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Old 06 June 2014, 17:03   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Seil Island
Boat name: Ron Mor
Make: Delta
Length: 5m +
MMSI: 235116643
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 92
New scam!? Old Scam!?

Hi all,

Sure this is not new but worth raising it.

Looking for a rib to buy on boats and outboards... 2 very nice ribs for a knock down price so ask or more details...

Get 2 emails, both from recently widowed women who need the money from the quick sale of the ribs to pay for their large mortgages. Both have had dodgy guys trying to buy with fake notes so they want to use ebay buy it now.

Both used to live in the south of England but both now have moved to rural Scotland. But they'll deliver the boats free of charge if the sale is completed soon.

Obviously, if you click buy it now you'll never see your money or your new Rib! Unless of course Cowes has had a spate of ribbers dying and leaving their Scottish wives with big mortgages to pay!?!?

Being from up that way, I've contacted Police Scotland and they put me in touch with their cyber dept to try and set up a sting, but until they don't deliver the rib there is technically no crime!

Anyone else hard of this one?

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Old 06 June 2014, 17:22   #2
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You make the mistake of assuming there's a grain of truth anywhere in the messages. They're more likely in Nigeria.
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Old 06 June 2014, 18:16   #3
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Seil Island
Boat name: Ron Mor
Make: Delta
Length: 5m +
MMSI: 235116643
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 92
Your right. I've been playing along and their geography, the phrases they use (poor English and copied in each) all lead to a scam factory somewhere.

Police got back to me, with a number to call to report it. 3rd passing of the buck so far!

Think i'll jut report the ads to the websites as fakes and get them pulled in case some numpty clicks on it!

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Old 09 June 2014, 08:45   #4
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I had that too - and I couldn't call them because their recently departed husband hadn't paid the phone bill so they'd been cut off! Yeah right!

If you report the ad to B&O (or whichever site the scam is used on) they'll remove it. Most websites were good as gold when we told them. It's unfortunately one of those things, and you just have to make sure you see the boat and "get a good feeling" about the seller when you buy it.
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Old 09 June 2014, 10:08   #5
Country: UK - England
Town: Leeds
Boat name: Searider SR4
Make: Avon
Length: 4m +
Engine: 55HP
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Posts: 108
Had this when i was looking, 2 out of 4 boats i asked about.... Same story exactly.

Mentioned transferring paperwork etc paypal will refund if not happy.
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