Originally Posted by willk
First Aid is an Industry, IMO - it needs to produce new lines to keep sales up.
First aid is, but the guidelines are produced by the resus council - doesn't make them any money AFAIK. They are taking and reviewing evolving evidence. Things people have been doing for years get challenged and people try something new to see if it improves outcomes etc.
I've been retrained in basic CPR every few years since 1990 - for SCUBA, AED use, marine industry, etc. It keeps changing - almost back to 1990 standards now!
There is probably an issue of lack of cross compatibility of training. But then if the training is risk based that might be right. If you run a hotel/restaurant etc CPR training needs to concentrate lots of choking, heart attacks etc. If there is no swimming pool the risk of drowning may be small. If its a SCUBA course I guess drowning needs a bit of attention along with the Bends.
AEDs when first introduced everyone thought needed masses of training. To be honest you don't really need trained with modern ones there isn't much you can get wrong. BUT people are scared to use them if not trained...
Even if the process was still as it was in the 1990s - 5:1 (2 people) / 15:2 (1 person) feel for a pulse, recheck every minute for a pulse, breaths only for drowning unless pulse absent etc - the industry would still make you renew every 3 years. Good lord I have to renew my fire safety and information governance every year!