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Old 14 August 2006, 10:30   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
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New 5m+ Rib - Humber or Ribcraft?


I've currently got a 4m Searider and it's time to upgrade to something bigger (more seating and drier!).

Looking at Ribcraft 5.3 with either std console with additional 2 jockey seats or the Ocean console (4 individual jocket seats) or Humber Destroyer / Ocean Pro 5.5 with additioanl seating (TBD).

Anyone any thoughts on the advantages of these 2 boats. I like the raised bow on the humber's but on the other hand the Ribcraft are CatB and have option of under floor tanks (huge bonus) and hidden control cables.

I was hoping to use my existing 50HP initially (I know it's a little small but should still get 25+ knots I would hope).

How would these compare to likes of a 5.4M Searider? I really like the hull of the searider but the default seating is a bit limited and would need to be changed to accomodate 4-5 adults on proper (jockey) seats.

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Old 14 August 2006, 10:37   #2
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I can't speak too highly of Ribcraft.
I have had both the 4.8 and 585...
I may even try the 5.3 in the not too distant future.
The sea keeping on both boats was excellent.
The 4.8 handled particularly well for it's size and was great fun too.
I would buy either one of them again.
Nope...I don't work for Ribcraft.
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Old 14 August 2006, 10:43   #3
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hi i am no expert but like you i had a 4m searider, what a great rib.

I tried the 5.3 ribcraft at last years boatshow with the prospect of taking a loan for one, in my mind it is heavily built and finished extremely well!! it felt heavy in the water but very settled even in choppy seas, i also looked at Humber but it did not quite meet up to ribcrafts finish and build. (have only been out in a Humber 5m (not larger) so can't comment)

I also found the guys and girls at Ribcraft on a second visit to be very helpful, im in a service industry and recognise them to be very customer orientated.

Strangley i looked at the same two manufactuers, but have decided to build a 5.4 searider from scratch (and No loan)

good luck
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Old 14 August 2006, 11:48   #4
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My tube problems aside, I like my Humber but one of the things that is a drawback if I was going to get a new one is that there doesn't appear to be an option of underfloor fuel tanks and the max capacity available is only 28 gallons according to the bumph they sent me when I was thinking about a new one earlier this year. No doubt you could get more in if you fitted something like twin double jockeys and put a full size tank under each but then it would mean no storage space for anything else.

I don't know what the UK prices are like but Humber's direct export prices are excellent! That would be a major factor in my choice - though I must admit I was window-shopping on the weekend and thinking the Ribcraft 585 did look rather nice

I was also browsing the Humber site and it is worth looking to see what they have got on there ready-built - there usually seems to be something on there at a considerable saving over list price, there is a 6m Destroyer here for £6821 against a usual list price of £8835 (without an engine). I don't know whether these are cancelled orders or what, but it looks like cracking value to me and I did actually pick up my piggy bank but then put it down again because there wasn't much in it

If I suddenly found some money, at the moment my shortlist would probably have Humber, Leeway and Ribcraft on it
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Old 14 August 2006, 13:55   #5
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Yes, I asked Humber about underfloor tanks and they said they don't fit on 5.5m (not enough space apparently).

Storage is one of my considerations, along with the ability to keep the deck clear (small child roaming around), but I guess if there are enough seats then underseat / console storage can sort a lot of that.

Is the Ocean model worth the extra for the chines on the hull? I'm not sure how much difference these make.
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Old 14 August 2006, 14:13   #6
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We have a Destroyer and an Ocean-Pro here at our training centre, the Ocean-Pro is much better in any sea and is also much drier in the "rough stuff". However, it is vitally important to get the fore and aft weight balance correct when fitting out as the boats can have a tendancy to be stern heavy, which hugely detracts from their true ability.
Regarding fuel capacity, both our boats have a 70ltr tank which is more than sufficient for most tasks as our Suzuki Four-strokes (DF70 and DF90)routinely burn less than 15 .ltrs hour.
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Old 14 August 2006, 16:14   #7
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ive got a 5.3 Ocean Pro, with a mariner 90 f/s on it, i cant praise the hull enough, awesome, really good sea keeping ability, two 25 ltr under consol fuel tanks will give me a days cruising,
i chose the 25 ltr as you cant always get the boat to a fuel barge, so its handy to take them out and fill up at cheaper prices,
ive found the build quality to be superb and no issues what so ever,let me know if you want some piccies e mailing to you
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Old 14 August 2006, 17:10   #8
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Originally Posted by matt h
ive got a 5.3 Ocean Pro, with a mariner 90 f/s on it, i cant praise the hull enough, awesome, really good sea keeping ability, two 25 ltr under consol fuel tanks will give me a days cruising,
i chose the 25 ltr as you cant always get the boat to a fuel barge, so its handy to take them out and fill up at cheaper prices,
ive found the build quality to be superb and no issues what so ever,let me know if you want some piccies e mailing to you
Hi Matt, Some pics would be great, I've sent a PM with address.

That's good feedback. Does the raised bow keep you relatively dry in a sea? (something where my SR4 really suffers badly)
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Old 15 August 2006, 16:51   #9
Country: UK - England
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I've got the Ribcraft 5.3 with cruiser double console with front seat and two double jockeys which gives lotsa seating and works very well.

Quality and sea-keeping are excellent and underfloor tank and hidden cables keep everything tidy. The thin jockey bases hold a surprising amount of kit and with the console and front seat there is enough space for all our stuff.

Before I bought I visited both Ribcraft and Humber and was most impressed with Ribcraft - pay them a visit and they'll show you round their excellent factory, you won't regret it.
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Old 15 August 2006, 17:47   #10
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Originally Posted by Lawrence
I've got the Ribcraft 5.3 with cruiser double console with front seat and two double jockeys which gives lotsa seating and works very well.

Quality and sea-keeping are excellent and underfloor tank and hidden cables keep everything tidy. The thin jockey bases hold a surprising amount of kit and with the console and front seat there is enough space for all our stuff.

Before I bought I visited both Ribcraft and Humber and was most impressed with Ribcraft - pay them a visit and they'll show you round their excellent factory, you won't regret it.
Hi Lawrence, Thanks for the reply. How much space do you have in front on the console and behind the rear seats? Is there enough room to sit on the deck with your back to the console? Is the bow locker raised or flush with the deck (I haven't been able to work this out from pictures or description).

One thing I was slightly concerned about was the fact that the rear seats are close the sponsons so on tight turns or with waves on the beam passengers may feel insecure. What's your experience on this?

I would visit Ribcraft but I'm based on Scotland and they are a fair distance away. I may try and get down to the boatshow (was hoping to have ordered before then mind you!). Unfortunately they (and Humber) seem to have stopped answering my emails....

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Old 15 August 2006, 18:06   #11
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We had a 5.85 rib craft it was a good all round rib heavy but good, i have not owned a humber but we went to the factory and i wasant inpressed.
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Old 16 August 2006, 10:22   #12
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Originally Posted by al40
How much space do you have in front on the console and behind the rear seats? Is there enough room to sit on the deck with your back to the console? Is the bow locker raised or flush with the deck (I haven't been able to work this out from pictures or description).
In front of the console, between the front seat and the toob I reckon its about a metre, my two kids squeeze in there no problem. The floor is flat, with the anchor locker lid the only intrusion.
Behind the rear seats I'd guess at half a metre from the jockey bases to the bilge sump, in the photo enough room for spare fuel tank and small cool box.

Originally Posted by al40
One thing I was slightly concerned about was the fact that the rear seats are close the sponsons so on tight turns or with waves on the beam passengers may feel insecure. What's your experience on this?

My passengers haven't reported any more insecurity than is normal with me driving... I don't think this would be a problem, even though only 5.3 metres long the Ribcraft has a big boat feel.

Originally Posted by al40
Unfortunately they (and Humber) seem to have stopped answering my emails....
Unfortunately this is normal practice for Ribcraft, presumably they get snowed under with queries it takes time to answer them all, it was quite frustrating dealing with them at times... However they do get there in the end.
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Old 16 August 2006, 10:48   #13
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Thanks Lawrence, that's exactly the info I need to know. I like the look of the Ocean console, much more room to mount stuff and a bit more protection from the weather. I think the Ocean console I was offered came with effectively 4 single jockey seats (ie 4 backrests) but apart from that it's identical.

Blue is definately the colour!

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Old 16 August 2006, 11:09   #14
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Very nice boat Lawrence
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Old 16 August 2006, 12:04   #15
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I've had a Ribcraft 5.85 for 5 years and I use it as a working/runabout boat...it gets a lot of use. It's excellent. Strong, safe, well built, I'd definitely buy another one.

The guys at Ribcraft are good too: helpful and knowledgable.

I don't work for Ribcraft.
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Old 16 August 2006, 14:21   #16
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Originally Posted by al40
Thanks Lawrence, that's exactly the info I need to know. I like the look of the Ocean console, much more room to mount stuff and a bit more protection from the weather. I think the Ocean console I was offered came with effectively 4 single jockey seats (ie 4 backrests) but apart from that it's identical.

Blue is definately the colour!

The ocean console I think is a bit smaller than mine (the cruiser console with front seat) but does offer a lot more space and shelter than the standard single console.
There is a bit more room at the rear of the jockeys - 2 feet (60cms)- than I previously said. Ribcraft will do any type of console with any type of seat and you can move the positons of each to suit so if you needed a bit more room in front it would be no problem to move things back a bit. I don't think you could move a double console any further forward though.
Two double jockeys offered cost savings over four single ones, you gain a bit more space at the back, and you can squeeze three people onto them at a push if friendly and/or small/kid-size .

Blue does look good...

Thanks Ads, you're too kind.
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Old 16 August 2006, 14:32   #17
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I had a 5.5 Extreme with a 115hp evinrude, which absolutely flew. However, I did have "issues" with the build quality which were not adressed by the manufacturer at the time.

When I sold her, everything was it it should have been.

The Extreme jockey console fitted, which included a 90l tank was superb for a tall helm. The "settee" we put in at the after end was comfy going slow, but no so good in a lumpy sea at speed: plenty of storage though.

She was also quite a "wet" boat.
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Old 16 August 2006, 21:50   #18
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Originally Posted by Lawrence
The ocean console I think is a bit smaller than mine (the cruiser console with front seat) but does offer a lot more space and shelter than the standard single console.
There is a bit more room at the rear of the jockeys - 2 feet (60cms)- than I previously said. Ribcraft will do any type of console with any type of seat and you can move the positons of each to suit so if you needed a bit more room in front it would be no problem to move things back a bit. I don't think you could move a double console any further forward though.
Two double jockeys offered cost savings over four single ones, you gain a bit more space at the back, and you can squeeze three people onto them at a push if friendly and/or small/kid-size .
I didn't realise the cruiser would fit on the 5.3 (I missed that on your original post, sorry). That's a great combination of seating 1 adult (or 2 kids) up front then 4-6 on the Jockeys! I think I may have to re-evaluate!

Cheers, Al.
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Old 17 August 2006, 09:44   #19
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As everyone keeps saying the Ribcraft 4.8 is an amazing little boat for it's size.

What is the difference between the Humber Destroyer and Ocean Pro ranges?
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Old 17 August 2006, 09:53   #20
Country: UK - Scotland
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Originally Posted by Tim M
What is the difference between the Humber Destroyer and Ocean Pro ranges?
Ocean pro has (over Destroyer) covered bow locker (open on Destroyer) and multi-chine hull
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