new rib at work (redbay)
Hi All,
i'm now the proud driver of our companies new post/freight Rib which is quite a job for a rib owner.
Its a redbay stormforce 8.4 with a forward wheelhouse centre driving position with two wing seats in the corners.
Powered by twin F115 counter rotating "yams" which on flat water gives me 35 knots just(34.8).
Its under the workboat code to carry 1 tonne cargo in ample deck space.
Its primary use is for the postal service here between the islands but also as a back up for the inter island launch.
Complete with the raymarine c80 which is an absolutely fantastic piece of kit.
today saw F8 gusting 9 and all i can say is its an awesome sea boat.
Managing 15-18 knots into open water conditions upwind and 25+ down/cross weather.
We've a few little things to put right but nothing serious just tinkering really.
My only critisism of it is as the wheelhouse is right in the bows allowing for the deck space its not the most good looking boat i've seen. But its certainly a tool for the job.
So next summer when any of you are on a cruise over to Scilly look out for me/the boat I'm either in this( swift lady) or my own yellow delta dash.
Redbay top boats.