Lot thicker than fishing line, thick old bit of net , no way it was going behind the prop and the stop was certainly violent, just hope my splines aren't now a shallow screw thread. We use this area a lot for rough water power trim training...been interesting riding with the waves at speed.
yep dragged a few casualties in with similar problems. One guy said it was the chancellors fault cos the red diesel situation had made him scale down to one engine!
50 pax on a 38ft boat with a 240hp? Now there is an exciting ride
This lot came out of our port jet on one of the cats during flood conditions that swilled everything down the river and into the dock. Dead sheep, railway sleepers still attached to railway track and this re-enforced b****y sheeting that we sucked up through a jet grille. Now that was a bugga to get out as half of it was wrapped round the impeller and shaft and the rest was still outside of the grill and in open water. We dragged it out of the jet chamber into the engine room with a block and tackle whilst we chopped it as best we could with the trusty s/s Wilkinson's bread knife. Now that really is a good knife!
Awful job in mid winter with water at nigh on freezing and your arm down in the jet but at least we could do it without craning out or employing a diver!
PS the Jalleta boot is there to show the amount of debris...we
probably didnt have a workman in there as well