Originally Posted by Nos4r2
I'd be tempted to change the engine for something with power trim as it totally transforms an SR4. Yam 3 cylinder or Merc 3 cylinder (post clamshell) 2 strokes would be my favourite option.
Welcome to the nuthouse 
Oi! there's nothing wrong with those Clamshells...... until they self destruct!

(To be fair the early ones had a habit of failing, but the later ones were modified to solve the problems, as mine has now been.....

I had a Yam 55 on mine before it corroded to death. They are pretty bulletproof, but first thing to check when you get it - are all the short wires that connect all the various big lumps still connected? Mine was a fab machine until the thermostat died and I discovered that the powerhead had turned to shortbread with corrosion (the earth wire between head & leg had snapped, so no connection to the anodes and bye bye powerhead

). There's not a lot to go wrong with them, oodles of torque, and my only real complaint was the noise they make is quite harsh...... but you might like that!
If you want to PT it, you have 2 options. I think I know someone with enough spares to get a system up & running. You basically need the powered rams, a pump unit (same as used on the mercruiser sterndrives) and some hydraulic hoses. I had planned to fit my pump unit under the seat & run long "homemade" hoses alongside the power & fuel to the engine on grounds it would be a bit neater than a box of gubbins on the transom. You also need a switch on the clamp so it doesn't lift the swivel bracket clear of the clamps at speed (you end up breaking the clamps and / or swivel if that happens)
Second option is to convert it to one of the rare "inside ram" type machines, in which case any 3- ram PT from about 50- 90 Hp (2- stroke) should fit. I can't now remember if the leg is carryover between the inside & outside ram versions, but I have the feeling it is. (I have a clamp / swivel spare from Nos buying the PT I was going to fit to mine before it died, so all you need to find is a 3 ram PT unit!)
Twatsoo 2- stroke 50 would be another engine I'd put on the list.