what i wrote or cant.....
19 June 2003, 00:43
Country: UK - England
Town: blackpool
Boat name: supersonic BXT6
Make: Jaba
Length: 3
Engine: outboard unleaded
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 6
listen...... look at what is wrote above and stop waisting my time, your a guy that has a brain use it for the best of man kind not for boring me
19 June 2003, 00:52
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 888
You're not one of the guys from Boatmad winding us up are you ?
19 June 2003, 02:15
Country: UK - England
Town: blackpool
Boat name: supersonic BXT6
Make: Jaba
Length: 3
Engine: outboard unleaded
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 6
no im not, is there any sane people out there..................
thank fu ck if not a sailor
19 June 2003, 06:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Portchester, Hants.
Length: no boat
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 584
Boat Valuation
If you persist in using this tone you will get knowhere!
Drop the attitude and you might get a helpful response, other wise you will be ridiculed by your distinct lack of knowledge about boats or the queens english.
If you wish to profit by someone else's misfortune so be it! BUT remember it could be you next time
Aging Youth
19 June 2003, 06:51
Country: UK - England
Town: St Mawes
Boat name: Magellan Zulu
Make: Ribcraft
Length: 7m +
Engine: 2 x Suzuki DF150
MMSI: 235094135
Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 483
Funny coincidence that.
A few weeks back a bunch of RIB owners from this Forum had met up on the South coast. They were out playing in their RIBs - as they do - when they spotted a dinghy like the one you found, Mr Fealar.
It was retrieved and, as there was no obvious owner in sight, it was eventually decided that we would auction it on this Forum and donate the proceeds to the RNLI.
By chance, when I was cleaning it, I found a scrap of wet paper wedged in a corner. On it was a telephone number which I called and the delighted owner soon discovered.
I arranged to get the SIB back to him. He, of course. promised to make a donation to the RNLI.
Mike G
19 June 2003, 07:23
Country: Other
Make: FB 55
Length: 10m +
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 1,711
This is a wind-up.
If I am wrong then it is best that all forum members politely ignore the money grabbing, low-life who preys on other people's misfortunes.
'Got wet!!! My goodness, were you in fear of your life that you would dissolve?'
19 June 2003, 07:44
Country: UK - England
Town: scotland
Boat name: Leviathan
Make: Phantom
Length: 8m +
Engine: GM Diesels
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 1,437
Originally posted by THEWAVEHUMPER
You're not one of the guys from Boatmad winding us up are you ?
Oi!, What are you suggesting? and, aren't you "one of the guys from boatmad"?
19 June 2003, 08:10
Country: UK - England
Town: Whitstable
Boat name: Tango
Make: Avon and Narwhal2.4m
Length: 4m +
Engine: 60HP Yamaha
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 966
Fealar the pirate
Have to agree with Charles.... this must be a wind up, all that i can think of at this time is come back Flanker all is forgiven even if you did turn to the dark side.
maybe with the money Mr Fealar is expecting to make from this other persons misfortune he can get himself some English lessons.....!
19 June 2003, 09:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Oxford
Make: Ribtec, Ballistic, C
Engine: 40hp 4 strokes - twi
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 316
Who does claim salvage? I have been told (don't know whether it is true) that the Navy always claim salvage. does anyone know? Is it not also true that you cant claim salvage in certain harbours?
19 June 2003, 10:56
Country: UK - England
Town: Whitstable
Boat name: Tango
Make: Avon and Narwhal2.4m
Length: 4m +
Engine: 60HP Yamaha
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 966
Observe the following
Mr Fealar
You should make sure your aware of the following and pay particular attention to section 6 before you go selling your salvaged engine and sib on to some one else unless the rightfull owner does claim his property back, and remember even if he does not come forward he may have had the boat and engine insured meaning that now the insurance company have rights over it, even if it was lost at sea someone still owns it...!
Notes for the Guidance of Intending Salvors
1. Subject to what is said in paragraph 4 below, wrecked vessels are presumed to have an owner, and the first thing an intending salver should do is to make every effort to trace the owner with a view to obtaining his agreement before recovering the wreck or items from it.
2. In cases where the vessel or cargo were covered by insurance and total loss claims were paid, the rights of the former owners may well be invested in underwriters and if they are, the underwriters will have the right to dispose of the wreck. Lloyd’s of London or the Salvage Association may be able to assist in tracing the original owners or the underwriters if they are given all possible details, including the location of the wreck and, if known, the name of the vessel and the date of the loss. A fee may be charged for this service according to the amount of work involved.
3. The Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, Defence Planning and Emergencies Branch, Zone 4/21, 76 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DR, can, in most cases, give information relating to ownership of both hull and cargo of allied merchant ships lost through war causes during either the 1914 - 1918 or 1939 - 1945 wars, if they are given the name of the ship and the date of the loss.
4. In the case of a wreck which has lain on the sea bed apparently abandoned for many years, persons will normally be entitled, irrespective of contract, but subject to due observance of the rights which may have accrued to other salvers by virtue of prior possession, to dive and try to locate it, and having done so to recover such parts of the vessel or its contents as they can. There are, however, important exceptions:
4a. The Protection of Wrecks Act 1973 restricts the right to dive on, or recover property from, wrecks of historical, archaeological or artistic importance which are designated under the Act, to the holder of a Iicence granted by the Secretary of State. The Protection of Wrecks Act 1973 also imposes restrictions on wrecks which may be a danger to life and, or property. Further information about the Protection of Wrecks Act is available from: The Secretary of the Advisory Committee on Historic Wreck Sites, Department for Culture, Media and Sport, 2-4 Cockspur Street, London, SW1Y 5DH.
4b. The Protection of Military Remains Act 1986 protects war graves from interference and it is an offence to enter or remove any material from wrecks sites protected under this Act. Further information about this Act is available from: MOD (wrecks section), Room 8390, Secretariat Naval Staff, MOD Main Building, Whitehall, London.
5. If anything recovered from any wreck is brought ashore the salver is required under the provision of section 236 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, chapter 21, to give notice to the Receiver of Wreck that he has found or taken possession of it and, as direded by the Receiver, either hold it to the Receiver’s order or deliver it to the Receiver. This applies whether the material has been recovered from within or outside United Kingdom territorial waters, unless the salver can prove that title to the property has been vested in him e.g. by the assignment to him of rights devolving from the owner of the vessel or its contents at the time of loss. Even if ownership can be proved the salver is still required to notify the Receiver of its recovery. Failure to comply with these provisions without reasonable cause is a punishable offence.
6. It is provided by section 243 of the 1995 Act that where no owner establishes a claim to any property recovered from a wreck lying within United Kingdom territorial waters to the satisfaction of the Receiver of Wreck within one year of its notification, the property shall be sold and the proceeds paid to the Crown. This is subject to the payment of any due salvage and after deduction of any fees or expenses incurred by the Receiver. Salvage payments for unclaimed wreck are at the discretion of the Receiver and in some cases the Receiver may allow the finder/salver to retain the material in lieu of a salvage payment. The Crown makes no claim on wreck found outside United Kingdom territorial waters which remains unclaimed at the end of the statutory one year and the property is returned to the salver.
7. As provided by section 240, of the 1995 Act, the Receiver of Wreck may at any time sell any property in his possession recovered from a wreck if, in the Receiver’s opinion:
a) the property is under the value of £5000;
b) it is so much damaged or of so perishable a nature that it cannot with advantage be kept; or
c) it is not of sufficient value to pay for storage; or
d) it is unlikely that any owner will establish a claim to the wreck within that year ; and
e) no statement has been given to the Receiver regarding entitlement to the wreck in relation to the place where the wreck was found.
The proceeds from the immediate sale of wreck, after defraying accrued expenses, must be held by the Receiver of Wreck for the same purposes and subject to the same claims, rights and liabilities as if the property had remained unsold.
8. If property recovered from a wreck is not delivered to the Receiver of Wreck for the reasons indicated in paragraph 5 i.e. the salver can prove title, the appropriate customs duty and/or tax must be paid.
9. The intending salver is advised to communicate with the appropriate authorities before commencing operations. Further advice on who to contact is available from the Receiver of Wreck on request.
10. The Wreck Section, Hydrographic Department, Ministry of Defence (Navy), Taunton, Somerset may be able to supply details (such as the name, tonnage, date of sinking and depth of the wreck) of any vessel sunk since 1913 provided that the latitude and longitude of the wreck as recorded in the appropriate Admiralty chart is given. A fee is charged according to the work involved. Many wrecks exist, especially those sunk prior to the 20th century, the names of which are not known, and many which have never been located. It would be of much value if salvers would send to the Hydrographic Department details of any wrecks they find, giving as much information as possible for inclusion in the wreck records. Information will be recorded as ‘Commercial in Confidence" on request.
11. The Royal Commission on Historical Monuments of England, National Body of Survey and Record, Kemble Drive, Swindon, Wilts (and its counterparts in other UK countries) is compiling an inventory of maritime sites. Any contribution of information about new sites which is included in the record will be acknowledged and attributed to the salver. The Maritime Record forms part of the National Monuments Record which is publicly available.
12. The Receiver of Wreck is located in the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, Spring Place, 105 Commercial Road, Southampton, S015 1EG. Telephone 01703 329474. Fax. 01703 329477.
19 June 2003, 19:43
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
Length: 6.5
Engine: Honda 130
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 888
Originally posted by Jon Fuller
Oi!, What are you suggesting? and, aren't you "one of the guys from boatmad"?
Yep and happy to be so, I also enjoy the banter and it just looked to me like it could have been Grinch's humour. bless him
Feelar from your description it's probaly worth around 3.2K, could be a bit more depending on the engine
19 June 2003, 20:59
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pembrokeshire
Boat name: MATUKA
Make: Lencraft
Length: 5.5m
Engine: Mariner 60 4s Efi
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 65
Well well well, what a spat over a question of cash.
You know what they say: Where ther is a will there's a queue.
If the gentleman concerned is bold enough to rescue a vessle in distress, good for him.
I have, over the past five years, "saved" several vessels from being matchsticks. Never have I asked or expected payment, although it would have been good to decline a kind offer, but alas "yotties" ( excuse spelling please) have never been so kind to offer.
I did rescue a RIB one day and got a £20.00 note for the effort, and this whilst insrtucting a course. We shared a meal to celebrate a successful Level II.
STOP the cr**, bad lanGu***, and get back to the real purpose of this forum....to be helpful and kind, even to those thathave less money and scruples eh!
Don't go looking for bad weather, it will find you soon enough!
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