17 November 2008, 19:19
RIBnet admin team
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New Redbay 8.4 Expedition
As Andy Gee suggested, the Redbay open days were a great success. The WX was perfect on Sunday and after several blasts around the bay, I have to say that I was stunned by the handling and performance of the mid-size cabin ribs.
A quick nosey around the shop floor revealed an 8.4 Expedition in final fitout. She is destined to work in the Western Isles and is very hi-spec. Pictures attached show Forward infrared camera, remote deck helm position, Ullman seating etc. Someone is going to be very happy!
I don't know what her name is/will be. I simply refer to her as Envy.
17 November 2008, 19:46
RIBnet admin team
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But of course the real fun was on the water - and what a day - perfect weather. Our group wanted some helm time on the 7.4 and 8.4 Expeditions and we were not disappointed. Many thanks to the owners of Sula and Belaroce for two very illuminating blasts around the bay!
Belaroce is one of the earlier 8.4 Expeditions and is a revelation of just how good a cabin rib of this size can be. It was surprising just how well a large stable platform like this could be thrown around (sry Andrew  ). This is a boat with long legs.
Sula, at 7.4m with twin Suzi 140s is very special. I found her handling and performance not dissimilar to my 6.5 twin 90, yet she had a spacious cabin, two berths and an extensive deck space.
Interestingly, craft like this are (as Ezygoin said) in demand currently, being a flexible platform that is trailerable. Redbay have a new varient on the drawingboard that features a cabin with lower waistline and a lift off hardtop. Something to watch out for. I'd post the sneaky pic I took - but Gary said he'd drop a ballbearing in my tank if I did. And so...
17 November 2008, 21:13
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Budgie the Helicopter's sea-going cousin.
17 November 2008, 21:31
RIBnet admin team
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Originally Posted by Mollers
Budgie the Helicopter's sea-going cousin. 
I'm not sure that Tom has a Royal Warrant as yet, but I'm glad to see that you've been broadening your literary horizons Mollers
18 November 2008, 08:37
Country: UK - N Ireland
Boat name: Mach2
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Posts: 22
A few friends and myself took a trip up to redbay over the weekend as well. We had a run in the 8.4 cabin rib and thought it was a good boat but a bit on the slow side max is 34 knots. The day was calm and I believe these boats would perform better in rough conditions. After the run out in the boat we went back up to have a look round the shop floor. While there we asked a member of the redbay staff some questions about the 8.4.
We asked why the boats were not fitted with duo props and were told they are more expensive, they use more fuel and they give slower top end speed. To the best of my knowledge they are more expensive!
We asked if there was access to the fuel tanks (I was considering buying a secondhand boat) so that if something went wrong it may be possible to get cleaned etc. There is no access to the fuel tanks.
At this point I think the staff member was a bit uncomfortable.
We then asked about the engine dropping valves. We had been in Lough Erne a few weeks before speaking to the police who run an 11 m redbay, the police officer we had been speaking with said that they had had quite a few problems with the engine dropping valves being a 200 hp engine rated to 315 hp (this is not an increased hp modification by the police). The staff member said that he had never come across this issue.
We left confused.
18 November 2008, 10:19
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by mackey
We left confused.
If it helps, the picture below shows the Duoprop on "Envy" - the 8.4m
Look at the upside though, if you're not buying a Redbay, at least you won't have to go to all the trouble of coding that speedy Ribeye for "timeshare" - http://rib.net/forum/showthread.php?t=27328
18 November 2008, 12:50
Country: UK - N Ireland
Boat name: Mach2
Make: Ribeye
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yam 225F
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 22
To clarify
I was told that the 8.4 can be fitted with duo props but that they cost more, are slower and use more fuel.
Possibly 'Excalibur Ribs' then
19 November 2008, 07:47
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Inverkip
Make: Redbay 11m Cabin
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Originally Posted by mackey
We asked why the boats were not fitted with duo props and were told they are more expensive, they use more fuel and they give slower top end speed. To the best of my knowledge they are more expensive!
They are more expensive, use very slightly more fuel and drop about 1-2knots from the top end- but what you do get is amazing "driveablility"- it all really depens on whether or not you would sacrafice this for far better fun and manouvereing
We asked if there was access to the fuel tanks (I was considering buying a secondhand boat) so that if something went wrong it may be possible to get cleaned etc. There is no access to the fuel tanks.
Access to the tanks is through the sender unit
At this point I think the staff member was a bit uncomfortable.
Did he have to get on with sweeping the floor?
We then asked about the engine dropping valves. We had been in Lough Erne a few weeks before speaking to the police who run an 11 m redbay, the police officer we had been speaking with said that they had had quite a few problems with the engine dropping valves being a 200 hp engine rated to 315 hp (this is not an increased hp modification by the police). The staff member said that he had never come across this issue.
I have never heard of this problem either- know of a few minor issues but no major ones. The 315hp engine is not a 200hp uprated, it was designed as a 350hp+ unit and derated to 240hp (Me420/421/422 Sti) until Yamaha completed testing and modifications to ensure that it would be reliable at 315hp. The Yamaha165hp unit is very similar to the Yanmar 240hp 4 Cylinder, again Yamaha have de rated this unit
We left confused.
Dont blame you
Hard or Soft it's never BIG enough
19 November 2008, 08:30
Country: UK - N Ireland
Boat name: Mach2
Make: Ribeye
Length: 7m +
Engine: Yam 225F
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 22
Andy Gee
Thanks for clearing that up.
On a bit of a tangent.
Do all duo props use more fuel and give slower top end speed or is this dependent on hull shape? I believe that most Scorpions are fitted with duo props and these appear to give a faily high top end speed (I'm not comparing Scorpions with Redbay). Or is it as you say that they provide more fun!
Does the Yamaha engine block not come from a Toyota vehicle of some description landcruiser/hilux which was built to run 200hp??
While at Redbay we did get a chance to have a look at some 11m RIBS. Very nice bit of kit.
19 November 2008, 20:53
exspyrd trayd membir
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Originally Posted by willk
I'm glad to see that you've been broadening your literary horizons
luvverly jubberly
willik slipt de stiletoe smoovly unnder de ribbs an wiv de meerest int ov a rist flik, de victimm woz guttid lyke a fkin fissh
ifn itt woz mee i wud a rapt a shawt rowpe rownd iz nek az wel an pusht im orf a balcuny sow iz gizzerds endid upp onn de futpath jus lyke inn dat annibal filum
i woz imprest wiv dat. sow imprest i ad itt addid too de iso 9001 manyewal forr mi dett collectin bizniss
luk arfter numbir wan, downt stepp inn numbir too
19 November 2008, 21:56
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
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Originally Posted by The Garfish
luvverly jubberly
Alas garFie, we must disappoint. Mollers and I are merely engaging in gentle adversarial banter - marking each others card, so to speak. I wouldn't read too much into it...
...she does have the tiniest, slightest (almost missable) hint of Budgie
28 November 2008, 15:30
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Isle of Gigha
Boat name: Thalassa
Make: Redbay Boats
Length: 8m +
Engine: Inboard diesel, 315
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 2
Regarding Envy
The new 8.4m Redbay Expedition RIB noted by Willk which he called Envy is the new boat for Gigha Sea Tours, based (of course) on the Isle of Gigha. Her proper name is Thalassa, and if anyone wishes to go for a ride in her, then come along to Gigha (3 hours from Glasgow, or just over an hour by boat from Redbay). I'm picking her up tomorrow (I hope!), will be interesting to see how it all works together, the Ullman seats, the Skydex floor in the cabin, the reverse-image camera to keep an eye on those seated aft... They took her out on the water the other day, and with a full 315 litres of diesel in the extra-large tank, and 4 men on board she reached 36 knots, and that was without letting the engine open up fully, as it needs to be broken in. Went for the Ullman seats as I have lower back troubles anyway, and I wanted this boat to explore what is out there for shock-mitigation. The Skydex is primarily for that, but also makes the cabin both warmer and quieter, so some bonuses for the expenditure... Am posting here a few pics that Redbay have sent on to me.
28 November 2008, 19:49
Country: UK - N Ireland
Make: Ribtec
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Posts: 23
Very nice,had a look at her last weekend and see does look well.
29 November 2008, 19:22
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Isle of Gigha
Boat name: Thalassa
Make: Redbay Boats
Length: 8m +
Engine: Inboard diesel, 315
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 2
Thalassa Envy?
Picked up Thalassa (aka Envy) from Redbay just after midday today. Great journey from Campbeltown in an open 7.4 m Redbay rib, missing the rain but seeing magnificent skies. A brief intro and spin with Gary, and then the 2 of us from Gigha headed north. We're still in the breaking-in period for the engines, but after a while we allowed a few seconds of higher revs, briefly touching 38 knots. Seems likely that she'll top out at 40 knots when we can open the engine up fully. Very interesting the contrast in riding the 7.4m rib with standard pod seats on the way to Redbay, and then to ride the Ullman seats in Thalassa. A moderately lumpy day, and while the 7.4m allowed you to feel each wave pretty fully, the Ullman seats made the Thalassa feel (in terms of ride/comfort) as though she were a boat 2 to 3 times the weight that she is. Felt like I could ride in the Thalassa all day without tiring. The Skydex flooring seemed to do the job it is meant to do (shock mitigation), and did it admirably. It is firm enough that you are not aware of any give as you walk on it, but the floor felt firm and distinctly lacking in the usual vibrations.
The rear bench for 4 outside seems to work very very well. Even today, with the Paps of Jura covered in snow (and a dusting of the same on the Mull of Kintyre), it was great to sit there. Also the Garmin 5012 gps plotter is a delight. I've been told this is probably the first boat in the UK to be fitted with the 5012, as it gained EC certification just the day before we ordered it. The folks at Ullman say that this is the first boat to have their seats in a cabin also fitted with the Skydex flooring. Thalassa is the first Redbay 8.4m to have the Yamaha M432HO engine; and it is also the first boat in Scotland to have the Ullman seats. All in all a number of aspects making Thalassa a rather interesting boat! But at the end of the day, is she a good ride? Absolutely!
29 November 2008, 19:27
RIBnet admin team
Country: Ireland
Length: 4m +
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Posts: 14,935
Originally Posted by Gigha
But at the end of the day, is she a good ride? Absolutely!
At the end of the day - that's what counts
We were also struck by the difference between the 7.4 and the 8.4, the 7.4 felt like a rib, the 8.4 feels like a much more substantial boat on the water, no banging or slamming.
Best of Irish Luck with her over the water
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