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Old 20 July 2007, 18:21   #1
Country: France
Town: quimper
Boat name: kai 2
Make: capelli
Length: 5m +
Engine: yamaha 100
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 105
New 5.70 RIB you may not have heard of....

I am looking to upgrade my RIB, a Capelli 470 Tempest with 60hp Yam to something a little bigger.

We have been more then pleased with the 470 - fast, light, easy to launch, not too bad in a choppy sea, and great for the kids.

But when we have friends round it's a bit of a squeeze, and I would like a larger size to be able to handle rougher seas if need be.

This is my target boat!!;


with a 100hp Yam.

List price is 28 000 Euros, about 19300 pounds. I have been reading through all the Tornado, SR4, etc posts, but I never seen anything on Capellis.

Can any expert here, give me any feedback based on the specifications of this boat vs. the UK models?

Thanks in advance!
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Old 20 July 2007, 19:11   #2
Country: France
Town: quimper
Boat name: kai 2
Make: capelli
Length: 5m +
Engine: yamaha 100
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 105

Sorry, the question I really wanted to ask was;

How much of a difference does it make to the sea handling of the RIB by going from 4.7 to 5.7m?

If my local dealer is to be believed, there is a big difference - a 5.7m will handle a rough chop much better.

Whilst this is fairly obvious, to what degree is this true? i.e. I feel uncomfortable in anything above a Force 4/5 in the 4.7m. In a 5.7m could I expect to be 'happy' in a 5/6?

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Old 21 July 2007, 18:18   #3
Country: UK - England
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bigger is better

if you get a larger rib say a 5.6 to 6.5 it will handle better in rough seas
i have a 6.2 mts avon and it make s a big difference was out in the boat last weekend at seahouses and was in a f 4/5 and the rib performed well my previous rib a 5.5 mts did not handle as well just a few feet longer makes a bigg difference, but you have to ballance this with towing/storage and launching etc my ideal rib is a 6.2 to 6.5 mts
and i will not go lower in size
you payes yr money and takes your choice
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Old 22 July 2007, 14:43   #4
Country: France
Town: quimper
Boat name: kai 2
Make: capelli
Length: 5m +
Engine: yamaha 100
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 105
Thanks for the reply.

I agree that any size RIB is a compromise of some kind - I just need to find the 'best' size for me.

The 4.70m Capelli is great in that it is so light, easy to tow, relatively cheap, and quite fast.....BUT, I do feel that for longer trips it is too small for safety - eg. we might go off to one of the islands on a flat calm day, but 3 days later when we return it is a Force 5 and undoable.....

Hence a slightly larger RIB - but I think 5.7m is definitely as big as I would want to go - 5.4 would be even better, but Capelli do not make one.

I am curious to hear from anyone that has gone from sub 5 to sub 6 metre RIBs, as to how the sea handling changes.

Also, as for value, how does 19000GBP sound for a 5.7m with 100hp Yam? Can I get better/cheaper in the UK?

(P.S. Weather is also crap in France too....)
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Old 31 July 2007, 20:43   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Gloucestershire
Boat name: Osprey
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I dont think length is everything... My Osprey 5.25 feels very secure in the rough stuff I have taken it out in a force 6+ in the solent with wind over tide and some really heavy swell and I was suprised at how good it felt.

I think you have to look at the hull and depth of the 'V' and not just length.

Chris Stevens

Born fiddler
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Old 31 July 2007, 21:12   #6
Country: UK - England
Town: Scillies
Boat name: Freedom
Make: Searider
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yam 2st 90
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 335
I've been out in a 7 in my 5.4 and would not recommend others to do it round here as the Atlantic gets very unpredicable with all the rocks and islands we have.
Having said that the boat was great although I did throttle back - never felt I was going to get thrown out or rolled over.

Just my tuppence worth.

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