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Old 16 March 2005, 22:59   #81
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In this particular case, the design was bought a couple of years ago from Phantom boats (who closed due in part to this kind of thing) by two guys who've continued building the boats, they invested in the design in a similar way that Steve did in the begining, now they're trying to get their investment back, whilst 'other' people are benifiting without such honesty, in some particularly offensive cases they even bragg about it, can you believe that?
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Old 16 March 2005, 22:59   #82
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Anyone with any business sense would have approached the owner of the rights to the hull and done a deal, thereby being able to use the marketing potential of the designers name. It could have been a win/win situation.
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Old 16 March 2005, 23:02   #83
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Mat jus simplified wot i was tryin 2 say!
I like fast...Its my favourite!

Checkout the ever friendly
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Old 16 March 2005, 23:03   #84
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Originally Posted by Jonny Fuller
It is a splash of a Phantom 18

****** .

my rib would never fit in a phantom mould and a phantom would never fit in mine.
for a start they are completely different sizes. and that's just the tip of the ice berg.

buy one and you can test it for yourself, I'll even do you a discount as you are a friendly kind of guy

< Edit. Abuse deleted. JK >
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Old 16 March 2005, 23:06   #85
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just coz you've stuck a foot in the length and a flange round it doesn't change a thing!

And like I'd give you or any other copywrite thief a single penny of my money!...yeah right
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Old 16 March 2005, 23:10   #86
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and if you buy one, i will personaly deliver it. we can even try and fit it in a phantom 18 mould, in front of who ever whats to be there and when you see that ****** aint fitting i'll wipe the smug look of you ****** ****

< Edit. Abuse deleted. JK >
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Old 16 March 2005, 23:13   #87
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So you're happy for me to come along with my moulding from the fwd section of a P18 and try it on your rib?
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Old 16 March 2005, 23:20   #88
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You seem to be on the attack here which either means you have "splashed" as JF says or you are enjoying a big wind-up.

Can you not be bothered to post some pictures of the plug during its build to shut JF up.

To me its a "open and shut case", either you did or didn't, and the more you use expletives in your messages the more likely people who read this thread will consider you as a splasher.

As you continue to reply it appears you are still interested in this subject so why not let JF take whatever measurements with his "back, sack and crack" wax and shut him up.


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Old 16 March 2005, 23:30   #89
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Originally Posted by Jonny Fuller
So you're happy for me to come along with my moulding from the fwd section of a P18 and try it on your rib?
you buy you try.

i'll be happy for you to even try just the front, if that is all you think i have stolen?

i'll even sell you the rib with no front bow eye so you can TRY!!!!!!!!!!! and fit it in your mould.

< Edit. Abuse deleted. JK >
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Old 16 March 2005, 23:56   #90
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you know as well as i, the phantom 18 has given me a lot of insperation. but my rib is NOT a splash. it is diferant in many ways.

i agree with you steve baker was excellent at designing/building boats, and i wish he was still producing top class boats 2day as the boating industry would have evolved so much quicker..
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Old 16 March 2005, 23:58   #91
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Originally Posted by LeewayComposite
i agree with you steve baker was excellent at designing/building boats, and i wish he was still producing top class boats 2day as the boating industry would have evolved so much quicker..
well at least we agree there then.

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Old 17 March 2005, 09:54   #92
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Before Jono pops up and asks, yes I have deleted some posts. I have also moderated some.

Leeway, I won't tolerate abusive posting. The suggestion that this design is not your original work clearly makes you angry, but you're not doing yourself any favours.

I think that both sides have made their points, and readers will no doubt draw their own conclusions.

If anyone has anything to add to this discussion, please keep it polite.

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Old 17 March 2005, 10:03   #93
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Don't get me started!

Originally Posted by Jonny Fuller
when you get your £400 car hi-fi stolen, does it give you a warm feeling knowing the scumbag can now afford some fags and a big mac with the 20 quid he got for your stereo?
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Old 17 March 2005, 10:04   #94
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Hi All

Sorry getting lost with this thread! Leewaycomposites if you plugged this from new, who designed your hull again?

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Old 17 March 2005, 10:07   #95
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George, I asked this question on the original thread before it got chopped. Leeway's answer is given in post number 3:
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Old 17 March 2005, 10:16   #96
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Thanks, told you I was getting lost! I must say that Leeway must have a natural talent for Hydrodynamics if that’s his first go!

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Old 17 March 2005, 11:21   #97
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I now see that JF is not giving up and now on RibNet is giving Leeway a hard time . There was a similar discussion only a few days ago on and our new member Bill Gates gave JF a run for his money
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Old 17 March 2005, 12:08   #98
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Originally Posted by Adam Younger
This really sums up why the whole case of splashing is so offensive to Designers.

I work as a designer, mainly on planing hulls and yes every spray rail - every feature, every dimension is thought about and is there for a reason.

Someone who has splashed a hull has not gone through that process or is not capable of going through that process so can hardly start to call such a craft their own design.

Extracts of this email has been emailed to me, including the above, as a joke but I feel I must comment and have asked for it to be shown on this forum.

I do find your particular approach and that of your fellow contributors here extremely hypocritical to say the least.

Adam you do take a very high and mighty approach to the subject of design and in particular design infringement. Look at your current "race" Rhib design for example. Are you really trying to suggest that you where the first to use “steps” in the hull? Or the remarkable similarities to Revenger? - which you have had an involvement with - to name but two so called innovative design features. You have copied many established principles which where first designed and created by others. All you have done is basically copied someone else’s ideas, modified them slightly under the guise of your design concepts and called it your own.

In industry as a whole, intellectual copyright is a very grey area and hard to enforce. Our industry is no exception and perhaps worse. There have been one or two court cases concerning design/pattern/ copyright infringement some won some lost. Litigation costs and thus usually not pursued.

Producing a direct copy with a view to modifying it, and taking someone else’s ideas to copy and modify is splitting hairs.

I fully expect you; your navigator Matt (madmatt) and the other know has-beens , Jon (Fuller) & Tony (Dirk) to lambaste and ridicule this email to justify your position and for their own usual amusement as my colleague informs me. He also pointed out that the proprietor of this WEB site began this “discussion” and without doubt was in collusion from the start.

I am also informed and believe true, that the young chap they and you chose to ridiculing here build your rib also. A very unusual business stance to take I feel!

I am indeed saddened to see you dragged down to their level as you have had an excellent reputation in out industry prior to this.

But remember.

People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.

On a finishing note, I bet you have not paid any royalties to the innovators you have chosen to copy and modify

I will be forwarding a more detailed copy of this letter to our trade bodies and journals
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Old 17 March 2005, 12:29   #99
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Originally Posted by rina member
I will be forwarding a more detailed copy of this letter to our trade bodies and journals
Just out of idle curiousity will you be doing this under the cloak of anonimity that you are using here to cast aspersions on people or actually revealing your secret identity?

I could care less about this saga but at least Leeway, Jon F, Adam, Tony Davis and Matt and Andre don't feel the need to post under a pseudonym to hide their identity. Kind of devalues your comments don't you think?
Out of the fog......
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Old 17 March 2005, 12:31   #100
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So who is "Rina Member"? Would somebody care to enlighten me? Rina?
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