Hi folks,
Don't know if this is the place but I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm from Quebec (Canada) and my native language is French so please be tolerant to my writing

I sail Saint-Laurence river from the Great lake to the East coast....
I'm new to this forum but has good Rib background...
Here is a web report I did in the pass for a RIB enthusiast forum here in Quebec.
NautiPneu, promotion du bateau pneumatique et semi-rigide en Amérique du Nord.
This is my first inflatable (Quicksilver 430).
I've installed all the remote gears, reinforced the floor to fix those fishing boat seats!
Then got the real RIB... Bombard 530SB!
Made some mods too such as home made sundeck, reinforced console and some electrical goodies for fun.... Great ferniente boat but not eavy enough for rought water...
Now I own the Pro Open 550...
No mod yet but it's coming... As oppose the the bombard this boat feel really solid on water but not well enginered for ferniente. The back seat are totally useless and my next mod will be to figure out if I could remove those and replace with a full bench...
Because of the engine position the bench back will have to be fold down. Any comments ?