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Old 05 March 2007, 08:54   #41
Country: UK - England
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Rib-X Build quality

Hi Spike,

Have you looked at the build quality and finish on the current Rib-X range? I note that you bought your Rib-X over three years ago and that you may not have had the opportunity to go and view the current build quality of the Rib-X range.

I have been able to buy a Rib-X for my work - a 6.5m eXpert RIB which i treat as my own, I know every nook and cranny on this RIb and i would say that there is nothing that i would alter! The finish quality i am very happy with and as for the performace, well that is just awesome and never fails to raise a very big smile. As for the eXplorer range, i can state that i do a lot of RYA training course for Rib-X in Southampton and each time i use the range i get more impressed with the level of ride and level of finish.

A great deal can change within a three year period. If you compare the original Rib-X ribs with what is currently available, i think you would be impressed with the finish. I doubt you will be able to find another Rib with an all round finish and more specifically a tube finish as found on the eXplorer range. Can you find another more attractive RIB than the explorer 650 Lux?

I like to think that i am an educated person, i will look at things for how they are now, rather than how they 'were'. I just want to get the best that i can at the time. Personally, i too would like to get my hands on one of the eXplorer 700's as i believe that it will stun me with its capabilities as a boat.

I do keep an eye open to what is availble in the Rib market and my only desire woudl be to get what is best for me. I operate tornado Ribs, Ribcrafts as well as Avon Ribs and Rib-X ribs through my work, they all have a place, but my personal favourite in terms of overall performance and fun and apearance are the Rib-X Ribs.

I am happy to talk to anyone about the virtues and drawbacks of the different craft i use and have experience of.
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Old 05 March 2007, 09:01   #42
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Originally Posted by UNIwatersports View Post
......I like to think that i am an educated person, i
Made me laugh, anyway........
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Old 05 March 2007, 09:02   #43
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Nos4r2 View Post
Hmm. 5 months late and syntax very familiar to 'Christian'...?

Are you suggesting that this may be someone making a false representation here??.......

If you were to look further into my history, you will see that i have only recently become a member of as i have now got som etime to be abel to put my two penneth worth in to try and help other ribsters.

If you were to investigate further into my IP address, you will note that it is nothing to do with Colin Baldwin, i am using my work laptop issued from the University of Southampton. As yes, believe it or not i am a full time watersports instructor, so i have the enviable task of spending lots of time on the water and if i must say, a fantastic part of water!

Ami allowed to voice my opinion here only if it is not in support of Rib-X???

Please will stop people being narrow minded and making unfounded attacks on new forum postee's!
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Old 05 March 2007, 09:24   #44
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Originally Posted by UNIwatersports View Post

Are you suggesting that this may be someone making a false representation here??.......

If you were to look further into my history, you will see that i have only recently become a member of as i have now got som etime to be abel to put my two penneth worth in to try and help other ribsters.

If you were to investigate further into my IP address, you will note that it is nothing to do with Colin Baldwin, i am using my work laptop issued from the University of Southampton. As yes, believe it or not i am a full time watersports instructor, so i have the enviable task of spending lots of time on the water and if i must say, a fantastic part of water!

Ami allowed to voice my opinion here only if it is not in support of Rib-X???

Please will stop people being narrow minded and making unfounded attacks on new forum postee's!
No, just that it looks suspicious when someone replies 5 months late and uses the same syntax. 'Christian' sure didn't bother defending himself!

Lucky bugger. Giz your job!
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Old 05 March 2007, 09:51   #45
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Back on thread, why the big deal on weight? If you buy a Rib 200kg lighter than most others on the market, there's to be a reason why it's lighter, lay-up etc. Why not just tow it light on fuel and fill it on arrival and not use it as a trailer ie. fill it with all the holiday paraphernalia. Shove all of that in or on the car. Shopping around for a 'light' boat is gonna so limit your choices.
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Old 06 March 2007, 10:45   #46
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Whilst many who post on this board seem to be stalwart "sea dogs" there must be many lurkers who run a mile from some of the brands which are slated in favour of the old faithfulls, Ribcraft, Humber etc.....

I came on here a couple of years ago as a complete rib novice read plenty of post and got a feel about deep Vs, lengths of boats, layouts, engines etc....Very helpful and thanks to all the regular posters.

I didn't listen to any of you and went out and bought a Ribeye 5m Playtime. I spent two great summers in the Med with it, it was slow (with its 80hp Yam) but had a decent ride (and you guys who moan about "solent chop" have not seen the Med during even a light Mistral) and ideal seating for how we used it....and it looked great amongst the other Euro ribs
I could tell that the thing was going to fall to bits on me pretty quickly, the fittings were cr@p, things came loose and the whole thing felt like it would be worthless if I kept it another year.

I wanted a ~6.5m rib with similar seating layout and I also wanted one which was light in weight (the Ribeye 5m actually weighed 1088kg inc trailer) for ease of towing and handling out of the water.

I looked at many different options and spoke (time wasted) with lots of different manufacturers. There is one conclusion, every manufacturer's rib is the best. they all have racing pedigree and they all sell to the military/professional market and they all have superior hulls with mega soft rides yet built in efficiency

I have purchased a Rib X 640 with Evinrude 150 HO.... The quality of the structure and the fittings is very far ahead of the Ribeye, the boat looks awesome and it is very fast...possibly a bit too fast in acceleration. People sneer on here about Rib X and Colin the owner/importer, but TBH he probably doesn't give a t0ss as it seems he is selling plenty of these boats.

I will report back once I've done a full season in it and hope I won't be eating humble pie
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Old 10 March 2007, 02:09   #47
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Reply to Rib-x post

Originally Posted by TNDB View Post
Whilst many who post on this board seem to be stalwart "sea dogs" there must be many lurkers who run a mile from some of the brands which are slated in favour of the old faithfulls, Ribcraft, Humber etc.....

I came on here a couple of years ago as a complete rib novice read plenty of post and got a feel about deep Vs, lengths of boats, layouts, engines etc....Very helpful and thanks to all the regular posters.

I didn't listen to any of you and went out and bought a Ribeye 5m Playtime. I spent two great summers in the Med with it, it was slow (with its 80hp Yam) but had a decent ride (and you guys who moan about "solent chop" have not seen the Med during even a light Mistral) and ideal seating for how we used it....and it looked great amongst the other Euro ribs
I could tell that the thing was going to fall to bits on me pretty quickly, the fittings were cr@p, things came loose and the whole thing felt like it would be worthless if I kept it another year.

I wanted a ~6.5m rib with similar seating layout and I also wanted one which was light in weight (the Ribeye 5m actually weighed 1088kg inc trailer) for ease of towing and handling out of the water.

I looked at many different options and spoke (time wasted) with lots of different manufacturers. There is one conclusion, every manufacturer's rib is the best. they all have racing pedigree and they all sell to the military/professional market and they all have superior hulls with mega soft rides yet built in efficiency

I have purchased a Rib X 640 with Evinrude 150 HO.... The quality of the structure and the fittings is very far ahead of the Ribeye, the boat looks awesome and it is very fast...possibly a bit too fast in acceleration. People sneer on here about Rib X and Colin the owner/importer, but TBH he probably doesn't give a t0ss as it seems he is selling plenty of these boats.

I will report back once I've done a full season in it and hope I won't be eating humble pie
I owed a Rib-X 700RSR from new as you will have read in my earlier post & i will testify that the boat was as advertised a great sea boat but that was down to how 'Falcon' designed them nothing to do with Rib-X, as far as 'MY' expirence with Rib-X & go's the boat had stuff falling off or not working & braking most of the 18 month's i had it, it even sank once due to a poor fitting bung & i had a very bad fuel leak problem under the deck that had to sorted out (perhaps i was just unlucky) but again in 'MY' expirence the way Rib-X managed to avoid or return phone calls when i had a complaint or problem was just plain poor. I own & run a successfull business in london & know that good customer service & a good sound product means that you are still around in 10/20 years time for your customers to be able to come back happy to spend more money with you (something i would never do with Rib-X or Colin again due to my treatment by them at that time) i wish you luck with you new purchace, & i hope your Rib-X expirience is better than mine was......& i dont think 'Colin probably does'nt give a tOss as he is selling plenty of boats' is a very good advert for future customers is it,as he should give a tOss about every customer old & new as that is good business, its not just about taking money what about pride in your product & customer satisfaction.
The advise others gave you about builders is good advice as the likes of 'Ribcraft' & 'Humber' i have found do 'give a tOss' about there customer base & that is why they are still there after many years, sometimes a little late on delivery but the very best is well worth the wait as many very satisfied repeat customers will testify to, as well as there product resale values second hand do.

The Titanic was built by professionals - The Ark was built by one man!
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