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Old 03 January 2012, 01:45   #1
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New Boat Imput

Hey I just sold my Achilles LT2 dingy because it just didn't go fast enough and was a bit small so I am looking into moving into a RIB or a SIB that would also fit the bill but preferably a RIB. I am mostly interested in new boats in the 2.6 or 2.4 meter range that without air will be able to be transported in the back of a Suburban (large SUV). I wont be using this boat too often... maybe 1 time a week max and it will be stored in my garage so I'm not sure if that would effect what fabric the tubes should be made of. I have a fairly tight budget under $1,500 without the engine. I would just like it to be a quick boat that I could take into the ocean and do some fishing/cruising on. So I was just wondering what you all thought would fit the bill...
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Old 05 January 2012, 09:23   #2
Country: UK - Scotland
Boat name: Wildheart
Make: Humber/Delta Seasafe
Length: 5m +
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Firstly, Welcome to Ribnet!

There are "hard floor SIBS" out there, which although fal lin to the "rigid hull / inflatable category are usually pretty flat bottomed. No idea how large the backof your SUV is, but I do have to ask, how easy would it be to throw the inflated boat (minus engine!) onto the roof? that might allow you some extra space in the form of a bigger boat. If you go fully inflated, most will roll up and fit the back of something big.

One other question for the moment - when you say "not fast enough" just how "not fast" are we talking here? Also how big was the engine on the Achilles? Simply because if you are talking about "trading up" to a 2.6m, I'm guessing you had something like a 2 or 4 HP?
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Old 08 January 2012, 21:37   #3
Country: USA
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The Achilles was a doughnut style inflatable without an inflatable keel so it couldn't and with WO throttle on a 2 horsepower it was sketchy. And the back of the car is about 7 feet by 3 feet.
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