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Old 27 July 2004, 17:49   #1
Country: UK - England
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New RIbster!

Hello all,

I have just acquired a used rib, so I hope you guys dont mind if I ask a load of seamingly daft questions to get me going!

I recieved a used Narwhal 450R for my birthday which appears to be in good condition now I've spent ages cleaning it. (I read some previous threads regarding cleaning and tried both toluene and RIBshine. RIBshine worked well, but smells and works just like AutoGlym Engine & machine cleaner available at Halfords etc for half the price!)

The boat came without an engine so I am trying to choose a suitable engine for it. The boat can take 60hp max but recomends 40hp. I intend to use it mainly in the sea so can anyone advise which would be best, A 40hp main and spare 4hp or two 20hp's? I cant find any weight specifications for engines online so dont know what weight penalty would be associated with two 20hp's. The transom mount is for a single engine but is there more to modifying this than cutting out a new piece of marine ply and bolting it to the transom in the same manner as the exisiting mount?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.
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Old 27 July 2004, 18:09   #2
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have a look at bilge rats avon on

he is using 303 and you can get some free

i don,t see why you would need a spare engine on that size rib just spend more on the main unit the newer the better less to go wrong. i have a valiant v450 i have a new mariner 40 hp 2 stroke which will go up to 28 knots british
weather permitting i went for the recomended 40 hp not 60hp for cost
all so 2 stroke over the four stroke hp is not the same in top speed due to the weight added to the boat. i would scrap the two 20 hp idear

but what do i know

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Old 27 July 2004, 18:24   #3
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Not sure if you would have the beam to accomadate a twin engine setup. I would agree with Daniel and spend more money on a descent main engine.
Brixham BSAC
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Old 28 July 2004, 00:18   #4
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I'm with these guys also. Yamaha, Mercury/Mariner and Tohatsu are all good lumps, given the choice I'd take a Yamahs 50 over almost any other engine, but the Tohatsu are decent and well priced engines.

Try TFR on your tubes....what is the active elements of the Autoglym cleaner. Also the 303 offer shouldn't be overlooked.

Do you know what safety stuff you will need? Make sure you get an RNLI sea safety check before you hit the water. Oh yeah hope ribbing is as much fun for you as it was and still is for me

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Old 28 July 2004, 08:08   #5
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Agree with everything so far and would also add you may have trouble mounting an auxillary engine on your transom, i've been looking at one for my boat and cant see there's enough space on the transom to mount it, also remember the weight too, it might not seem to heavy but once your loaded up it will effect the all too crucial top end speed and take off.

Buy one engine as new as you can afford and treat is as though your life depends on it !!

PS the 303 does work, i'll vouch for it !!
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Old 28 July 2004, 17:35   #6
Country: UK - England
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Thanks guys,

I'll look for a decent 40/50, I understand the yamaha 40/50s are 3 cylinder are any of the other 40/50hp 2 strokes like marina, suzuki etc 3 cylinder?

I've bought some safety equipment but I'll look at the RNLI website for further guidance.

Do I need to register my boat in the UK, and if not is it OK to use it in the Med when I take it on holiday, since the french have to register their boats and be licenced if its over 9.9hp? (I have an RYA level 2)

Can anyone recomend a decent insurance company for RIBs?

Boats nice and clean now, not sure what active ingredient of Auto Glym is but I'll look it up and let you know. They do a great Vinyl & rubber care coating to protect the tubes when cleaned too!
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Old 28 July 2004, 18:47   #7
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Try and get an ex RNLI 40hp engine. I've got one - you'll save loads, should get a warranty, and they are in tip top condition.

As got registering, if you go abroad you will need to be registered on the Small Ships Register. I'm sure someone will post the web address where you can register....

You will also need an International Certificate of Competence (ICC). If you’ve got RYA-PB2 then you simply need to ask them for a certificate, which I believe costs £17 (or free if you are a member of the RYA).

I use for insurance. It's really easy, cheapish (around £200 for my £7k boat). You also need this if you want to go abroad.

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Old 28 July 2004, 19:04   #8
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Small Ships Register

I registered our new RIB today (should be getting it next week!!) on the SSR - go through the MCA website ( and follow the links for 'flagging-in' or something like that. Takes 5 minutes, costs £12, lasts 5 years, and I think it means you can fly the 'red' ensign and can go abroad, etc.

Having said that, they didn't actually tell me what my SSR number is...... I'll have to ring them tomorrow...

Oh - and while I'm here - do you need to register a handheld VHF on your ships radio licence? I don't have one yet (but will have), so will they charge me for changing it later (i.e. do I buy one this weekend and get my ships licence on monday!!)?

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Old 28 July 2004, 19:10   #9
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A h/h VHF does have to be registered.

Is that a fact; that you can't fly a British ensign if your not registered?
If it is, I am in trouble; I have an ensign on my boat and I'm not registered!
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Old 28 July 2004, 19:13   #10
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Tim, I realise that - but I've got a fixed VHF on the RIB, so do I need to register the h/h as well (on the same licence)? If so, I'll wait until I've got one.........

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Old 28 July 2004, 19:20   #11
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Whilst I have no experiance in this area, I would say that you can register a h/h on a seperate licence; they threat it like that so you can use it on more than one boat. You should therefore get a seperate "T" number (rather than a call sign) for your handheld.

However, these are just my un-educated rablings and are probably wrong...
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Old 28 July 2004, 19:28   #12
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Originally Posted by Craig H
Thanks guys,

I'll look for a decent 40/50, I understand the yamaha 40/50s are 3 cylinder are any of the other 40/50hp 2 strokes like marina, suzuki etc 3 cylinder?
Craig, my Suzuki 40HP is a twin cylinder, single carb and is a bit rough on tick over but soon smooths out. The Suzuki 55HP is a 3 cylinder and they also made some 3 cylinder 25 HP's.
With regard to Mariners they have made several differrent verions of the 40 including a four cyliner 'classic?'. However, most of their 40's are twin cylinder, twin carb. When you move up to 50HP I think they are all 3 or four cylinders depending on the age of the engine.
I totally agree with Timofengland about 40HP ex-RNLI engines -these will be welll maintained. Some of the earlier Mariner 40's were built by Yamaha and rebadged, these are bombproof and one of the most reliable engines you can get (IMHO).I believe the Yamaha/ Mariner engines were called marathons.

Anybody, please correct me if I am wrong!
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Old 28 July 2004, 19:29   #13
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Originally Posted by DGR
Tim, I realise that - but I've got a fixed VHF on the RIB, so do I need to register the h/h as well (on the same licence)? If so, I'll wait until I've got one.........

Hi Dylan,

AS a VHF examiner I can answer your question. Yes you do have to register the HH, there are 2 ways to do this:
1. Resister it on the "Ships" licence Nil extra cost.
2. Register it on its own, and get the "T" number £15.00 p.a, advantage is that you may then use the HH on any other boat regardless of wether or not that veesel has a licence.

Trust this helps.

Brian C
APS Marine Centre
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Old 28 July 2004, 19:47   #14
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Don't rule out looking at a new Evinrude E-tec, granted a new engine will be expensive but there is no scheduled dealer servicing/maintenance with them for the first 3 yrs as they are so over-engineered You won't even have to change the oil/oil filter or gearcase lube. Also there is no run in so you can run it flat out straight out of the box. They do a 40, 50 and 60 hp versions.

By the way they are direct-injection 2 strokes (same as Optimax/HPDI/Ficht technology) Well worth a look anyway.
Steve G
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Old 28 July 2004, 20:02   #15
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VHF h/h...

Thanks Brian, that's exactly what I wanted to know!!

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Old 28 July 2004, 20:09   #16
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Sorry Craig,
I got the impression that you were after an older engine but if you wanted to go for a new one I have to agree with SWGINN the 'rude E-TECs are the way to go. If you are after an 'optimax' type direct-fuel injected outboard the optimax's don't go this small yet so I think a 40 E-TEC is the answer. I have some experience of a 90 E-TEC and its very quiet and compact, they also look cool to

Good luck
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Old 29 July 2004, 21:41   #17
Country: UK - England
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Thanks for all the advice guys, I saw a used RNLI 40hp on a web site the other day so I'll chase that one up!

Can anyone give me an indication of how much fuel a 40hp 2 stroke burns per hour so I can pick the right size fuel tank?

Thanks again

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Old 29 July 2004, 22:36   #18
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They say two miles to the litre. My 2 cylinder Mariner 40hp 2 stroke probably does slightly less than that, but then I don't usually count!

I originally went for a 22l tank. This is too small, and really restricts your range. I've stuck my old 15l tank in as a temporary solution, which also gives me a bit of extra piece of mind knowing that I can get home safely!

I plan to upgrade to a fixed 40l tank from The Boson’s mate sometime this summer. This would be my advice: either go for a 40l or two 22l tanks (plastic not metal).
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Old 30 July 2004, 07:31   #19
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Originally Posted by Craig H
Thanks for all the advice guys, I saw a used RNLI 40hp on a web site the other day so I'll chase that one up!

Can anyone give me an indication of how much fuel a 40hp 2 stroke burns per hour so I can pick the right size fuel tank?

Thanks again


i get 65 miles from my 25L tank with a new 40hp Mariner or i can get about five hours pottring about i found i was running very low on days out so i added a new 25l next to the old one work very well just change the hose over
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Old 30 July 2004, 08:43   #20
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i get 65 miles from my 25L tank
Maybe I'm going further than I think....
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