Originally Posted by ppenman
It'll be interesting to hear your thoughts when you've been using it for a couple of months.
I have been holding off with updates so I can put some real mileage test down.
Basically the boat is heavier than the 785 ( built like a tank in comparrison). I have the Yam 300 which has a top speed about 45knts. It picks up well and a report is being done on engine an fuel for one of the mags so will need to wait for their report.
I now have some 60hrs on the clock in all conditions varying from Round The Island sun and smooth, Solent chop and yesterday gales doing transfers from mainland to Isle of Wight Festival. Yesterday saw the boat tested very well, carrying 6-10 persons on each run with all their rucksacks etc. The wind over bramble was force 6 gusting to force 8 with seas up , started with wind with tide and ended up wind over tide.
Handling was outstanding, never once did the bow drop onto an oncoming wave, was wet when travelling cross waves and wind for everyone but the final was a Portsmouth pick up- ran single helm down to there from cowes at 25knts wind behind and stayed dry and also the boat just pushed water aside. I expected the run back to be wet but picked a course from Gillkicker to Osbourne direct into wind, 22- 25knots loaded and the same, no drama solid pushing over each wave, heights varied from 3- 6 foot. Total mileage yesterday in these conditions was 80.
If any conditions were going to find a flaw yesterday was the one. It handles completely differently to 785 and copes with waves with ease rather than dropping the bow into an oncoming this did not. I have attached a few images which may show some of the conditions.( not that clear)
Other feedback from other users and boat operators has been good also. Big solid boat and now very please with yesterdays test